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AEA Wired by Aircraft Electronics Association
Dec. 23, 2015
Keeping the general aviation industry connected
Sponsored by AvReps The Current 
News from the general aviation industry
Early-bird Registration for AEA Convention Expires Jan. 8
If you plan to attend the 59th annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show in Orlando, April 27-30, please note that the early-bird registration ends in a little more than two weeks on Jan. 8. View the convention schedule. You must register online by that date in order to save $150 per person off the on-site registration fee. Marriott's Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center will serve as the headquarters hotel. To guarantee the special AEA room rate of $214 per night, make your reservation directly with the hotel no later than March 25. Also, please note that the hotel room block is already more than 50 percent sold out -- so act accordingly and make your accommodations quickly. Be aware of hotel scams -- unauthorized travel companies may attempt to solicit housing to you or your company. Many of these companies are not reputable, and their offers are deceptive and may put you at financial risk by seeking your credit card information. These phony sites are especially hard to detect on mobile devices. Protect yourself and take advantage of the special AEA room rate by making your hotel accommodations via the convention's official website.   More...  

FAA logo FAA Announces Small UAS Registration Rule -- Issues Fact Sheet on State and Local UAS Laws
The Federal Aviation Administration recently announced and opened an online aircraft registration process for owners of small unmanned aircraft weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and less than 55 pounds (approx. 25 kilograms) including payloads such as onboard cameras. Registration is a statutory requirement that applies to all aircraft. Under this rule, any owner of a small UAS who has previously operated an unmanned aircraft exclusively as a model aircraft prior to Dec. 21, 2015, must register no later than Feb. 19, 2016. Owners of any other UAS purchased for use as a model aircraft after Dec. 21, 2015, must register before the first flight outdoors. Owners may use either the paper-based process or the new online system. Owners using the new online registration system must be at least 13 years old to register. In addition, the FAA published a new fact sheet on state and local regulation of unmanned aircraft systems, which provides information for states and municipalities considering laws or regulations addressing UAS use. The document outlines the FAA's safety reasons for federal oversight of aviation and airspace, and explains federal responsibility in this area.   More... 

Sponsored by TGH Aviation Instruments & Avionics Regulatory Update
All the latest from the international aviation authorities

FAA Publishes ADS-B Guidance
The Federal Aviation Administration published revision B to AC 20-165B, which provides guidance for the installation and airworthiness approval of ADS-B Out systems in aircraft. The revision to AC 20-165 contains a number of significant changes. First, the AC has now sunset the criteria that ADS-B Out transmitters and position source be automatically treated as a major alteration. The AC does still require the initial approvals, but within specific limitation allows ADS-B Out installations to be treated as "normal" avionics. As such, the evaluation of major/minor is normal. Second, the AC highlights the follow-on installation criteria of a previously approved system. Third, the AC contains the criterion for reuse of flight test data for follow-on installations of approved systems.   More...  

FAA Publishes Revision to Field Approval Guidance for Comment
The Federal Aviation Administration published a revision to AC 43-210 ( AC 43-210A ), Standardized Procedures for Requesting Approval of Data for Major Repairs and Major Alterations. This advisory circular describes a standardized procedure for requesting approval of technical data associated with major alterations or major repairs for certificated products.  This AC also provides information that can help determine if a proposed repair or alteration requires a field approval. Additionally, this AC provides guidance and standardized procedures to follow to obtain a field approval. Finally, this AC introduces and provides instructions for completing the field approval checklist.  Comment information can be found online at Flight Standards Service Draft Advisory Circulars  Open for Comment Comments are due Jan. 7, 2016. More...

Sponsored by Pacific Southwest Instruments On the Radar 
Upcoming AEA and industry events

AEA Europe Connect: Cologne, Germany, Jan. 26-27
The city of Cologne, Germany, will serve as the host site for the AEA Europe Connect conference on Jan. 26-27, 2016. Formerly known as the AEA Regional Meetings, AEA Connect is a two-day conference where repair stations, manufacturers, regulators and educators come together to do business. The event offers a networking venue with regulatory and technical training sessions and an exhibit hall filled with the latest avionics technologies and services. The deadline to make hotel reservations is Dec. 25. More... 

HAI Heli-Expo: Louisville, Kentucky, Feb. 29-March 3
Heli-Expo is  the world's largest helicopter trade show and exposition. The event begins Feb. 29 with exhibits open March 1-3. More...

Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition: Shanghai, China, April 12-14
ABACE brings together more than 8,500 business aviation leaders, entrepreneurs, and other purchase decision-makers. In partnership with the Shanghai Airport Authority and co-hosted by the National Business Aviation Association and the Asian Business Aviation Association, ABACE takes place at the Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Service Centre. More...

AEA International Convention & Trade Show: Orlando, Florida, April 27-30
The 59th annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show is the largest gathering of general aviation avionics manufacturers, distributors and government-certified repair stations in the world. It is the platform of choice for the introduction of new avionics products and services coming to the marketplace in 2016. An early-bird registration special is now available until Jan. 8. More... The Connection
Meet the leaders in the general aviation industry

Genave Italiana keeps Avionics Flying in the Alps
In the far northeastern part of Italy, about an hour's drive from both Switzerland and Austria, Hubert Prast and his staff specialize in servicing avionics, instruments and electronics for small fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. Prast founded his avionics shop, General Aviation Electronics Italiana -- Genave Italiana for short, nearly 40 years ago in Bolzano. Known as Bozen in German, it's a scenic Alpine town with castles and cathedrals, cobbled lanes and a colorful street market More...  

Before & After: AMI Aviation Services
AMI Aviation Services modernized a Beech 1900D with the Garmin G950 Integrated Flight Deck, to bring a new level of situational awareness to the pilots and eliminate avionics and instrument obsolesce issues, thereby extending the life of the aircraft. Check out the company's Before & After feature in Avionics News. More...

In the Classroom 
Professional development opportunities

Avionics Installation and Integration Training: Jan. 18-20
This course is designed for technicians who have completed AEA's Basic Wiring & Avionics Installation Course and/or have a couple years of basic avionics installation practice and are looking for more experience integrating common general aviation installations. Technicians will learn how to plan, install, interface, configure and check out an installation consisting of a Garmin GTN 650 touch screen nav/comm/GPS, Garmin GTX 33ES remote transponder and an Aspen EFD1000 primary flight display. More...

Pitot-Static and Transponder Certification Training with ADS-B Implementation Session: Jan. 21
Attendees will learn the proper methods for conducting pitot-static and transponder certification testing. This full-day course offers hands-on training, including a regulatory review and an explanation of the proper administrative procedures for completing these critical certifications. It includes a bonus ADS-B Session: With so many questions surrounding ADS-B, this course will provide the answers and what you need to know to meet the mandate. More... 

RVSM Maintenance and Advanced Transponder Training: Jan. 22
Attendees will be introduced to the regulations, documentation, test equipment and maintenance practices associated with performing RVSM maintenance and will follow with an in-depth look at Mode S transponders. This course assumes the attendee has good operating knowledge of Federal Aviation Regulations 91.411 and 91.413. More... 

Basic Wiring and Avionics Installation: Feb. 22-24
The course is designed for currently employed repair station personnel, A&P mechanics, and others interested in improving or acquiring the skills necessary to perform avionics installations in general aviation aircraft. This three-day seminar employs in-depth theory and hands-on lab exercises to immerse the seminar attendee in the best practices used to plan, manage and install a general aviation avionics panel. More... 

ADS-B Broadcast Surveillance ... All the Ins and Outs: Feb. 25
The course is designed for currently employed repair station personnel. It will describe and define ADS-B systems and the FAA's guidance and specifications on both ground stations and airborne equipment. More...

Digital Databus Theory and Analysis Training: Feb. 26
As today's modern airplanes become much more technologically advanced, so must the professionals who maintain them. The advanced avionics and instrumentation systems used in these aircraft rely on various forms of digital databus communication. Understanding digital databus theory is becoming more and more important for avionics technicians, and even A&P mechanics, to effectively test and troubleshoot these highly advanced aircraft systems. More...

Sponsored by EDMO Distributors Inc.The Static
News from AEA member companies

WEST STAR AVIATION reconfigured a Falcon 2000 to a unique 13-passenger configuration. The Falcon 2000 is normally configured for eight or 10 passengers. It also announced the renewal of its Textron Aviation authorized Hawker and Citation service center agreement at the Grand Junction, Colorado, location.

HONDA AIRCRAFT said that the HondaJet  received type certification from the FAA.

SATCOM DIRECT was the first business aviation communications distribution partner to provision its services and transmit data over Inmarsat's new Ka-band Global Xpress network via the Inmarsat-5 F-1 satellite, in August. It is again the first to validate its services over the Inmarsat-5 F-2 (I-5 F-2) satellite, achieving this milestone in December. 

ROBOTIC SKIES is partnering with Measure to provide companies worldwide with a combined package of services through the Drone as a Service model incorporating drones into business operations while avoiding large capital expenditures. 

KANSAS STATE POLYTECHNIC is offering a half-day course specifically for hobbyists to ensure proper use and safety on Jan. 23.

STANDARDAERO recently won a competitive bid to renew its contract with Atelier Industriel de l'Aeronautique to perform T56 engine maintenance, repair and overhaul services for the French Air Force fleet of 14 C-130 military transport aircraft. The contract is valued at a maximum of 6.8 million Euros. It also completed its first first certified ADS-B solution for an Embraer Legacy 650 aircraft at the company's Los Angeles International Airport MRO facility. And through its partnership with Pratt & Whitney Canada, StandardAero is now offering new engine maintenance alternatives for PW100 turboprop operators through PW100SMARTSM dependable solutions.

DUNCAN AVIATION named KEVIN MIESBACH as components/OEM new business development manager. 

GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORP. received approval from the FAA to install the GOGO BUSINESS AVIATION UCS 5000 smart cabin system on Gulfstream GV and GIV aircraft. Gulfstream also delivered a Gulfstream G650ER to Qatar Airways in a ceremony at Gulfstream's headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.

AVIDYNE received FAA certification of Release 10.1.1 software for IFD440 and IFD 540 FMS/GPS/NAV/COM systems. It also received FAA STC approval to activate the integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality on the IFD440 and IFD540 FMS/GPS/NAV/COM systems. The MK10 Bluetooth keyboard will the first Bluetooth-enable functionality, allowing pilots to wirelessly control their panel-mounted IFD440 or IFD540 system. 

PENTASTAR AVIATION launched a rebranded website with a new look to responsive design technology. The new website allows users to quickly access information about Pentastar's wide range of products and services on both computers and smart devices. 

FLIGHTSAFETY INTERNATIONAL named THIERRY PIERAD an assistant manager of the company's Learning Center in Dallas, Texas. It also promoted DANIEL MACLELLAN to senior vice president, operations.

ASPEN AVIONICS' Angle of Attack Indicator was named an Editors' Choice Award recipient for 2015 by FLYING Magazine. The product was first introduced at the AEA International Convention & Trade Show in April 2015. 

ROCKWELL COLLINS successfully implemented an air-to-ground aviation communications network for Korea Airports Corp., the service provider for airline and civil aviation communications in South Korea. In addition, Rockwell Collins said its Pro Line Fusion advanced avionics system has been type certified on the Bombardier CS100 commercial aircraft.

JEPPESEN teamed with Emirates, a Dubai-based international airline, to optimize crew planning operations. Emirates has now fully entered Jeppesen Crew Rostering services into its operations. 

CUSTOM AVIONICS announced the launch of Early Register -- a new program targeting small and midsize aircraft owners guaranteeing the FAA mandate to install new ADS-B technology is completed before the deadline. The company will assign aircraft owners a position, based on their schedule, and guarantee a spot for installation. It also locks the price to protect owners from higher costs as the deadline gets closer. 

GARMIN introduced Lockheed Flight Plan Filing for Android and iOS and brings
additional enhancements to Garmin Pilot. 

VECTOR AEROSPACE announced the Airbus Helicopters H130 (formerly EC130 T2) and EC130 B4 tail rotor gearbox to its existing range of rotorcraft repair and overhaul capabilities. 

SPIRIT AERONAUTICS announced that  Manion Aviation joined the Spirit Aeronautics sales team and represents Spirit for MRO service sales on a wide variety of business aircraft makes and models.

Mystery Make & Model
Guess the make and model -- enter for chance to win $100 Visa gift card

Click to enlarge
Attention technicians!  How well do you think you know your avionics inside and out? New and old? Then put your knowledge to work.

What is the product make and model shown in this image? 
All correct answers will be entered into a random drawing where one individual will be awarded a $100 Visa gift card, courtesy of Southeast Aerospace.   Email answer... 

In the inaugural Mystery Make & Model contest, Southeast Aerospace awarded five winners a $50 gift card  for knowing that the image in the Dec. 9 edition of AEA Wired was a KX-150B from 1965. The winners were:  Tom MacArthur, Heritage Aviation; Frank Lemon, Sterling Avionics; Jerry Johnson, Duncan Aviation; Joshua Wright, Lafayette Avionics; and Barry Huck, Western Aviation.

Sponsored by AVWeb GA Caucus

Industry advocates on Capitol Hill


In 2009, General Aviation Caucuses were formed in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate to inform congressional members and staff about the importance of general aviation to the nation's economy and transportation system. Today, the House GA Caucus has grown to become one of the largest caucuses in the House of Representatives. A listing of current House and Senate GA Caucus members is available on the AEA website. More... 


Aircraft Electronics Association
About the AEA
Founded in 1957, the Aircraft Electronics Association represents nearly 1,300 member companies in 43 countries, including government-certified international repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. The AEA membership also includes manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument repair facilities, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, engineers and educational institutions. 

Aircraft Electronics Association
3570 NE Ralph Powell Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
Phone: 816-347-8400
Fax: 816-347-8405
Lauren McFarland, director of marketing
Phone: 816-347-8400

The "AEA Wired" e-newsletter is published twice a month by the AEA.