This Week:
Good Manners Are a Business Necessity 
Rude behavior is not only bad etiquette; it's bad for business. Unfortunately, it's a growing problem in the workplace.  READ MORE

Business Taxation Roundtable

Is there anything about the current tax structure that causes your business to be less competitive intra-provincially or internationally?  We want to hear from you!

We are seeking your specific business taxation issues in order to deliver them to the appropriate levels of government, so your voice is heard, and the barriers are removed.

  • Tuesday February 23rd | 7:00AM - 9:00AM
  • FREE to attend | Only 13 seats available
  • Coffee/Tea and Muffins will be served 
If you are unable to attend but have input to share, please email Deb McClelland by no later than March 1st.
In the U.S., Donald Trump is leading all the polls nationwide in the Republican primaries, and in the Democratic Party, support is surging for a 74-year-old self-avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders, who wants a "political revolution." In the U.K., the British Labour Party has nominated Jeremy Corbyn, who wants to nationalize energy companies and the banks while introducing a maximum wage for CEOs. Where are these extremists coming from? Why are they rising all over the world?
Could this complete, utter rejection of the establishment and the status quo have economic roots? Are people angry enough with the state of the economy that they could be seeking out change at any cost? 
Read 5 Minutes for Business to find out.

2016/2017 Kamloops City Budget

Have your say regarding the 2017 City of Kamloops budget as well as on supplemental items from the 2016 budget. 
  • Tuesday February 23, 2016 | 7:00PM - 10:00PM
  • Sandman Centre | Parkside Lounge 
DO NOT miss the opportunity to have your say.