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Greetings Cascade Family and Friends,
Sunday worship will conclude our Annual Marriage Enrichment Weekend celebration.  I want to just say to you that we are blessed to be a church body of believers who intentionally lift up the value of marriage and family. Of course, we all have heard despairing reports about the chance of marriages surviving. However, because marriage was God's idea and God's gift to us, I am quite sure that this bond will continue to be an important institution. Marriages that are of God, can and will last because God is invited in to be the third partner. That guarantees us that whatever we encounter, we have God as our refuge and our strength.
Thank you to our Marriage Ministry leaders for reminding us of the significance of marriage, and for giving us opportunities to receive support and encouragement.  I would ask that we as the married community support their efforts by participating in as many of the scheduled events as we can.  I know some of you are saying, "My marriage is fine. I don't need any of that." To that I say, "Praise the Lord!" However, I would also like to remind you that your support or involvement may not be for you. Perhaps there is a couple who needs to see and experience you and benefit from your wisdom. Possibly, couples who are struggling or in trouble and may not know how to ask for help will be blessed by your story.  Just being in the midst of those who have found the way to get it right can make a difference. Your presence can be the best example and can offer the hope needed to keep a family together.  I would humbly ask you to consider being here as a witness and a testimony of what a healthy, Godly marriage looks like.
Marriage is of God, but it still requires work on our part.  Thank God there are some of us who can model to the rest of us just how that works.  Thank God that Cascade continues to offer opportunities so that if you have a need, you don't have to feel like you are left alone and on your own.  Let's continue to pray and seek God in all things, and more specifically, over the next few days of this weekend, our MARRIAGES.

Pastor Lawrence L. Young


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