Wealthy Bag Lady - Business and Sponsorship Success
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Sponsor Secrets Seminar Was Amazing

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Sponsor Secrets Seminar, in Los Angeles on October 6-8, 2015, was one of my most rewarding training experiences. The sponsors and attendees were awesome and everyone came to play full out.

Here Are Some Rave Reviews

"Sponsor Secrets Seminar was one of the most powerful events I have ever attended. It showed me how to propose and close my sponsors, not just for an event, not just for a year, but for multi-year contracts. I work with the best of the best, and that's Linda Hollander."
Romeo Sykes

"Linda Hollander helped me create a sponsorship proposal for one of the largest beverage companies in the world and I got them as a sponsor."
Ann Baker 

"I loved the panel of corporate sponsors at the Sponsor Secrets Seminar. They really helped me understand what sponsors are looking for in a partnership."
Nancy Lee Ma 

"Working with Linda is a blessing. Without her help, I would have wasted time, energy and money. I loved the Sponsor Secrets Seminar."
Anthony Crook

I Would Love to Answer Your Questions about Corporate Sponsors

Sponsors will spend over $20 billion dollars
this year on people just like you, even if you're just starting out.

Please feel free to contact me and let's schedule your sponsor strategy session.

I wish you the best of luck with your business and sponsorships and I look forward to talking with you soon.

Dedicated to your success,

Linda Hollander, Wealthy Bag Lady

Linda Hollander

Sponsor Concierge 

P.S. this to anyone who might be interested.


Linda Hollander as been featured by Inc. Magazine
as the leading expert on corporate sponsorship.
She is the author of Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps
and the
CEO of Sponsor Concierge.


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Wealthy Bag Lady Sponsor Concierge