Collinsville Chamber of Commerce January 2016 Newsletter
Upcoming Meetings and Events
January Membership Luncheon
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Collinsville Library, 1223 W Main Street
11:45 am - 1:00 pm

Brandon Bartee, Senior Sales Executive with AmeriBank Group Benefits will visit with us about health insurance.

Lunch is available for $10 per person. Lunch will be served beginning at 11:45 and the meeting will begin promptly at noon.

No reservation required.
Member News
The Collinsville Chamber of Commerce is offering sponsorship opportunities for our monthly Membership Luncheons. The Luncheons take place on the first Thursday of each month at 11:45 am at the Collinsville Library.

Sponsorships include:
* Speaking to the entire group for 3-5 minutes to introduce your company/organization.
* Your company will also be mentioned as sponsor in the monthly newsletter/meeting reminder.
* Collateral may be offered at the lunch

Each sponsorship is $250. Please contact the Chamber office if you are interested in a sponsorship.  
The Tulsa Regional Chamber, CommunityCare, Delta Dental and MetLife have taken the significant changes facing small businesses as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and structured a program that creates a solution to ACA's challenges and also provides a portfolio of employee benefits and services previously only available to large employers. The program is called ChamberCare Plus and is designed for small business chamber members with 2-50 employees.

Since the Collinsville Chamber of Commerce is a member of the Tulsa Regional Chamber, ChamberCare Plus is available to members of our Chamber as well. 

To find out how the ChamberCare Plus program can benefit your business and to obtain proposal quotes, please contact CommunityCare at (918) 594-5245. You may also visit their website at

If you have any news, specials or events you would like included in our monthly newsletter, please email [email protected]