General information about certification workshops and trainings. 

Contact and registration

Please note contact details for the event that interests you. 
Unless another contact is indicated
requests for information and registrations for events are made through the national TTouch offices below: 
In the United States please call 800-854-8326 (Mountain time), email the TTouch office ( companion animals, horses) or register online.

In Canada please call 800-255-2336 (Pacific time), email the Canadian Office or register online.

General information 

The majority of the TTouch events listed in the calendar are open to participants with all levels of experience, and may include students from all sessions of the Companion Animal and Equine Practitioner Certification programs. Advanced Trainings and Introductory Workshops will be identified.

Companion animal and dog trainings and workshops 
Unless otherwise indicated, the events can be either your introduction to Tellington TTouch or taken as a session of the TTouch Practitioner Certification Program in the  United States or Canada. Some may be three-day events as outlined below.

Companion animal trainings are eligible for CCPDT CEU's for dog trainers.


For people who are attending their first full six-day training there is a one-time introductory price of $750.00. For people attending their second through sixth trainings, the price for each session is $900.00.

Introductory three-day workshops are $400.00. Instructors may offer three-day trainings for those beyond the introductory level, in which case the price is $475.00.

Early bird discounts are usually available.

The majority of Canadian events will require payment of applicable sales taxes.  

Three-day workshops:
Select Advanced Practitioners will be teaching three-day Introductory Workshops. Each workshop reflects the needs of the animals present, so the content and context is always varied. A second workshop is never a repeat of the first. 

Students may take a maximum of two
three-day I ntroductory Workshops with Advanced Practitioners. Two such workshops will be equivalent to the first session of the six six-day training sessions required for certification. The two workshops may be separated by one long training of the ongoing program. 

When taught by Instructors, the three-day Companion Animal workshops may be open to students of all levels, and may include work with a variety of species.
A maximum of four three-day workshops is allowed in the program. 
A ttendance at three-day workshops with Advanced Practitioners or Instructors earns CEU's towards maintaining Practitioner status according to the Certification Program Guidelines. 
Tellington TTouch with horses  

Unless otherwise indicated, the trainings can be your introduction to Tellington TTouch or taken as a session of the TTouch Practitioner Certification Program in the United States or Canada. They may be three-day or six-day events.

Costs: Costs will vary, so please check specific event.

Three-day clinics:
All levels of students may attend three-day horse clinics with Instructors or Advanced Practitioners.

Two three-day workshops count as one six-day. A maximum of four three-day workshops is allowed in the program.

Non-certification workshops: 

For a complete listing of available workshops - including short workshops with Guild Certified Practitioners - visit the calendar of all events. It is updated regularly and arranged by location, and you can sort by date or by teacher. Bookmark it and check it often to find an event near you.
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