Dear GNF Members and Friends,

It has been a busy fall in The Neighborhood.  

Saran Kaba Jones, our featured fall speaker and founder of Face Africa just received SALT magazine's recognition as one of the world's " 100 Most Inspiring Women !"   Our accomplished grantee since 2010 shared with us the successes and challenges of being a young social entrepreneur, working in some of the most remote regions of Liberia bringing  clean water to villagers.  We are excited to continue our support and want to share this coverage from the Noozhawk written by our Global Neighborhood member, Judy Foreman.  Saran is currently on an assignment in East Timor with the State Department discussing social entrepreneurship with those aspiring to transform their communities through ethical and sustainable economic ventures.

Wow, we cheer you on Saran! 

Warmest Wishes and Happy Holidays" from our neighborhood to yours and around the globe!  Please watch for future events and news.  

And a BIG THANK you to those of you who have already renewed your membership!  This will mean so much to so many and makes our work possible. 

Please watch for updates regarding coming events.  We are in the planning stages and there is lots to look forward to.  Website coming soon!


In the last quarter, (July-September 2015), Last Mile Health has more than
doubled the number of Community Health Workers (CHWs) employed to serve remote communities in Liberia. Our team continues to work towards the launch of the National Community Health Worker Program in partnership with the Liberia Ministry of Health (MoH) and County Health Teams (CHTs), anticipated to launch in early 2016. 

As of this quarter, 120 new CHWs have been recruited to serve three health districts as part of LMH' s scale efforts in Rivercess County, joining the 71 CHWs already deployed in Grand Gedeh County. Once trained, these CHWs will be providing essential health services to a total of 36,000 people from November 2015. An anticipated 75 CHWs will be recruited in the next quarter to serve the three remaining health districts in Rivercess.

Click here  for the full report.


On 25 September, world leaders at the UN met to ratify the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which succeed the Millennium Development Goals expiring this year. Water and sanitation are rightfully high on the agenda.
This historic event fulfills a rare opportunity to define an agenda and vision to transform our world over the next 15 years, seeking to make poverty a thing of the past and to heal and secure the future of our planet. Though lofty, far-reaching and incredibly ambitious, this agenda forms a valuable call to action and a clearly defined set of aspirations.
After years of complex advocacy and lobbying from stakeholders all around the planet, we are especially delighted that included as a key component is 'ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all' - Goal 6.
FACE Africa is committed to striving for the fulfillment of this goal and agenda. Goal 6 aims to, by 2030, among other things:
  • Achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
  • Achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
  • Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management
In particular, we advocate the importance of community involvement and ownership, of ensuring that impacts are long-term and sustainable, and that effective Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) practices are put in place at all levels to ensure effectiveness and accountability.

Click  here  for the full FACE Africa newsletter.
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Global Neighborhood Fund
C/O Santa Barbara Foundation 

1111 Chapala Street Suite 200
Santa Barbara, CA, California 93101