Week 6, Winter 2016
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Winter hours Mon-Thurs: 8am-7pm. Fri: 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | |
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"I worry because of our tendency to be a reactive movement with our issues and concerns defined by someone else against whom we mobilize and fight... We must change this paradigm if our queer movement is to remain a relevant, viable, and dynamic movement." ~Julie R. Enszer

Program Spotlight

Volunteer Training 
Friday, Feb. 12th, 2016 | 11:00am-12:30pm

Want to be active in the community? Want to learn some new skills that will serve you in your working life? Even if you haven't been able to come to our earlier volunteer trainings, we have a special new training just for you! Come learn about how volunteering here works, and begin the experience! Volunteers are so important to the smooth running of the center. 
Upcoming Events at the Center

Feb. 11th, 2016 | 4-6pm
LGBT Resource Center Conference Room

The Financial Aid Office is partnering with Campus Community Centers to help students with the FAFSA! You can come right here to the LGBT Resource Center to talk to Financial Aid Officers, so they can answer your questions to ensure you have the necessary aid next year! Free pizza will be provided.  

QTPOC Wellness Wednesdays
12-1pm | LGBT Resource Center
Join us to be in community; Each week we have a different activity! These activities are specifically designed for queer and trans people of color. but welcome to everyone. They range from self-care projects to group discussions about important subjects.

Friday Funday 
2pm | LGBT Resource Center

Friday Fundays are happening every week this quarter! The activities vary by week, and it's sure to be a fun and totally relaxing way to spend the end of a week of midterms. There will also be snacks and tea and awesome people, so come check it out! 
Food for Thought
Mondays | 1pm | LGBTRC

UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center is excited to continue its ongoing series of weekly conversations regarding important topics in our community.  "Food For Thought" creates space for our community to explore dialogue, deepen understanding and engage with current issues.  Free snacks, too! 
LGBT RC Open for Submissions!

Interested in displaying your art at the LGBT Resource Center?  We're open to any medium, from paintings, doodles, prints, poetry, stories, zines, comics, film, animation, music, to 3-D art pieces. Be sure to keep the values of our space in mind when submitting your art work: Family, Community, Respect, and Social Justice.  

Contact Art and Activism Intern Fri Garcia at

Keep in mind displaying some of these may require creativity; discuss with Fri to figure out how to best display it.
Staff Spotlight

Johnny Hayes, Preuss Intern 

Meet Johnny; he's the newest member of our resource center team, a senior at Preuss high school who comes over three times a week. 

Johnny's a powerhouse: in addition to full-time school and his internship here, he's part of an urban squash team, he's the president of his GSA, he does Model United Nations, and he's part of the National Honor Society. He also livestreams games on Twitch, and has a small following. As if that wasn't enough, he's a theater kid, and is currently rehearsing for Xanadu, where he'll be starring as Sunny Malone. 

"I enjoy working," he says "I love the feeling of getting things done." He'll be heading off to Wesleyan College in the fall, where he plans to double-major in Theater and Computer Science, an ambitious goal designed to leave the future open.  

Johnny is also a friendly and sweet person and a cool person to talk to. He's excited to be working here in his own community. Come say hello if you see him!
Campus Community Center Events

Hispanic Association of College and Universities (HACU) Info Session and Application Jam
Feb. 3rd, 2016 | 6-7pm          Feb. 5th, 2016 | 12-2pm
Feb. 10th, 2016 | 5-6pm        Feb. 12th, 2016 | 12-2pm
Raza Resource Centro

The National Internship Program is a renowned internship program that allows students to intern in coporate offices and federal aganecies. All positions are paid. At the info sessions, students will gain information about the benefits and details of participating in the program. Students are encouraged to bring laptops, because it will be helpful for individual questions. 

UCPD @ the BRC
Feb. 11th, 2016 | 3-4pm
Black Resource Center

Come to this opportunity for conversation with the UCSD Police Department.

Free pizza will also be provided.

F-Word Film Screening
Feb. 18th, 2016 | 5-7pm
Women's Center

Join us for a screening of Girlhood, a film that follows a young Black woman in Paris navigating growing up, sexism, and independence. There will be a conversation following the film screening, and free food will be provided.

Meet the NPHC Greeks
Feb. 22nd, 2016 | 6:30pm
PC Theater

Join the BRC at the second annual Meet the NPHC Greeks event. This is a chance for students to get acquainted and interact with the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), a collaborative organization of the nine historically African American, international, Greek lettered fraternities and sororities.  Get all your questions answered, and connect with the Divine Nine!  This is a free event for all students, we hope to see you there!

Race, Privilege, and Immigration in the U.S. 
Feb. 25th, 2016 | 5-7pm
Price Center East Ballroom

Jose Antonio Vargas is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and filmmaker, the founder of Define American, a non-profit organization that seeks to elevate the conversation around immigration and citizenship in America. He is the founder and editor of  #EmergingUS, a digital magazine focusing on race, immigration, and identity in a multicultural America. In 2015, MTV aired White People, a television special he produced and directed on what it means to be young and white in contemporary America.
Other Events and Resources... 

LGBT Scholarships on TritonLink
Deadline: Feb. 16th, 2016

A variety of LGBT scholarships are available online, one year awards up to $1,000. These awards are available to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. They include the Christopher B. Arrott Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Scholarship (active service and involvement in gay and lesbian community ), Marx & Marshall Gay and Lesbian Scholarship  (significant contribution to gay and lesbian community), Russ Ty Gay and Lesbian Scholarship (academic merit and financial need), UCSD LGBT Resource Center Scholarship (significant experience with issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity), Tracee Parsons Scholarship for UCSD LGBT Students in Math & Science(demonstrated commitment to the fields of math and/or science), and Stephen P. L'Italien, Jr. Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship (community mentorship/leadership/service, recent or future study abroad participation).

"I am a Black Professional" Panel
Feb. 10th, 2016 | 6pm
Career Services Center Patio

Don't miss this great opportunity to hear about how successful black individuals navigated the professional word after college. They'll answer questions about the real issues you'll face after graduation, and how to conquer them. You can gain the benefit of their experience and perspective. This program will have a panel of six people, is hosted by Desiree Johnson and Nolan Krueger, and is presented by the Career Services Center and Career Peer Educators. 
SDSU Spring Queertillion
Feb. 11th, 2016 | 8-11pm
Aztec Student Union's Montezuma Hall

Welcome to SDSU's Pride Center's 2nd annual Spring Queertillion! The theme this year is "Once Upon a Spring Queertillion," set in a fairy tale land full of wonder and magic. The dance is 18+, with a valid college or university ID, but highly inclusive. There will be a resource fair with SDSU orgs, amd also drag and dance performances! There will be water to drink, because hydration is important, and gender-neutral restrooms will be available.  Note: if you are a non-SDSU student, the nearest parking lot is $2/hour. 

More event info here

Men's Relationship Forum
Mondays | 2:30-4:00PM | Women's Center 

Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus.
The purpose of this forum is to empower gay men and provide a sense of community and support in their pursuit of establishing and maintaining long-term, stable gay relationships, especially in a heterosexist society that still largely frowns upon male/male partnerships and intimacy.
This forum addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more.
We meet during Weeks 2-10 in the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters on Mondays, 2:30-4:00pm, in the Women's Center Small Group Room.

For more information please contact:  Gregory E. Koch, Psy.D. at   858) 534-3585 or at

Real World Career Series, Continued
Feb. 10th, 2016 | 3-6pm | Cross-Cultural Center

The Real World Career Series strives to build skills for a diverse interconnected community.

There will be a resume building presentation from 3-4pm, a resume critique from 4-5, and an art portfolio section that includes a panel, discussion, and critique from 5-6pm.

Bring your resumes! Bring your portfolios! Contact Violeta Gonzales at


UC San Diego Camp Summer Research Program
Deadline: Feb. 15th, 2016

Apply for this 10-week full-time research experience! Students will participate in seminars and workshops and will be trained to write a research proposal and paper. They will present their research at UCSD Summer Research Conference and at the CAMP Statewide Symposium. The program includes a $3,500 fellowship, free on-campus housing (or a housing alliance for students off-campus). 

This is open to UCSD students with junior or senior standing, at least a 2.75 GPA, and US citizenship or permanent residency. 

Apply at

Journey to Justice Speakers Series
Feb. 16th, 2016 | 6-9pm
Hojel Hall of the Americas Auditorium

Come to this fascinating talk! The goal is to explore the question of achieving judicial diversity in San Diego. This is sponsored by the UCSD Political Science Department, Thurgood Marshall College, the African & African-American Research Center, and California Legal Diversity Initiatives. 

RSVP to Darryl Peek at

Tantrums and Tiaras: Battle of the Bar Queens

Feb. 21st, 2016 | 7pm
The Observatory 
2891 University Avenue
San Diego, CA 92104

Join the San Diego Center at a drag show, where total amateurs are judged by a whole panel of experienced folks, and the whole thing will be hosted by Babette Schwartz. Contestents will be judged while in swimsuits, evening gowns, high heels, and while showing off their pure talent. Tickets start at $25. 

Buy tickets at

PFLAG Scholarships

Deadline: March 15th, 2016

PFLAG is offering scholarships to all LGBT students, high school, undergraduate, and grad students. 

Scholarships are awarded based on a well-written application essay, demonstrated financial need, a history of strong academic achievement. Note that the application calls for a letter of recommendation in addition to the form, school transcript and essay. 

Application available here

Candlelight Yoga

Feb. 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th | 5-6pm
The Zone

Consider this an opportunity to stretch, relax, and release your day. You can enjoy an evening of stress-relieving yoga set to candle light, focusing on postures to refresh your body and mind, and putting yourself is better spirits. Self-care is an important part of a healthy, balanced life. 

RSVP required - sign up in person at the Zone. 

Student Satisfaction Survey
Jan. 11th - Mar. 11th

Fill out the student satisfaction survey! Let's let the school know what all different students are looking for, and would like to improve about the school. Let your voice be heard! 

Fill it out at

All participants will be given a 20% off UCSD Bookstore Coupon and entered into a raffle for an iPad Mini 4 or a $30 UCSD Bookstore Coupon. The undergraduate college with the most participants will be given a pizza party! 

Check out the promotional video

Border Immersion
March 5th, 2016 | 9am-5pm

Come on this bus trip to the US-Mexico Border, presented by all six colleges. It's only $5 for the whole trip, including transportation, lunch, and water, and donation to agency. This is in collaboration with the group Border Angels.

Tickets are available here

Check out the Chippr App

Chippr: A LGBT social network designed for people to engage, confess, connect and discover the LGBT community around them.

Made by your fellow UCSD student!

Sign up for San Diego exclusive beta access today.

Check out Chippr at

Summer Job Opportunities with TRIO

Deadline: March 4th, 2016

UC San Diego's TRIO Outreach Programs has a variety of job opportunities to work with our Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math Science programs.  We are looking for motivated tutors, resident assistants, and teachers who can help build the dreams of young people. 

UCSD students apply on Port TritonFor questions, contact Carri Fierro at

CRASSH Conference
Feb. 19th, 2016 | 10am-3:30pm
Institute of the Americas

The Conference for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CRASSH) is looking for undergraduates to present research! The presentations may be posters, artwork, or performances.  The projects do not need to be completed by the day of the conference, just complete enough to share and open a dialog.

The conference will consist of first, a plenary session with faculty and alumni speakers, and the second half will consist of poster presentations by undergraduate researchers. Register as a presenter here

The conference will be open to the public and food will be provided. There is no charge, but registration is required. Register here

Check out the website here. For more information, contact Candace Wo at or (858) 534-5791. 

3rd Annual BlaqOUT Conference
April 8-9, 2016
University of California, Riverside

We cordially invite all folks who self identify as Black/AfricanAmerican or of African Descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somewhere on the LGBTQ Spectrum, to apply to attend.
If you are an ally to our communities, we encourage you to attend the QPOC Conference on April 29 - May 1 at the University of California, Berkeley. The QPOC Conference is open to all individuals.
Through this conference, we hope to create safe and courageous spaces that foster the discussion of issues relevant to those who self identify as Black/African American or of African Communities on the LGBTQ Spectrum. Various Workshops, keynotes, and activities will be designed to unite our community and equip us with the resources necessary to face issues that affect us as marginalized individuals.

Check out the website here, or Email or email LGBT Resource Center Program Coordinator Toi  Thibodeaux at for questions. 

Applications will be online in January - apply by March 21st.

Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: Feb. 16th, 2016

The Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship is a $10,000 award paid in spring quarter 2016 for undergrads majoring in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, public policy, communications and other programs touching on networked systems and who are active in supporting the LGBT community. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Apply here. For questions, contact the UCSD Scholarship Office at or (858) 534-1067.

Black History Month's Night with Athletics
Feb. 26th, 2016
5:30pm (Triton Women) | 7:30pm (Triton Men)

Green Room (RIMAC Arena)

Come to the Green Room for food and fun, and then cheer on our Tritons as they take on San Francisco State at RIMAC Arena!

Complimentary tickets are available for faculty and staff who email to RSVP by 2/23/2016. Please email for special accommodations.

14th Annual Black History Month Scholarship Brunch 
Feb. 27th, 2016

Price Center Ballroom

The 2016 Black History Month national theme is "Hallowed Ground: Sites of African American Memory." The scholarship brunch serves to recognize, celebrate and show appreciation for the achievements of students who are instilling a memorable mark in history for the UC San Diego campus and communities. The keynote speaker will be Mr. Danny Glover.

Register here. Please email or call (858) 822-5248 for more information.

Office hours at the Center:

Career Meet-Ups
Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00pm 
LGBT Resource Center
Sonia Honne-Gonzalez, the Career Services Center Liaison to the Campus Community Centers, will be at the LGBT Resource center on Wednesdays to offer career advice. Come in and connect with Sonia regarding career readiness, job search strategies, professional development, professional planning, and/or resume review!

For more information email:

If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Community Classifieds
Éxito! Latino Cancer Training

Éxito! will select 25 master's-level students and professionals-like Jimenez and Berrios-from across the nation to attend a five-day summer institute June 6-10, 2016, in San Antonio, offering research information, tools, tips, role models and motivation to encourage participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a career studying how cancer affects Latinos differently. 

Apply here
Thailand: Leading for LGBTQ+ Empowerment
Deadline: March 1, 2016

The University of Maryland is offering a course open to all students, graduate and undergraduate, in June 2016.
This course is ideal for students who want to learn more about LGBTQ+ identities and issues in a cross-cultural context or are planning or thinking about being an international practitioner  

Register here. Contact Nicholas S. Sakurai at
AVID Tutors Wanted

Full-time college students recruited to work tutoring middle and high school students in English, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies/History. This would happen Monday through Friday during school hours, in the Sweetwater Union High School District and the pay would be $12.63/hr. To apply, call Laura Ravelero at (619) 691-5534 for a processing appointment. There will be an application, drug testing, and evidence of enrollment as a student. For more info, call Jeanette Gonzales at (619) 600-3344.  
Healing Yoga for Trans Folks and Friends
Saturdays | 10:45am
3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103 

This class is free and open to Trans folks and allies. Class begins at 10:45 and is taught by Christine Taylor, who has generously donated her time. Healing Yoga teachings are derived from the self-empowering practices of yoga, utilizing a wide range of tools to help enhance well-being and health. For more information contact Connor Maddocks at
Lesbian Body Image Survey 

The Department of Psychology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville is doing a study on lesbian attitudes & feelings about your own body,gender identity and gender expression. Lesbians over 18 are eligible and $50 Amazon gift cards will be raffled for participants. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

The survey is available  here.

Weekly Serenity Yoga
Wednesdays, 4:30-5:45pm
Joyce Beers Community Center
3009 Vermont Ave. #A211

Free weekly yoga for those living with HIV or living in Sobriety. 
Please contact for more information

Trans* Studies:  an international transdisciplinary conference on gender, embodiment, and sexuality
Sept. 7-10th, 2016

This is an academic conference for any work relating to transgender issues, showcasing work in various fields. there will be panels and opportunities to meet in small groups. Submissions and proposals are welcome; please first submit 250 abstracts of proposed papers as well as a one-paragraph author's biography.

By Feb 15th, send materials to
HIV Discussion Group
Thursdays, 6-8pm
Mercy Gardens
540 Lewis Street
San Diego, CA 92103

An ongoing education and social support group for HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Learn to be positive about being HIV-positive. Be empowered, share, and grow with other men who can relate to your journey.

Topics include living with HIV,
healthy relationships, sexual health, self esteem, normalizing conversations about sex, and self-disclosure (telling family, friends, and partners). 

Nominate 2016 LGBT History Month Icons

Nominated LGBT Icons may be living or dead, national or international, and are selected based on one or more of the following criteria: a) They have distinguished themselves in their field of endeavor, b) the nominee is a national hero, and c) they have made a significant contribution to LGBT civil rights

Submit your nominee here.
Young Women's Discussion Group
Dec. 15th | 7pm-8:15pm

3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103 

This group is aimed at young women ages 18-30. We will discuss issues relevant such as politics, academics, careers, relationships, social media, pop culture, activism and ways to be involved in the LGBT community. We hope to provide a safe and comfortable place to meet and share experiences as members of the LGBT community.
It meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month in The LGBT Center's library.
New Free App to Find LGBT Roommates: TUTUroomii

A San Diego team recently launched a new iOS app called TUTUroomii. This app is designed to help LGBTQ+ young people and allies find ideal roommates in their own community. This app is available in the App Store. 

For questions, check out or email us at

Survey of LGBTQ Military Personnel

A doctoral student at the University of Oklahoma is writing a dissertation on the identity process of LGBTQ people who have served in the U.S. military. They're interested in reaching LGBTQ U.S. military personnel, and heterosexual/cisgender
personnel who had a personal or professional relationship with an LGBTQ military service person (someone to whom an LGBTQ  service member disclosed their sexual or gender identity). 

Contact Bobbi Van Gilder at or at (562) 714-5405.