Feb. 10, 2016
Volume VII | Issue No. 6

Breast feeding and infant gut inflammation
"The development of the intestinal gut is largely influenced by early nutrition. Infant immunity is challenged by the exposure of the gut to foreign bodies which mediate inflammation of the gut".

A study of 24 black South African infants, where degrees of exclusive breast feeding was related to the stool measurement of a panel of five mRNA biomarkers of gut inflammation, indicates that there is a direct correlation between a decrease in gut inflammatory markers and the percentage of breast milk intake.

Hyperthermia and severe rhabdomyolysis from synthetic cannabinoids (marijuana equivalents)
Synthetic cannabinoids (CS) are designer drugs (that mimic the effects of marijuana) sprayed onto a herbal base (often sold as "herbal incense", "herbal smoking blends" or a "spice product") with similar psychological effects (severe agitation, delirium and psychosis). While they are not detected in drug tests their metabolites may be found in urine. An interesting case report documents severe hyperthermia and rhabdomyolysis as additional adverse effects of these drugs (a rare cause of rhabdomyolysis is the adult form of Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPTII) deficiency).

"Meal-skipping" and body fat in 6 year old children
From a data analysis study of 5,913 children which examined the associations between breakfast, lunch and/or dinner skipping at 4 years of age and related them to children's percent body fat (weight and BMI) at 6 years of age, it appears that missing breakfast (only) is associated with a higher percent body fat mass at age 6 years, (no associations found for weight status or BMI).



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Otitis-prone children

It appears that "normal" vaccine candidate children have a nasopharyngeal (NP) mucosal antibody response to colonization by Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) proteins that correlate directly with their ability to be protective from acute otitis media (AOM).

A study of 45 otitis media-prone (OP) (and 130 matched typical) children was undertaken to investigate whether they suffer from higher colonization rates of Spn, & develop lower naturally acquired NP mucosal antibody responses after colonization with Spn, resulting in greater frequency of AOM.

Otitis media-prone children have significantly higher colonization rates of Spn, develop lower mucosal IgG and IgA levels in response to Spn proteins and more frequently develop AOM.

Video Feature
Breast Feeding and Infant Gut Inflammation
Breast Feeding and Infant Gut Inflammation
Brest feeding and mastitis

A one month post-partum interview study of 338 breast feeding Nepalese women where the incidence, determinants, management and outcomes of mastitis was investigated, indicates that approximately 8% of women experience mastitis in the first few weeks post-partum, pre-lacteal feeding (providing any food to the newborn before initiating breast feeding-prevalent in Nepal) and caesarian section appear to be associated with mastitis with minimal effects on the duration of breast feeding.

Supernumerary teeth!

Supernumerary teeth may be classified by shape and position. When classified by position they are referred to as a "mesiodens", "paramolar" or "distomolar". The most common supernumerary tooth is a mesiodens which is a malformed, peg-like tooth that occurs between the maxillary central incisors (on the palatal side). A single tooth is not uncommon, may never erupt but can deleteriously disrupt nearby teeth.
Supernumerary Teeth
Supernumerary Teeth

A study of 107 children who presented with a mesiodens indicates that 67% have clinical complications; most are formed on the palatal side and affect the eruption and placement of adjacent permanent central incisors.
Fetal and neonatal effects of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) when used for neuroprotection in maternal chorioamnionitis
It appears (from a pilot study) that immediate IV (within four hours of diagnosis continued to delivery) & postnatal treatment of pregnant mothers >24 weeks gestation, with NAC, who present clinically with chorioamnionitis, is anti-inflammatory, preserves cerebral vascular regulation in the face of inflammation, is neuroprotective & is safe for the infant.
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