Adaptive Reuse Overlay District Offers
New Opportunities for Redevelopment ::

On Jan. 14, the Chandler City Council approved the adoption of an Adaptive Reuse Overlay District designed to stimulate reinvestment within established areas along Arizona Avenue and Chandler Boulevard by facilitating the reuse of existing, underutilized buildings.

Qualified adaptive reuse projects will be able to take advantage of modified development standards (e.g. reduced setback, parking, mechanical screening and landscaping requirements), and a streamlined review/approval process that makes project timeframes and costs more predictable.

In Chandler, a qualified adaptive reuse project is one that meets these criteria:
  • Building Age: Built before 1990, and
  • Building Size: Less than 15,000 square feet, and/or
  • Lot Size: 30,000 square feet or less
  • Zoning: Is a commercially zoned property that is in the identified Adaptive Reuse Overlay District

The following are just some of the anticipated community benefits of the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District:

  • Support development of unique, local businesses
  • Generate jobs for Chandler residents
  • Generate tax revenue to support City services
  • Support continued investment and neighborhood revitalization in Downtown and North Chandler
Cardinal Financial Company Signs Lease at Chandler 202 ::   

Cardinal Financial Company has leased 12,188 square feet at Chandler 202, an approximately 140,000 square foot, "Class A" office building at  2525 W. Frye Road.  Cardinal Financial is a mortgage origination company headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, with offices around the country. 

Cardinal Financial noted that the new location at Chandler 202 offers great area amenities and improved accessibility for their employees. In fact, a study conducted by the company found that nearly half of the 60 employees relocating to the Chandler office already live nearby.

With the signing of Cardinal Financial Company, Cushman & Wakefield reports that Chandler 202 is 72% occupied with 39,762 square feet still available for lease.
Chandler's Science Spectacular 
A Two-Day  Celebration of Science ::   

The City of Chandler is celebrating science with two days of events dedicated to the exploration of invention. Chandler's Science Spectacular will showcase businesses, artists, students and innovators in Chandler as the community participates in the statewide Arizona SciTech Festival.

Chandler Science Spectacular is organized by the City and sponsored by Intel. New participants this year include the American Heart Association, Avnet, Boys and Girls Club, Microsoft and PayPal. Returning participants include Intel, Air Products, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Chandler Police Department, Chandler Unified School District, Dignity Kids and many more.

The festivities all happen in Downtown Chandler:

A Night of Art & Science 
Friday, Feb. 19, starting at 6 p.m.
Technology meets the arts as Downtown Chandler transforms its monthly Third Friday Art Walk into a creative look at the science behind the food and drink, beauty, art and invention around us.

Chandler's Science Saturday (Sponsored by Intel)
Saturday, Feb. 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Chandler uses 'sneaky science' by entertaining the whole family while explaining how science is important to daily life. Check out interactive demonstrations by Chandler's technology companies along with the next generation of science from ASU, UofA, and TechShop at the Chandler Innovation Center.

For more information about Chandler's Science Spectacular, visit
Downtown Redevelopment
Employment Corridors
PHX East Valley
City Council
Study Session
Feb. 22, 2016
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council
Regular Meeting
Feb. 25, 2016
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers
Microsoft Store at Chandler Fashion Center
3111 W. Chandler Blvd.
Chandler, AZ 85226

Job Fair 
Friday, Jan. 29
Hiring IT Professionals
Visit from 10 - 11 a.m. or
6 - 7 p.m.
For questions, contact: