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Hilchos Brachos 51 (page 157)
מסימן נא סעיף ד עד סעיף ו

Interrupting Pesukei D'zimra for an Aliyah
Interrupting Pesukei D'zimra for a Davar Sheb'kedusha
Responding Amen While Davening

Interrupting pesukei d'zimra for an aliyah
Someone who was called for an aliyah while he was in the middle of pesukei d'zimra should go up for the aliyah, recite the berachos, and read along with the ba'al korei. He may respond when asked his name for the aliyah. Nevertheless, it is not appropriate to call someone who is in the middle of davening for an aliyah. An exception may be made for a kohein or levi if no other is available. Likewise, someone in the middle of pesukei d'zimra may serve as the ba'al korei if there is no one else available.
( ס"ק י וביה"ל ד"ה ואפילו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 17)
Interrupting pesukei d'zimra for a davar sheb'kedusha
Amen is answered in the middle of pesukei d'zimra and even in the middle of a pasuk, though it should not be inserted in the middle of a concept (i.e. between words that constitute a phrase). Kaddish, barchu and kedusha (only the pesukim kadosh and baruch and, according to some poskim, yimloch) should be answered even in middle of a phrase. According to one opinion, the longer passages said in the Shabbos kedusha may also be recited in the middle of pesukei d'zimra.
 ( סעיף ד, ס"ק ח, וביה"ל ד"ה צריך; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 13)

Responding Amen while davening
Someone who is studying Torah or davening while  another person nearby is saying berachos out loud does not need to respond Amen to the berachos if doing so will disturb his learning or prevent him from davening with the tzibur. According to some poskim, it is not necessary to interrupt davening or learning to respond to the kaddish or kedusha of a different minyan. Other poskim, however, require a person to respond to devarim sheb'kedusha of another minyan in this case.

  • A person is required to study some Mikra, Mishna and Gemara every day. To fulfill this obligation, it is customary to recite Parshas Hatamid as Mikra, the perek of Eizehu Mekoman as Mishna, and the opening passage of Toras Kohanim-- the braisa of Rebbe Yishmael -- as Gemara.
  • Baruch Sheamar is a beracha of pesukei d'zimra and should be said immediately before reciting those pesukim. Ideally, there should not be a pause of more than k'dei dibur between the beracha and the pesukim.
  • Chazal considered it disgraceful to respond Amen to one's own beracha. It is even inappropriate to respond to someone else who is reciting the same beracha simultaneously. It is permissible to respond to someone who concludes a different beracha at the same time.

  • The pace for reciting Pesukei D'zimra

  • Days when Mizmor L'sodah is omitted

  • The special emphasis for the pasuk "Poseiach es Yadecha"

