Have you ever had a relationship that ended, yet, you could not completely let go of the person?  More than likely you never have cut the etheric/invisible cord that had you bonded to them.
Communication between chakras is how a lot of communication happens between people. However, when we want to let someone go because we aren't moving on, the cords and the continuing psychic/energy communication between them and us can hold us back. Luckily there are easy ways to remove the cords; and you can find out how in my latest video.
Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie
How to Cut the Etheric Cords 
Sometimes you may need extra help to get these cords severed. I have been helping people cut the cords of relationships for many years. So contact me for further assistance at (866)-563-3997.
I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this video. Thank you.
Be Blessed,
Cherokee Billie