We Can Help . . .

April 29, 2015


Dear Disciples Family,


Once again, our televisions and newspapers are filled with images of disturbing violence and crime. Our news media outlets sensationalize the failed attempts at reconciliation and neglect to tell the whole story. There are peaceful protests to allay a community's pervasive hopelessness perpetuated by systemic racism. This is the story that must be told and the circumstance that must be addressed. As a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world - - we Disciples must respond. We must respond through  listening, learning, training and conversing in this time when action is required. I invite you to respond with financial gifts, as well, to support our pro-reconciliation and anti-racism priority.


Today, you have the opportunity to make a gift to support a special appeal by Reconciliation Ministry in response to Baltimore, Ferguson and other broken communities. Our goal is to help the world unlearn racism. But we need your support. Please visit https://docgeneralassembly.webconnex.com/rm  and make a gift.


Scripture reminds us that when Cain was asked, in the book of Genesis, "Where is your brother Abel," he refused to acknowledge his connectedness and responsibility for his brother's well-being. God speaks to him as God speaks to us now, "Listen, your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground!" The soul of our nation is crying out for healing and restoration to wholeness. In this moment of God's movement, we are called to repair the breach of human dignity. We are called to care for and be our brother and sister's keeper and friend.


Here are some ways our Church is at work in this effort that your gift will support:


  • We are in collaboration with our ecumenical partners in the region and national offices to promote community peace.
  • We will work with our partners to rebuild, restore and redevelop community.
  • Our Regional Minister in the Capital Area is advancing a pastoral letter and call to our congregations in the Baltimore community. 
  • Reconciliation Ministry and its ministry partners are working with our local leaders in the Christian Church in the Capital Area to support our members and pastors in Baltimore. 


We are prepared to dispatch personnel to the area consistent with a request from the local leadership.  Our response is dependent upon your gift. We hope you will give generously as we seek to bring healing and wholeness to a broken and fragmented world.


May you take courage to be a witness for Christ's Shalom.


Christ's peace abound,


April Johnson

Minister of Reconciliation


To Give Online: https://docgeneralassembly.webconnex.com/rm 

More Ways to Engage
More resources are available at www.reconciliationministry.org 
to help you in your conversations and study.