'V-CUBE™ is now in 110 countries on all 5 continents. Thanks to all of you '
Konstantinos Verdes     
CEO Verdes Innovations, S.A.

V-Cube's on the map as a global quality cube!

Seven years ago we first launched "V-CUBE™ and, today, the 21st century cube has reached 110 countries through the www.V-Cubes.com e-shop, thanks to our loyal V-Fans around the world.
Take at look at 'V' Breaking,' a new section on everything that's happening now at V-Cube and check out your location on the map!
In this issue, you'll also get a closer look at the V-Cube pillow and learn some interesting facts about 'V' Collections Series, as well as an insider's view of the new corporate cube for Metaswitch.

'V' Breaking !!!
Latest figures from V-Cube!
The cleVer Cube has now reached 110 countries worldwide through our e-shop and that means 'V' is in the hands of loyal V-Fans in every corner of the globe.
Thanks for building a great V-Cube community!

Just Announced! Winners, Summer Best Photo Competition
We had some awesome photo entries in the competition.
Take a look at the winning entries chosen by V-Fans with most number of 'likes.' Ten fans who voted 'like' were chosen from a draw and won a V-Cube T-Shirt!

NEW!! Create Your Cube Connection!
Show & share your one-of-a-kind, personalized V-Cube with V-Fans worldwide! Whether you've designed your own V- Cube using Create Your Cube APP or have customized your 'V' on your own, INSTAGRAM your photo.

It's a great way to connect with V-Fans AND you'll get a 20% discount on your next purchase.

Link to Detailed information

The V-pillow!
a V-Cube Innovation

The V-pillow-shaped cube is a 'must have,' not only because its unique shape is a 'first' but because it is ergonomically designed. The 'pillow' is great to look at, turns and cuts corners well and is comfortable to the hand.

The V-Cube 'pillow' is available in 2,3,4,6,7 and 8 layer cubes.

...for kids from 8 to 80!  

V-Collections theme cubes, with over 100 products in seven categories, are not only fun to play and display but are an innovative educational tool - for all "kids"!

These cubes challenge your skills and memory - you have to pay attention to details-and as you turn, you learn.

Can you spot the difference in these dinosaurs??

Corporate Cube
V-Cube created this cube for Metaswitch as a corporate gift to its employees.

"The UK recruitment team has selected a challenging new giveaway, a curved, 3-color V-Cube. Not as easy as you think! Pictured are Matthew Lowe (front) and Ian Clarkson, Company Systems, contemplating a faster time that the 21 minute record."

Metaswitch, the world's leading network software provider, powering the transition of communication networks into a cloud-based, software-centric, all-IP future, serves more than 1000 network operators worldwide.
Verdes Innovations S.A