July 2015
Volume 13.2
Photograph of Panorama Ridge BC
" Panorama from Panorama Ridge" CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 photo [cropped] by James Wheeler
In This Issue
Connect at a Glance

In this issue of BC ELN Connect we see into the future with OutLook OnLine, reacquaint ourselves with the Resource Forum and Ranking Survey, catch up on IRs, and more.

The BC ELN Office welcomes your comments on this and any issue of BC ELN Connect: [email protected]
BC Government Logo

2015/16 Funding Approved!

It's full steam ahead for BC ELN with the Ministry of Advanced Education having confirmed BC ELN's budget allocation for the year 2015/16.


The Ministry letter states, "The Ministry recognizes that BC ELN's coordinated services and licenses help partner libraries in meeting post-secondary information needs. We look forward to working with BC ELN over the coming year to identify strategic priorities to support its role of providing high-quality services to the provincial post-secondary system."

Many thanks to the Ministry and BC ELN partner libraries for all the support - funding, staff time, input and feedback. We look forward to another productive year!

OutLook OnLine: A Glimpse into the Future!
OutLook OnLine Logo


You can tell that we've been busy bees here at the new centralized OutLook OnLine helpdesk, with the flurry of messages and updates that have appeared in your inboxes these past few months! An ILL management system used by libraries across the province, OutLook OnLine is an important part of provincial resource sharing. We are striving to make it the best it can be, so we've been looking at ways to improve usability and user experience for staff and patrons alike.


Some changes that you might already know about include:

  • A refresh of the union databases, to improve record accuracy and reduce ILL request errors.
  • The implementation of ERTI (Enhanced Request This Item), a more powerful matching algorithm for generating lender lists and forwarding requests to lenders.
  • The ability to enable lending policies, to deflect requests for non-lendable material types.
  • Canadian hosting: OutLook OnLine is now hosted entirely on Canadian servers, to open up possibilities for patron requesting.

Our work with OutLook OnLine is just beginning though! Working with the OutLook OnLine vendor, Auto-Graphics, and gathering feedback from the larger community, we've identified new enhancements that will move OutLook OnLine closer to supporting streamlined patron-initiated requesting. This will ultimately simplify patron and staff workflows, and who doesn't like simple?


Here are some of the changes that the future will bring:


Out of Province Requesting


OutLook OnLine will soon expand to include out-of-province libraries. This means that you'll be able to submit/receive ILL requests to/from libraries outside of BC, using OutLook OnLine. This is exciting news because it's a feature that libraries have asked about.


Initial setup will begin in the coming months. Once out-of-province requesting is in place, staff and patrons will be able to use OutLook OnLine for most, if not all, of their ILL requesting needs.


Desktop Delivery of Electronic Documents


Auto-Graphics is in the earliest stages of developing enhanced desktop delivery in OutLook OnLine.  


Enhanced desktop delivery functionality in OutLook OnLine would allow lending libraries to upload electronic documents to the system and requesting ILL staff/patrons to download them with copyright disclosures and customizable access restrictions (e.g., number of downloads, time restrictions, etc.), simplifyiing the lending of electronic documents for both staff and patrons.


Simplified ILL Request Form for Patrons


Earlier this year, we championed a simplified ILL request form specifically for patron use. In response, Auto-Graphics prioritized the creation of a ready-to-use simplified patron form and also a fully customizable request form that can be configured differently for patrons and staff. The new forms will be available towards the end of the summer, and will have a significant positive impact on libraries that already have or wish to implement patron-initiated ILL requesting in OutLook OnLine.


New Support Website


A new OutLook OnLine support website is being created for post-secondary and public libraries. The website will include guides, documentation, and possibly video tutorials, in addition to general information about OutLook OnLine.


The website is being developed by the Administrative Centre, and should be live in the fall. It will be a single portal to meet all of your OutLook OnLine needs--but the helpdesk will of course continue to welcome support questions via email or phone!


2015 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for OutLook OnLine, with a wide range of enhancements that have been brought to the system and more developments to come over the next year or so. We hope you are looking forward to the changes as much as we are! 


Resource Forum and Ranking Survey: Back by Popular Demand

BC ELN took a cutting-edge step in 2001 by implementing a system-wide process for partner libraries to suggest potential resources for consortial licensing. The two-part suggestion forum and ranking system was consultative and democratic. Early years of polling partner libraries then collectively ranking the results yielded large numbers of potential resources for licensing, and BC ELN pursued many of these either alone or with other consortia. As a result, the options for opt-in licenses grew quickly through the early 2000s.


In the last few years the resource selection process has been on hiatus at BC ELN. Resources for licensing were suggested by other means, for example through multi-consortial initiatives. At the same time, the ability for partner libraries to take on new licenses has diminished due to shrinking or even frozen collections budgets.


And yet, feedback gathered via the 2014 Licensing Activities Survey made it abundantly clear: partner library staff members feel that it is important that BC ELN have some kind of resource selection process in place. Additionally, staff members believe that the BC ELN resources forum and the ranking survey give libraries a democratic opportunity to share opinions about which resources the consortium should pursue for licensing.


So BC ELN heeded the call. The resource forum, an online suggestion box for libraries to propose resources for potential consortial licensing, reopened in late 2014 and remains open year round, thanks to requests from partner libraries to do so. BC ELN staff took the resources suggested last fall and researched which would be most suitable for consortial licensing. The resulting list was shared recently with libraries via survey. Libraries ranked the resources by preference for consortial licensing, and indicated how likely the library would be to license the resource should an opportunity arise through BC ELN.


The 2015/16 ranking survey was just completed and BC ELN staff are reviewing the results to understand which direction to take next. Look for results to be shared soon!

Construction sign edited to say
New York in the summer CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 photo [cropped, edited] by Aaron van Dorn
Institutional Repository Network Update

The hot summer days and thoughts of vacation haven't slowed down progress on the BC Institutional Repository (IR) Network. The Implementation Working Group, made up of representatives from early adopter sites and sites with existing IRs, is working hard through the summer months to develop the basic look & feel, theming, workflows, and defaults for the BC IR Network repositories. The IR Advisory Committee also continues to meet through the summer to ensure the project is progressing apace. All parties are toiling hard to have a "big reveal" in the fall of new IR Network name, logo, URL, and content loaded into IRs.

In addition, the Ministry of Advanced Education has recently confirmed $50,000 in funding for phase two of the BC Institutional Repository Network. Be on the lookout for exciting developments in the near future! 


  BC ELN Collaborations
Drill sergeant yelling at a ecruit
"Pure Inspiration"  CC BY-NC 2.0 photo by David Bessey
AskAway Update: Veterans' Boot Camp


While an AskAway Veterans' Boot Camp might conjure up images of a fatigue-clad drill sergeant marching by a line of AskAway service providers furiously typing on computers, the actual experience is far less intimidating! This spring, with input from local coordinators, the AskAway Administrative Centre developed and offered new professional development sessions - branded as "boot camps" - for seasoned AskAway service providers to address up-to-date processes and advanced skills.


The thirty-seven attendees of the in-person and online sessions ranged from providers who have been with AskAway from the beginning (almost ten years ago!) to a few who "enlisted" as recently as last year. Feedback was extremely positive, with many remarking on how much has changed over the years. More boot camp sessions are in the works for the future.

Folks at the CHLA conference
CHLA Conference
E-HLbc Update: CHLA Conference 2015

This year, e-HLbc played a major role on the Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA) Conference 2015 Planning Committee by organizing the Sponsorship and Exhibits portion of the conference. e-HLbc staff (and BC ELN staff) worked tirelessly through the winter, spring, and early summer contacting vendors, preparing the Sponsors & Exhibitors prospectus, processing payments, organizing the floor plan for the exhibition hall, and being on call at the conference to help vendors with their booths set-up.


We are very pleased to say that 64 exhibitors attended the conference, including EBSCO Health, Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer, McGraw-Hill Education, BMJ, JAMA Network, and many more. Through the sponsors and exhibitors, the conference planning committee raised over $64,000.


The CHLA Conference spanned the weekend of June 19th to 22nd and was a great success! The conference kicked off with a day of continuing education sessions: ABCs of Research Impact, Advanced PubMed Searching, Preparing for Your Leadership Role, and more.   The conference sessions covered areas of consumer health, library impact, literature searching, data and technology, and assessment, while the poster topics ranged from integrating evidence into health services to user requests for medical literature on Twitter.


The Conference Planning Committee and all conference participants were grateful to e-HLbc for their role in bringing the sponsors and exhibitors to the 2015 conference.  Networking and social events at the conference would not have been possible without the support of the conference sponsors.   

WriteAway Update: Institutions Join
WriteAway Logo


Did you know that 12 institutions now belong to WriteAway? With Okanagan College and Thompson Rivers University joining the service in early 2015, roughly a third of post-secondary institutions in BC now offer online collaborative writing assistance via WriteAway. "Doors" remain open through the summer for students to use WriteAway at participating institutions. If your institution is interested in joining WriteAway for the fall term, please contact Leah at [email protected].


British Columbia Electronic Library Network | [email protected] |

W.A.C. Bennett Library, Room 7600

Simon Fraser University

8888 University Drive

Burnaby, V5A 1S6

phone: 778.782.7003

fax: 778.782.3023