A briefing on the American Nurses Association's Grand Challenge

I am currently working with 6 organizations on Grand Challenges. The American Nurses Association is doing a fantastic job with theirs, and just released a 6-minute video to staff members to explain the work. In it I interview their CEO, Marla Weston, and president, Pam Cipriano. Check it out here: VisionaryTalk.com.

You may also be interested in one of two programs I am kicking off in early 2016:

  1. CEO Community - a year-long CEO Community where association leaders prepare for the future together, handle their biggest challenges and build their leadership skills.
  2. Visionary Leadership Academy - specialized learning program for high potential rising execs who intend to become CEOs.
If either interests you, please reply to this email and let me know.

looking forward,

Seth Kahan
phone: 301 229-2221