Religious Education Outreach 
Every weekend our Nursery opens early for parents to attend our  Sunday Morning Spiritual Practice . Spirit Play (Kinder - 2nd) and True Reflections (3rd - 5th) will both gather in Room 7/8 this Sunday to listen to the story, Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch. The Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) will gather in Room 12. Some high school youth are away at the YRUUP Conference in Santa Rosa. We wish them a fun weekend! Our Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) meets again on Sunday, February 28. Read the most recent updates from JHYG here. This Sunday church mom and soprano Michelle Dunnaway sings a solo with our choir. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Events:

Roger's YMCA Party - rescheduled! 
Rev Roger's party the YMCA gymnasium for kids and youth from UUSS has been rescheduled to Sunday April 9 at 3:30 p.m. There is still space for more friends to join. If you would like to sign up please visit the RE Welcome Table this weekend. Kids and youth are welcome to the fun and games and adults are welcome to provide refreshments. Let Miranda know if you have any questions or help out. 

Saturday River Parkway UUSS Cleanup Day - tomorrow!

Saturday, February 13, we'll take a purposeful walk to pick up trash on the UU mile of the American River Parkway. We'll meet between 8:45-9:00 a.m. in the parking lot at the west end of Northrop Avenue, next to the levee, near Panera off Howe Avenue. If this will be your first time to assist, I'll get your contact info and brief you on our cleanup activity. We'll clean up trash from the Parkway until 10:30 and then rejoin at the foot of the levee stairway for a quick photo of our crew and the results of our work. Coffee and conversation afterwards at Panera can add to the fun!  Dave Dawson  with any questions.

Pancake Breakfast!

Please plan to eat at the Kids' Freedom Club Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 6 at UUSS. We are looking forward to it! The last pancakes were served at our host church as we were remodeling so this breakfast will certainly be memorable as our first here in our new special space. 

Games Night for all ages! 
Games Night is back on the calendar! This all ages social event will be held on the third Friday of each month from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Fahs Classroom. All families are welcome and encouraged to come. For safety's sake, parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children. We are kicking off on Friday, February 19. This month's featured game is Majority Rules! Potluck theme is Finger Foods.  Bring your favorite party games to add to the fun!
Email  Sarah Turner for more information.
Upcoming Discussion on Gender
I hope that all Religious Education volunteers will plan to attend the discussion about gender and gender identity. We have tentatively planned for this event to be on Sunday, April 10 in the Fahs Room. UUSS continues to strive in serving in our ministry and to be as inclusive as possible. Please let RE Coordinator Miranda or Rev Roger know if you have any questions. 
Coffee Volunteers
If you love to drink coffee after church on Sunday help make that happen! Take a look around and learn if participating in coffee service is for you. Your commitment can be as much as four hours once a month, or an hour of helping out after the service. Please contact Linda Hoganson if you would like to help out! P.S. Linda will be having hip replacement surgery February 24, so we do need people to step up. We send our love and well wishes to Linda during this time. Thanks so much.
Need Volunteers to Grow Plants for Community Garden
Each year RE kids plant tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers and zucchini in plots set aside for our Summer Produce Stand on the patio. If you are interested in growing any of these plants and donating them to the UUrth Song Garden, let us know. Plan to attend the Garden meeting on Sunday, February 21 at 11:45. Applications can be submitted then for garden plots. Thanks!
February's all ages service 2/21 Fire and Blessing 

Imbolc ("first milk") is the Celtic holiday that falls between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. In ancient days people would clean their houses in early February to prepare for the coming of Spring. At this service we prepare for spring by cleaning our spiritual houses and letting go of worries or emotions that have stayed with us over the winter. We will each receive a blessing for going forward into new growth. There will be singing, stories, fun, glitter and FIRE!  Don't miss it. The choir sings and Ina's piano prelude will be The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) by John Williams. Come join us on 2/21! 
Religious Education  always welcomes new volunteers and people with energetic thoughts and ideas about our program. If you have been thinking about your desire to help, let me know! I am always here to assist with questions and ideas. 
The next big day to plan for is Easter Sunday. We are currently recruiting volunteers to help make this a special day at UUSS for all. I'd love to hear from you!
Thank you for everything!    Miranda Massa | UUSS | 916-483-9283 | [email protected] |