2016: February 4

Below is the current edition of the Gathering & Scattering newsletter.   If you have any questions about anything found in this newsletter, please visit our website or contact the church office by calling (225) 344-0343. We hope to see you in worship this Sunday!

Not all events happening at the church are able to be highlighted in our newsletter.
To view a full list of church events, please visit our online calendar at: http://www.universitymethodist.org/calendar/  
Please read the entire newsletter for more details on the items listed below, as well as for other details of events and news from the church. Not all events happening at the church are listed below.
8:30 a.m.     Worship Service
9:30 a.m.     Fellowship Time in the Fellowship Hall
9:45 a.m.     Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m.    Worship Service
12:00 p.m.    Fellowship Time in the Fellowship Hall
12:00 p.m.    Souper Bowl Sunday Soup Potluck
 4:30 p.m.     Chapel Choir Rehearsal
 5:30 p.m.     Youth Dinner
 6:00 p.m.     Youth Group

This Sunday's Sermon:
"Living in the Presence"
Rev. Dr. Jane Riecke   

This Sunday's scripture:
Luke 9:28-36
This Sunday's Choral & Special Music:
8:30 AM: Chapel Choir
11:00 AM: Chancel Choir

Below are highlights of what is happening at UUMC this coming Sunday,
for more details please see full articles below in this newsletter,  
visit our website, or call the church office! 
SOUPER BOWL OF CARING SOUP OFFERING AND MAKE YOUR PICK ON WHO WILL WIN THE SUPERBOWL - On Sunday there will be two collection boxes in Fellowship Hall where you can place your donations of canned soup and other non-perishable food items for HOPE Ministries, one for the Denver Broncos (Dr. Jane's team) and one for the Carolina Panthers. Put your donations in the box of the team you want to win the Super Bowl! The youth will also be at the Sanctuary doors after worship with big soup pots to receive any monetary donations which will be donated to HOPE Ministries Client Choice Food Pantry in honor of Souper Bowl Sunday.

PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL SOUP POTLUCK  SUNDAY AT NOON IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL. Bring your prepared soup in a crock pot or chafing dish and bring it to the fellowship hall before the 11am worship so that all the soup will be warm and ready to serve after worship! Everyone is welcome to join us even if you aren't able to bring a soup to share! We look forward to this time of fellowship with you!

ARE YOU HEADED TO A SUPER BOWL PARTY? STOP BY THE CHAPEL CHOIR SUPER BOWL BAKE SALE AND PICK UP A TREAT TO BRING WITH YOU! To raise funds for our summer choir tour, the Chapel Choir will be baking cookies and cakes, making dips with chips, and  all sorts of goodies. Please stop by the table in Fellowship Hall between services this Sunday and support the Chapel Choir!

SUNDAY WE CELEBRATE BOY SCOUT SUNDAY. Members of our Troop 50 will be participating in worship. If you have a chance please thank them for their dedication to their troop and our church! 

COMMUNION OFFERING - During communion we will collect our Matthew 25 Offering, which is used to help those who visit our church in emergency need.

HOME BOUND VISITATION VOLUNTEERS - Stop by the table in the Fellowship Hall to sign up to make a short term commitment to visit someone in our church. You may also pick up a card to send to one of our Home Bound members - this is an easy way for you to get involved in keeping them connected to their church home! Most addresses can be found in the church directory online, or call the office and we can help you!

Pastor's Pen 
"Souper Bowl of Caring" is upon us. The challenge has been made. Two years ago, my friend, Rev. Brad Laurvick of the Highlands United Methodist Church in Denver, CO decided to challenge the people of Seattle to see which city could collect the most items in what he called the United in Orange Food Drive. Denver crushed Seattle by collecting 103,194 items to Seattle's 53,000. Because of the success, Brad is bringing it back and challenging the people of Charlotte,  North Carolina, the home of the Panthers. Dozens of churches in Colorado, and  others as far away as Montana and, of course, Omaha, Nebraska, and now Baton Rouge will be participating in the food challenge. The contest is to see which city can collect the most non-perishable food items between now and the big game.
Two boxes will be set up in Fellowship Hall this Sunday to receive all your canned goods. Whether you bring food for the Panthers or the Broncos, Hope Ministries will be the ultimate winners. Let's show our support of the hungry this weekend.  Bring a couple of cans of soup, a jar of peanut butter, a box of cereal,a can of tuna, a bag of rice or some other pantry staple to help the hungry. Whatever you bring will be gathered together and sent off to Hope Ministries later next week.

This weekend, let's fight hunger, have some fun and help a lot of families in the process.

"Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me."  Matthew  25: 40.

In God's Grace and Peace,
Dr. Jane
Help us make a difference in our community!

MORE THAN 20 YEARS AGO, the Souper Bowl of Caring began
with a simple prayer from a single youth group:
"Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl
football game, help us be mindful of
those without a bowl of soup to eat."

Since that day, more than $100 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that is transforming the time around Super Bowl weekend into the nation's largest celebration of giving and serving.

Through this mission, young people learn what it's like to make a positive difference in the world - as they collect food, raise money and volunteer to work in charities that provide shelter to the homeless, food to the hungry and compassion to those in need.

Be part of this movement that is sharing God's love with those in need. On February 7th, please give generously on Super Bowl Sunday. Every dollar donated at UUMC will go towards HOPE Ministries Food Pantry, our 2016 Souper Bowl of Caring charity of choice.

Our Youth will be standing at the back of the church on this day with soup pots to collect your financial donations. Also, we ask that you pick up a couple of extra cans of soup over the next few weeks when grocery shopping and bring them to church on February 7th to drop off in the Fellowship Hall for Souper Bowl Sunday, which just happens to coincide with our regular First Sunday Food Drive for HOPE Ministries. Your generous giving makes a difference! 

Let's have some fun with our canned soup donations and pick your winning Super Bowl team with your donation of non-perishable food items for the Hope Ministries Food Pantry as part of our first Sunday food collection.  On Sunday, Feb. 7 there will be two collection boxes in Fellowship Hall, one for the Denver Broncos (Dr. Jane's team) and one for the Carolina Panthers. So, put your donations in the box of your favorite team, or who you want to win the big game.   

Also, please join us that day for...

The UUMC Annual Soup Potluck
on February 7th
at Noon in the Fellowship Hall

Bring your prepared soup in a crock pot or chafing dish and bring it to the fellowship hall before the 11am worship on that day so that all the soup will be warm and ready to serve after worship! Also, if you are willing, bring your recipe to share and it will be put on our church website and linked in our newsletter for our congregation to access!
Everyone is welcome to join us for this free lunch, even if you aren't able to bring a soup to share! We look forward to this time of fellowship with you!

Are you headed to a Super Bowl Party? 
There is no need to cook!

Plan on supporting the Chapel Choir on Super Bowl Sunday, February 7, 2016. To raise funds for our summer choir tour, the Chapel Choir will be baking cookies and cakes, making dips with chips, and  all sorts of goodies. Please stop by the table in Fellowship Hall between services and support the Chapel Choir!

UUMC Lenten Offerings:

ASH WEDNESDAY WILL MARK THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON OF LENT - Join us  on Wednesday, February 10th for one of our two Ash Wednesday Services, Noon or 6PM,  as we focus on two major themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality; realize that both have been triumphed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the service, the minister will lightly rub the sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers, which signifies purification and sorrow for sins.

NOON COMMUNION DURING LENT - Holy Communion is always an opportunity to reconnect and renew your relationship with the Holy. Join us each Wednesday throughout Lent beginning February 17th, 12:30-12:45 PM, for a brief devotional service with Holy Communion. These services will be held in our sanctuary.  All are welcome!  
FOR 2016

The Lenten season is just ahead of us, and we are planning to gather on Sunday evenings during that time for a light supper and a study of the book, "The Good and Beautiful Life".  This book, by James Bryan Smith, offers us a way to think about the narratives of Christ in scripture and to try some spiritual disciplines like silence, hospitality and others which might draw us closer to one another and God.

A light dinner will be served at 5:30 PM (6 volunteer opportunities await!) and after a brief discussion of the chapter for the week we will break into table groups for discussion and then conclude by 7 PM with communion.  The book is available on Amazon and through local bookstores or you can reserve your copy with Kyle in the church office.

To reserve your space, please visit our online sign up form by going to: http://www.universitymethodist.org/lent2016 or call the church office and talk to Kyle Wooldridge!

The first evening study will be February 14 (we know it's Valentine's Day!) and we will meet for the six weeks of Lent.  Come and gather around the tables!
Introducing the unofficial Mascot of the Baton Rouge District Youth Council!
Allow me to introduce The unofficial Mascot of the Baton Rouge District Youth Counsil, Her name is Wendy and she will be staying with University to assist in major decisions concerning youth activities and future adventures. At the last 5th Sunday event the youth of our district voted for Wendy to come live at UUMC - this is a high honor! She has many years of experience in youth ministry and recen tly worked closely with the fine people at St. Andrews were she was a mentor and music instructor with their youth band. Come visit her in our Youth area just above the Fellowship hall.

~Stew, Youth Director
[email protected]

Kids Hope News  

I know you'll be happy to hear this exciting news about one of our former music students from the music program we offered last year.

Christopher Green, a 5th grader at UT last year, was one of the students who we provided a trumpet rental and free private weekly lessons.  Christopher fell in love with the trumpet and quickly excelled.  He immediately joined the band last fall at his new Middle School and his mom just told me that he was 1 out of 10 band members chosen from the entire Middle School band to travel to Texas to perform with an ensemble!  She thanked me for introducing him to the trumpet and asked that I please pass on to the church how appreciative she is of the wonderful opportunity we gave him.  Just another example of the ways UUMC is changing lives in our community!!

Don't forget that there will be no volunteering at UT next week for Mardi Gras Break.  See everyone back at UT the week of Feb. 15th.

February 8th - 12th - Mardi Gras Break
February 17th - Early Dismissal Day
March 11th - Parent Conference Day
March 25th - April 1st - Easter Holiday/Spring Break
April 25th -29th - LEAP Testing

Other dates to note:

May 2nd - 6th - Last week of volunteering
May 16th 9:00am - 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony at UUMC

Shirley Flake, Kids Hope Director
Parables and Passion:
A new Study on Sunday Mornings 
All are invited to a new study on Sunday mornings during Lent! We will read the parables and stories that Jesus told  helping us to see how he lived and what he taught.  The weeks have titles like, "Simple Gifts" and "Studies in Contrast" with a reading each day.  Lent is a wonderful season to take something on like a daily reading of scripture! We will gather on Sundays in the church library at UUMC at 9:45 am.  

The book, "Parables and Passion" by John Indermark may be purchased on line or by visiting the library Sunday, February 7th at 9:30.  The cost is $15.

Church Photo
In This Issue

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3350 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

PHONE: 225.344.0343
FAX: 225.344.0530

Senior Pastor: 
Associate Minister: 
Minister of Congregational Care: 
Rev. Carol Civils  

Wesley Foundation Director:
Adam Darragh 

If you received this email from a friend, please consider
 signing up to receive it directly through constant contact: 

Click the links below to read one  
of our recent sermons.

"Love: Essential, Effective, Eternal"
Rev. Dr. Jane Riecke

"Words to Live By"
Rev. Dr. Jane Riecke

"A Wedding + A Miracle = One Great Party"
Rev. Dr. Jane Riecke

"Beloved of God"
Rev. Dr. Jane Riecke


February 11 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

March 10 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

  April 14 - Executive Council, Noon, Library
April 19 - Finance Committee, 6PM, Library
April 19 - Church Council, 7PM, Open Door Classroom

May 12 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

June 9 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

July 11 - Finance Committee, 6PM, Library
July 11 - Church Council, 7PM, Fellowship Hall 
July 14 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

August 11 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

September 8 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

  October 3 - Executive Council, Noon, Library
October 10 - Finance Committee, 6PM, Library
October 10 - Church Council, 7PM, Fellowship Hall

November 10 - Executive Council, Noon, Library

December 8 - Executive Council, Noon, Library
December 12 - Finance Committee, 6PM, Library
December 12 - Church Council, 7PM, Fellowship Hall

Pick up a yard sign on Sunday in the Fellowship Hall to show your support for our church and it's long history in the Baton Rouge Community! This is just one way that we can start ramping up the excitement over our 75th Anniversary year and all of the activities that will be taking place. As we put more solid dates on the calendar watch this newsletter for more events and ways to share in this exciting year of celebration! 
Visitation Ministry Update and Needs

Thanks to all of you who have been participating in the visitation ministry each month. your cards, phone calls, and visits have meant so much to those who no longer are able to come to church. It's comforting to them to know that they have not been forgotten. Please remember to stop by the sign up table in the Fellowship Hall between services on the first Sunday of each month for a one time commitment for that month.

Another way our congregation can reach out is for you to pick a name of someone listed under the prayer list found in the bulletin each Sunday and send them a card. Most addresses can be found in the church directory, or call the church office if you need help getting a card to someone. Pick someone you know or don't know; just write a simple message to let them know that you are thinking of them and keeping them in your prayers. That's all that's needed - it's SO easy! Let's make every efforrt to let those in our church who are home bound or need encouragement and prayers know thew are loved! 
An Organ Concert to Celebrate our 75th Anniversary!

Please mark your calendars for an organ concert to be held at UUMC April 17, 2016. This concert is in honor of our 75th Church Anniversary and an anonymous donor has made this possible.

The organist is Christopher Houlihan, a graduate of Trinity College in Connecticut where he studied with John Rose, his organ teacher from the age of twelve. He did his graduate degree work at The Juilliard School in New York where he studied with the Grammy Award winning organist Paul Jacobs. He earned the "Prix de Perfectionnement" (equivalent to a university artist's diploma in the US) from the French National Regional Conservatory in Versailles, and while in France served as assistant musician at the American Cathedral in Paris where he had the honor of performing for the then President and First Lady of the United States,
Mr. And Mrs. George W. Bush.

A few words from others about Houlihan:

"A personality-filled and passionate recital in San Diego....If all the transcepts and lofts are used, the church holds as many as 900. I didn't see any empty seats...We gasped as well at Houlihan's pillars of sound, produced for Bach's Prelude and Fugue in E minor, which he termed "the wedge" and said it turns into a kind of toccata fantasy. Indeed it does, and will not be heard so well realized again....The Vierne symphony [IV] was as thrilling and engrossing as the young organist (b.1987) who played it. He is, as advertised, the bright hope of the organ. (Charlene Baldridge from American Record Guide Nov/Dec 2015)

"An incredibly gifted performer and leader among professional organists of his generation...demonstrably virtuosic." (awarded 5 of 5 Stars, Examiner.com, Orlando FL, 2013)
"An exciting young international organist." (Chicoppe Register, MA)

To read more about Christopher and his musical resume, please visit: http://www.concertartists.com/Houli.html.

Sooner of later, heartache comes to all of us as we experience mourning and grief.  Help is sometimes needed in knowing how to deal with it, how to work through it, and how to grow because of it.  Knowing what faith has to say to us about the grief process is also valuable information.  These are the topics we will explore together in a new Grief Support Group that is starting on February 15, 2016. 

We will be meeting twice a month from 10:30-11:30 AM on Monday mornings in the Parlor.  Ki Addison, a licensed counselor, and Rev. Carol Civils will be co-facilitating this group.  Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one within the past two years is invited to participate.  Please contact the church office at 344-0343 to register or  to ask further questions.  

MAKING VACATION PLANS FOR THE SUMMER?  MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. Coming this summer from June 20 - 24th for ages 4 - 5th grade. Volunteer information will be coming soon!!


Woodland Trice Circle will Meet on Tuesday, February 16 in the Church Parlor and our special guest for the day will be Rev. Dr. Jane.
We are looking forward to this and hope you will join us. Guests are always welcome - we would love to grow our group! If you have any questions, please call the church office.   _____________________________

PLEASE continue to donate both children's and adult books to The Free Little Library that our church has placed in front of University Terrace Elementary! The families in the neighborhood love it!
  Nathalie Henderson has been re-stocking it each week.  If you have any books that you don't mind parting with, we'd love to have them.  You may drop them off in the church office labeled  "Free Little Library".


The Musical Theatre Club at LSU is presenting Legally Blonde,the Musical Friday and Saturday, February 12-13@7:30 pm and Sunday, February 14@2:00pm at the LSU Union Theater. Admission is free with general seating. See you there!
~Terry Patrick- Harris


 [ If your Sunday School Class would like their weekly study listed below, please email Kelly Surace at 
[email protected]
 or call 344-0343 each Monday to be included in that weeks G&S listing ]
To find out more information about the Sunday School classes below, please visit our website.

  • College Class - Will gather in Upstairs Trice for discussion on the intersection of faith in our daily lives.
  • Contemporary Christian Concerns (CCC) Class - Employee Rights.  Paul Bell, Lawyer.
  • Foundations Class -  This class is largely made up of married couples and meets upstairs in the Trice Building.  We will will not be meeting and having class this Sunday due to the Mardi Gras Holiday. 
  • Genesis Class - Please join us in on the First Floor of the Children's Building in the Office (First door on your right when you enter).
  • Inter-generational Class - Please join us for a Lent Study entitled Parables and Passion starting on February 7th and continuing throughout lent. Please see the article above for more specific details.
  • Parents of Young Children Class - This class is formed of parents, single or couples, with young children and are meeting in room 208 in upstairs Trice.
  • The Open Door Class  - We will be doing a Lenten Study entitled Renegade Gospel:The Rebel Jesus for the 6 weeks from February 14 until March 20


  • Happy Birthday to Kathleen Arceneaux, Ann Earp, George Grammer, Ann McDowell, Bob Sanders, and Elizabeth Wilton
  • We would like to welcome the newest member of UUMC who joined in worship this last Sunday, Nancy Mathews. If you see her on Sunday or out in our community, please take a moment to make her feel welcome! 

MATHEWS, Nancy.jpg  
Janet Albright, Kathleen Arceneaux, John Baker, Marie Bruns, Gerry Burtner, Mildred Caldwell, Ramona Carpenter, Fred Churchman, Kyle Churchman, Mary Churchman, Phyllis Darvill, Dale Ducote, Doris Dobson, Jane Frick, Sandy Godail, Rosemarie Hall, Oleta Hathaway, Richard "Dicky" Horton, Barbara Kavanaugh, Dana Kinard, Helen Law, Ann McDowell, Catherine McManus, Lewis and S E Mixon, Ruth Patrick, Pat Rives, Debbie Roux, Bob and Alta Sanders, Anne Smith, Marvin Stuckey, Karyn and Paul Ungar, Lowell Vice.
*If you have a Joy, Concern, or a name for the prayer list that you would like mentioned here, please email [email protected] or call her in the church office at 225-344-0343. Deadline for submitting information to the newsletter is every Monday at noon for information to be included in that weeks newsletter.  We also celebrate birthdays of our members who have reached the age of 80+, if you fit this category but we missed your birthday, please call us so we can add your birthday to our database.*