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Hilchos Berachos 56-57 (page 179)
מסעיף ב עד תחילת סימן נח

When to Respond Amen to Barechu
Standing and Bowing for Barechu
The Response of Amen Yehei Sheme Rabbah

When to respond Amen to barechu 
There is an opinion that holds that after the chazan says baruch Hashem hamevorach, etc., the congregation should answer Amen. Most poskim hold that it is unnecessary for people to respond Amen since they already recited that verse themselves. Regarding this issue, some poskim differentiate between places in davening where it is permissible to interrupt (e.g. the barechu of kriyas haTorah) and places where it is forbidden to interrupt (e.g. barechu before birchos kriyas Shema). Someone who was unable to respond to barechu when the congregation was saying it may answer Amen to the chazan's repetition. The chazan does not respond Amen to the congregation's recital of baruch Hashem hamevorach because he will say those words himself in just a few seconds.
( סימן נז, ס"ק ד)
Standing and bowing for barechu
The tzibur should stand when the chazan says barechu and when they respond. They do not need to remain standing while the chazan repeats baruch Hashem hamevorach. Some have the custom of putting their feet together in the stlye of Shemone Esrei when saying barechu. It is also customary for the chazan, and in many congregations for the tzibur, to bow when reciting barechu. According to some poskim, the people should face east when they bow. According to other poskim, there is no preference as to the direction of the bow.
( סימן נז, ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3)
The response of Amen yehei sheme rabbah
According to some poskim, when responding to yehei sheme rabbah one should continue reciting the kaddish until the words da'amiran b'olma, v'imru Amen. According to this opinion, it is also forbidden to pause between the words olmaya and yisbarach. A second opinion stops the response before the word yisbarach. A third opinion sees the phrases of olmaya and yisbarach as separate concepts and requires a pause between the words. Accordingly, one should stop his response after olmaya. If one's response took so long that the chazan already started to say the rest of kaddish, he should continue reciting the words of kaddish (pausing between olmaya and yisbarach) until he catches up to the chazan.
( סימן נו, סעיף ג וס"ק טו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 24)

  • Responding Amen yehei shemei rabbah is a great mitzvah and it supersedes responding to kedusha. Someone who hears kaddish from one minyan at the same time as he hears kedusha from another should respond yehei shemei rabbah rather than respond to kedusha.
  • According to the Rama, it is proper to stand when responding to kaddish, kedusha, barechu or any other davar shebekedusha. If one was sitting before kaddish began, he should rise when responding. Some poskim hold that it is not necessary to rise. If kaddish began at a time when people were already standing, they should remain standing.
  • It is proper to respond yehei shemei rabbah out loud in order to help one focus on the meaning of the words and to annul any pending severe decrees. One should not raise his voice in a way that it will attract ridicule.

  • When can one begin saying pesukei d'zimra?

  • The latest time for reciting kriyas Shema

  • Davening close to sunrise



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.