October 30, 2015 17 Cheshvan 5776

Parashat Vayera 

Candle Lighting 6:19 p.m.
  Go Cougars!  Our Flag Football team has won the Metro Athletic League Championship!  
We are so proud of this team for all of their hard work!

Parashah Vayera-
At the conclusion of the end of the parashah, Hashem blesses Avraham stating that his descendants would be like the stars of the sky and the sand on the edge of the sea." Why were these two specific similes used to describe the eventual size of the Jewish People?
The Kli Yakar, a 16th Torah commentator, explains that these comparisons refer to two different phases in our nation's history. The stars represent a time of peace and tranquility, when the Jews are safe and as numerous and brilliant as the stars. The sand, however, represents a different period, in which other nations may try to defeat the Jewish people. They try to trample on and defeat us, but they are unable to succeed. Just as the waves crash down on the sand and break, so too our enemies try to break us, but their efforts dissipate and wash away as does a wave.
The message of the stars and sand resonates especially today. While news from Israel certainly points to a "sand era," the Jewish nation both in Israel and abroad has been working valiantly to shine like stars nonetheless. We at Akiba are strengthened by the glowing ways our students have demonstrated their love of Israel in recent weeks. Hashem's promise to Avraham guides us even in these difficult times. 
Shabbat Shalom!

Congratulations to our Indoor Soccer team for finishing out the season this week with a win 13-5! Congratulations to our A and B Volleyball teams for earning their place in the playoffs!  Go Cougars!!
Akiba Stands With Israel!  On Wednesday, our students and staff wore blue and white
in solidarity with Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!


Ordering Portraits online or ordering additional portraits: Instructions from the vendor: 
To Order Portraits Online, The website and access code are on your child's portrait envelope and z-pack. 
Please note that some photos inadvertently had incorrect student names but it is only the code that is needed so the name will not affect the order. 
Place code in the grey search box. Hit enter. It will take you directly to you album of images. If it prompts for a password, the password is the same code. 
The z-pack has the w ww.teddysmiles.com website on it to order from. This redirects you to http://teddybearportraits.zenfolio.com/ , sometimes this redirects and sometimes it does not. If not type in this website. 
Digital Images:
Parents that purchased digital ONLY will receive a proof and the access code is on the envelope.   Parents that ordered both digital and printed portraits,the access code is printed on the envelope.
Go to the same website as above follow instructions above, and click on the image, it will open and become larger, right click on the image and select Download. This will allow you to save it 

School pictures have arrived and will be going home with the OLDEST child in each family.  Please check your child's backpack.

In an interdisciplinary lesson, 4th and 7th graders learned about the science and halacha of challah. Guided by middle school science teacher Denny Ticker and math teacher Sarah Menashe, students explored changes in a yeast-based dough (a fungus!) and studied its growth and reproductive properties. Using volumetric measurement, students compared changes in the size of the dough before and after it rose, studied its height, and quantified its ingredients. Rabbi Joe Hirsch shared the halachic requirements for "separating" challah and its contemporary message of contributing to larger causes. Ron Romaner led a challah-making demo for 4 th graders, who got to enjoy their hard work by taking home a challah of their own. 
Torah and the sciences are the perfect ingredients for learning at Akiba! 


Kindergarten had some very special guests.....4 baby chicks! Sivan Meyer's family have adopted baby chicks and plan on raising them so that they have fresh eggs at their home. They were gracious enough to bring the chicks to school to share with the Kindergarten students.  We were excited to learn that the color ears that the chick has produces that color egg. The children were able to able to observe and hold the chicks.  


The Chaverim children took a field trip to the Dallas Museum of Art this week. At the DMA the children learned how to used their senses to explore the art in the gallery more deeply. Then the children had the opportunity to visit the studio in the DMA to paint with tempera paint. Thank you to all of the parents who helped drive and chaperone for this field trip. We couldn't have done it without you!


Ten middle school students recently attended the TedX conference in Dallas at SMU.  At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.  These presentations showcase personal stories from the presenters which offered the students life lessons and food for thought as they navigate their intellectual and academic worlds. 
Staff Development Day and New Aftercare Closing Time
The upcoming Staff Development Day is scheduled for Monday, November 9 th and school is closed.  Please click here on the following link for a full listing of all aftercare and school closing times.
Also, please note this Friday aftercare and the campus will be closing at 4:30PM. After Daylight Savings Time ends, the campus and aftercare will close at 3:30PM.

Yearbook Ads for Purchase
The 8th grade class has started building an amazing yearbook.  Please support the class and the yearbook by purchasing an ad to be placed in the yearbook.  You can purchase an ad for an 8th grader who is graduating, an honoree, or to advertise your business.  Fill out the attached ad order form and return the form, payment, and a copy of your ad to Aimee Wortendyke, Educational Technologist.   Click Here


As first graders learn their Hebrew letters and beginning words, they practice through games, letter searches,
and making letters with their bodies.


The J is trying to provide programs this year on all of the days that Akiba is out of school. Children in grades K-6 grade can come to the J for a day of games, sports, art, swimming and more! The first day coming up is for the Conference Day on November 9. Cost per day is $55 for JCC Members and $65 for JCC Non-Members - there must be a minimum of 8 registrants for the program to happen. To register please contact Abbi Cook at  [email protected].
Hours are 9-4 with before and after-care available from 7:30-6:00.
The 5th grade students visited the preschool to share Shabbat spirit with them.  
Singing songs and seeing siblings were just a couple of the highlights.
5th Grade at Preschool Shabbat!
5th Grade at Preschool Shabbat!


Everyone is invited!  Meeting 11/10/15 @ 8pm in the Boardroom.  Please note, it is an evening meeting.
Mitzvah of the Month-November
We're collecting new and used books for children in grades K-2.  We will partner with Tycher Library to pack and donate these books to Reading Partners North Texas which helps tutor students who read below grade-level.  Please look for blue and white boxes around the school for your donations.

Book Fair:
Book Fair is coming November 17-25 (can you put this in a fancy script to get people's attention?)
Grandparents' Day:
  Grandparents and Special Friends' Day is November 25! 
Invitations went out this week.
Join our Facebook page:  http://bit.ly/AkibaGrands
Help our event go viral! Share the attached sign with your child's grandparents and special friends.
Have them and/or your child print and take a picture or video with the sign and post it to our Facebook page to show
your support and help build the momentum.* And don't forget our hashtag: #AkibaGrands

PTO Webpage, Hot Lunch, Box Tops
Follow us on the Akiba Website!  Subscribe to the PTO Page (updated weekly).
Thank you to all of the October hot lunch volunteers!  November 5th is still open for next week. 
There are still spots available for the remainder of 2015...
We made $83 in Box Tops so far this year so keep up the good work and keep collecting!

Yiddishe Kup Cafe' will be open during this program with coffees, teas, and baked goods available for purchase.


Akiba loves to celebrate the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs of our students at middle school's davening.
Mazal tov to Ruthie Rapps (who celebrates her Bat Mitzvah this week).

KOL AKIBA will be delivered to your inbox every week giving you a quick look at the week's news highlights as well as a look ahead for the coming week so you can plan accordingly. If you have new stories or photos to share please contact [email protected].