Winter 2016
Tony Esposito, Ph.D. candidate lighting/electrical, explains the effect warm and cool lighting has on the body and how this relates to seasonal depression. 

A mock residential space resides in the Lighting Lab to quantify the amounts of warm and cool lighting necessary to change emotional behavior. 

Department News Briefs

Alumni Updates

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Penn State Alumni Society of Architectural Engineers

More information on how to become a part of ASAE or to participate in the mentoring program can be found
here.  You can also join the group on
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Help support the AE program
Do you want to help enrich the educational experience of Penn State AE students through seminars, workshops, and classroom enhancement lectures?

Email Samantha Chavanic for details on how to become more involved with the department.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 26-28: Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) Hackathon 3.0

March 1-3: Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC) Industry Education Week

March 6-10: Spring Break

April 16-17: Department of Energy's Race to Zero net-zero energy home student design competition 

May 8: Undergraduate commencement 

May 10: Graduate commencement 

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Your gift to the Department of Architectural Engineering helps to sustain our prestige as the widely acknowledged top architectural engineering program in the country. Click the Give Now button and designate Department of Architectural Engineering to make a donation to AE through Penn State's online gifting portal.

Thank you for your continued support! 
Department to offer new graduate program in Facilities Engineering and Management

The Department of Architectural Engineering is set to offer a new Master of Engineering degree program in Facilities Engineering and Management beginning fall 2016. The new Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Facilities Engineering and Management is an intensive one-year, 30-credit program that prepares the next generation of engineering professionals in the development and management of increasingly sophisticated constructed facilities. 

The program, developed by the Department of Architectural Engineering with the input of the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute, Penn State's Office of Physical Plant, and the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), covers the facilities management spectrum: from energy management, planning, information systems and sustainability to project delivery, operations, maintenance, and financial management. FULL STORY>>

Tucker receives funding to teach engineering in a virtual environment  
Conrad Tucker, assistant professor of engineering design and industrial engineering, was selected to receive research dollars for "VR Penn State: Teaching Engineering Concepts in an Immerse Virtual Reality Environment." Chimay Anumba, AE department head, serves as a co-investigator on the project.  FULL STORY>>
Brain scans illuminate emotional response to sound
Michelle Vigeant, assistant professor of acoustics and architectural engineering, and Martin S. Lawless, Ph.D. student in acoustics, are researching the emotional response to reverberation in room acoustics. FULL STORY>>
Engineers get $650K NSF grant to improve safety on construction sites
A system for improving the safety and efficiency of construction equipment is the aim of a three-year, $650,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to a team of researchers from Penn State and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  FULL STORY>>  
AE alumnus and Deloitte help Joplin rebuild after devastating tornado 
On May 22, 2011, an EF-5 tornado struck Joplin, Missouri, creating chaos and destruction throughout the city. With wind speeds of up to 200 miles per hour, the tornado was the costliest and one of the deadliest in U.S. history, damaging or destroying 8,000 buildings totaling $2.8 billion, killing 161, injuring an estimated 1,150, and leaving the community devastated.
For the last three years, Rizwan Shah, an architectural engineering alumnus, and Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP have worked to reverse the damage.

Shah said immediately after a storm the caliber of the Joplin tornado, cities go through an emergency process - working to save lives, remove debris, save building infrastructure, and assess damage. After completing the emergency process, communities then receive funding from various avenues, such as insurance companies and local and federal governments, that they can use to rebuild.  FULL STORY >> 

DEPARTMENT NEWSLETTER UPDATE To ensure the delivery of rich and diverse content to your inbox, the AE Department has transitioned to quarterly e-newsletters. Look for our Spring 2016 department news in April. 

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U.Ed. ENG 16-136