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2nd September 2015

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Health Chat

29th October King's Fund 5.30pm

Samantha Jones NHSE Director of New Models of Care and Vanguards.

This event sold out the normal venue very quickly so we have got a bigger room and now have 20 extra tickets. Ten sold yesterday  Please book this week... here.

Decide what it is 
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
I think the NHS has a collective brain-box the size of a planet, but we still can't seem to decide about IT and the stuff, elsewhere, we take for granted?
Buy a book from Amazon; they'll remember you for the rest of your life... know what you like, suggest goodies and deliver the same day.
How do they do that?
Go to hospital; everyone you meet will ask you who you are, your date of birth and what you've had for breakfast.
Why do they do that?
If I need a repeat prescription why can't I get it on-line and have it delivered by Amazon?
What's stopping us doing that?
I'll tell you. It's the Irish joke; 'How do I get to Tipperary? Answer; 'I wouldn't start from here...'
We are bolting on IT when we should be welding it in. There are five things we need to think about.
1  Back to Front
'Technology' should not be thought of as just a back-office function. Spreadsheets, forecasts, modelling, HR stuff, wages and all that. That said, why every Trust needs a full blown finance and HR department is a mystery to me. Huge chunks of duplication and routine work are crying out to be syndicated. That is simple and called cost-cutting.
There is much, much more.
We must realise IT can generate revenues by linking it to the patient experience.
Routine discussions, Apps, prescriptions, Cloud services, mobile devices, monitoring are all possible but largely missing.
US biz-mag Information Week reported nearly half of companies put IT led products and services in their top 3 priorities for growth and development. 
What is the NHS default position? 
2  Data Later
We still don't really get the idea that data captured from patients' past experiences can inform better care in the future.
We play blindfold darts; throwing care and hope it hits the board, never mind the bull's-eye.
When we know why people get sick, we stand more than half a chance to stop a repeat. Aligning care, clinicians and information; figuring out what happened, why, what worked, how much did it cost and do we want it again? Makes sense to me.
3  No telescopic sight.
'What do we want IT to do?' NHS answer; 'Everything'. Start again; what are our three priorities? If we can't spell them out, in English, we can't expect clinicians, managers and budget makers to align with them and make them work.
We don't need every toy in the box. We want three (no more) things to make it easier and safer for patients to: Get in; Get Diagnosed; Get Fixed up; Get Out; and Get on with their lives. 
What are the 3 things?  (Write a 500 word guest editorial for us and we'll publish the best.)
4  Security Allergies.
Yes, it is important and there will be well intended people who will resist. However, if we applied the resistance to healthcare data modelling to banking we'd still be queuing at the counter and writing cheques.
What's the chance of winning over the public with words like 'pseudonymised'?  What's Mr & Mrs John English supposed to make of that?  A description of a citizen from a place mentioned in the Bible's Book of Jude, maybe?
Even worse; press stuff like this.  Unreadable junk.
Security is not an after-thought to be dumped on the IT department; it's all our jobs. Make a simple IT promise, mean it and keep it.
We promise to look after your data as though it were our own family's and use it to make healthcare better for all our families
... that'll do for starters.
5  End-2-End
IT should be like the stripe in the tooth-paste; end to end. Hire the best IT professionals we can find, put them on the board but throw away the key to their office. They need to be evangelists and peripatetic.
If the NHS were a new start-up it would integrate the management of information by the use of technology, from the off. Too late for that; we are where we are. The last bureaucracy of its type in the world. We have size and scale on our side but it is a mixed blessing.
If NHS IT really is 'all about the patient' what is the narrative?
With the careful use of IT and your data we can make your care quicker, safer and make the money go further?
If that's it... let's say it?
We need a local-national approach, frame-worked and incentivised and where necessary, make it clear being a spectator is no longer an option.
One more important thing; our solution has to be in the understanding that almost all improvements come from making things simpler.
We must celebrate what we want to see more of.  We just have to decide what it is. 
I'm at Expo in Manchester today, chairing a discussion. 
Come and say hello.
Have you looked at the fabulous stuff?
New 'shares' every day.
Make a note; be a sharer this week
  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me  in confidence.
Leaving the NHS, changing jobs - you don't have to say goodbye to us! You can update your Email Address from the link you'll find right at the bottom of the page, and we'll keep mailing.
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Dr Paul Lambden
It's in the blood...

At the end of the rainbow; good ideas
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Award winning patient flow software Lincolnshire; , Glimpses of Brilliance.
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News and Stuff
News boy
>>  Bob the Builder - steps down.  Very frank interview exclusive for the HSJ's Sophie Barnes.  Must read, he has a lot to say.  I expect he will have a lot more to say at our HealthChat evening on the 16th Sept.  We are sold out but if you want to come and listen and join in, click here, put your name on the waiting list and we will reopen bookings and be in touch. 
>>  Tariff row and the Shelford Group - two interesting letters I'm not sure I am supposed to have that I thought you might like to see.  Here and here
Search for good stuff
Sam Jones
In conversation with
Roy Lilley 
Chief Vanguardista
Last few tickets today.
King's Fund
29th October.
Important Notice
To cope with demand we have booked a bigger room and have 30
(make that 20 we sold ten yesterday
extra tickets.  Please book this week.
1st December
King's Fund 5.30pm
Janet Davies
New boss at the RCN
King's Fund 1st December 5.30 pm.
Sir Robert Naylor
Has announced he is stepping down from UCLH
He is HealthChatting with me on 16th September at the King's Fund 5.30pm.
Officially we are sold out but as this is one of his last personal appearances you'll probably want to be there Click Here and we'll put you on the wait list and reopen the bookings.
Don't miss history! 
Looking for something different
Tell us about your jobs or post them for free.
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - agency staff rate cap proposed by the Crankies (Monitor and the TDA) has been shelved as unworkable.  Pushed back to December, right in the middle of the winter pressures.  Man-up, scrap it, it's a daft idea.  You can't buck the market.
>>  I'm hearing - yesterday was the first day at work as the ChEx of the Centre for Aging for Dr Anna Dixon.  She might start by changing the name  to the Centre for Staying Young; that would be much more interesting.
>>  I'm hearing - a new round of cancer drug cuts are to be announced any day.
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem
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