Room Tax Series - New Tourism Entity Overview
October 20, 2015
Dear WH&LA Lodging Member:

As noted previously, WH&LA is continuing to develop further resources in our "Wisconsin Room Tax Series" to assist in addressing questions and in some cases mis-interpretations of the recently revised Room Tax Statute.

Today we would like to share with you first the new Tourism Entity Overview, which has been a topic of dozens of questions that have come in within the past few weeks. It appears that a number of municipalities may be looking at creative ways to bypass the statute in order to control or retain more of the money required to go to tourism promotion and tourism development, despite the language in the law.  

This overview provides simple clarifications that you may utilize in preventing actions that clearly do not comply with the state statute. The Room Tax Statute is not that easy to read, so hopefully this will be a helpful tool.

Other components in our Wisconsin Room Tax Series can be found here. Most resources are available for public viewing, but others are password protected for our lodging members only.
The new Tourism Entity Overview will be sent to our CVB & chamber members by morning, and will be added to our website for public viewing no later than Friday.

WH&LA will continue to add to our resources and you will be the first to view them, as a service of your membership.

Contact: Trisha Pugal
Wisconsin Hotel & Lodging Association
[email protected]