Loving our City
Candice Roberts

If you have been around the Genesis Project long enough you have heard talk of city transformation.  That's because we believe God has put us in this city at this time in history for a purpose. Ogden has been given to us as our home.  In Acts 17:24-28; we find a passage in which Paul is preaching to the men of Athens.  Here is what he says, "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.  God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.  'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring."

Did you know that God intended you to be here?  Did you know that perhaps you are the means through which God will bring redemption to the city of Ogden?  I had a conversation not long ago with a friend about gentrification.  Gentrification is the process of revamping cities to make them newer, more beautiful, and wealthier.  That sounds simple, but it isn't.  With gentrification property values go up but the people living in poverty get pushed out and deeper into poverty.  It would seem even our best efforts to redeem a town, tend to make it worse.  Throwing money at a problem isn't enough.   Love is the answer. We've got to love people where they are.  And we have to love people enough to stay with them in the mess and help them dig out.  That is how a city is redeemed; with love one person at a time.

So we find ourselves in Ogden, Utah today.  We have been given the charge to love and serve Ogden, one person at a time.  In case you are having a hard time falling in love with Ogden and its people, I've provided a list of some pretty awesome things about this city.

  1. Ogden has lawless roots.  I like the fact that in a very religious state, my city has always bucked the religious system.  I'm not suggesting we take up crime as a lifestyle.  In 1920 Al Capone, actually said Ogden was too wild of a town for even him!!!  But lets keep a little bit of that rebellious spirit alive.  Let's start a love rebellion!
  2. There are lots of outdoor adventures awaiting you and lots of people who love the outdoors.  This is amazing to me.  Everyday people in Ogden are awed by God's creation.  People are connecting with God, maybe without even realizing it.  Skiing, hiking, riding, diving, swimming, camping- our town is full of opportunities for people to get to know the Creator.  YOU can witness it!
  3. Ogden is a diverse town (for Utah anyway). I mean we aren't New York City.  But there is a lot of cultural diversity here.  I love it!  I want my children to experience and get to love and be loved by people from all races and ethnicities.  
  4. Ogden is quirky.  We have painted horses downtown.  We have Christmas village, an Egyptian theater and indoor surfing all within a few blocks.
  5. God completely and totally loves EVERY person who lives in Ogden, and if we got to know them, I bet we would love them too!

Texture is up!  Landscaping being prepped!  Thank you to all that helped!  Coming SOON!

This Week!

GP Life Wednesdays 
5:00pm -  Serve Project
5:30pm - Community Dinner
6:00pm - Kids & Adult Classes
7:00pm - Bible Study

3525 Riverdale Rd, Ogden

Sunday Services
Quick Links
The Genesis Project | (801)393-6867 | www.genesisutah.com
3525 Riverdale Rd. Ogden UT