Week 4, Winter 2016
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Winter hours Mon-Thurs: 8am-7pm. Fri: 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | |
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" I am tired of seeing my children - I call everything including yous in this room, you are all my children - I am tired of seeing homeless transgender children; young, gay, youth children." 
~Sylvia Rivera
Volunteer at the LGBT Resource Center! 

Volunteer Training and Orientation
Wednesday Jan. 27th | 1:30-3:00PM 
LGBT Resource Center 

Want to be involved with the LGBT Resource Center?  Volunteers help the center run smoothly, and are an important part of daily operations. 
 If you think you might be interested in volunteering, email Operations Coordinator, karla at for a volunteer application or pick one up at the LGBT Resource Center today. See you at the orientation session!

Upcoming Events at the Center

The LGBT Resource Center is committed to making our communities' program and events accessible.If you require specific accommodations, please contact us at 858. 822.3493 | 

CGS Office Hours
Jan. 28th, 2016 | 9-11am
LGBT RC Conference Room

Are you interested in taking Critical Gender Studies (CGS) classes, but don't know where to start? Have you been meaning to talk to an academic advisor about declaring your CGS major or minor? Do you have a class that you need to petition for CGS, but just haven't found the time to do it? Stop by the LGBT Resource Center to talk to an academic advisor for knowledgeable assistance. 

Fluid Attraction Discussion Group
Wednesday, 6-7pm | LGBT RC Conference Room

The discussion group Fluid Attraction, led by intern Dylan, has changed the meeting time. It now meets at 6pm on Wednesdays. This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. 

Check it out here.
QTPOC Wellness Wednesdays
12-1pm | LGBT Resource Center
Join us to be in community; Each week we'll have a different activity! Our first gathering will consist of making flower essences for ourselves! Flower essences are the energetic, or vibrational imprint of a plant. Each essence contains the unique life force and healing properties of each particular flower from which it is made.

Friday Funday
2pm | LGBT Resource Center

Friday Fundays will be happening every week this quarter! There will be various enjoyable activities with awesome people, and potentially snacks, so come check it out! Relax at the end of a long week! Spend time in the community!
Food for Thought
Monday, February 1st | 1pm |  LGBTRC

Food for Thought: Queer Palestine & Queer Israel

Heard about issues related to our community and Palestine & Israel and want to talk about it?  Want to learn more? Join us this Monday, February 1st at 2pm at the LGBT Resource Center for Food for Thought: Queer Palestine & Queer Israel.  UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center is excited to continue its ongoing series of weekly conversations regarding important topics in our community.  "Food For Thought" creates space for our community to explore dialogue, deepen understanding and engage with current issues.  Free popcorn, too!

Events and Resources... 

Men's Relationship Forum
Mondays | 2:30-4:00PM | Women's Center 

Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus.
The purpose of this forum is to empower gay men and provide a sense of community and support in their pursuit of establishing and maintaining long-term, stable gay relationships, especially in a heterosexist society that still largely frowns upon male/male partnerships and intimacy.
This forum addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more.
We meet during Weeks 2-10 in the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters on Mondays, 2:30-4:00pm, in the Women's Center Small Group Room.

For more information please contact:  Gregory E. Koch, Psy.D. at   858) 534-3585 or at

UC Regent Open Forum

Jan. 28th, 2016 | 12-1pm
The Forum, PC East, 4th Floor

Every year, one student is selected to serve as the Student Regent on the Board of Regents of the University of California. This individual, conjointly selected by the principal governing bodies of the UC system, attends all board meetings, maintains full voting power, and enjoys waived university fees whilst they serve as a Regents-designate and as a member of the Board.The position was created to ensure that the student voice was heard and represented, even at the highest level of administrative decision-making.

The current Student Regent (Avi Oved) and Student Regent Designate (Marcela Ramirez) will be hosting an open forum to answer questions relating to the position and application process. Free Rubios will be served. 

Check out the event. For more info, contact

MEDS Conference
Jan. 30th, 2016 | 8am-5pm
Telemedicine Building, UCSD Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy

MEDS (Medical Education for Diverse Students) is a pre-med/pre-pharmacy conference for underrepresented minority and first-generation student from UCSD and local community college. MEDS covers all components of the application process and provides a hands-on look behind the scenes at UC San Diego Schools or Medicine and Pharmacy, See the schedule at 

Pre-meds register at Early access code: REGMEDS2016. 

For questions, email

Art with Community - Narrating Our Story
Jan. 28th, 2016 | 5-7pm
Cross-Cultural Center Art Space

Storytelling and art are incredibly powerful tools to get our stories across. Join us as we explore how our identities, community, and experiences shape who we are through group discussions, reflection and art. We will be making accordion style art books to capture the narrative(s) we want to tell. No prior artistic experience is necessary.
Supplies and light refreshments will be provided.
Questions? Contact Whitney La at


UC San Diego Camp Summer Research Program
Deadline: Feb. 15th, 2016

Apply for this 10-week full-time research experience! Students will participate in seminars and workshops and will be trained to write a research proposal and paper. They will present their research at UCSD Summer Research Conference and at the CAMP Statewide Symposium. The program includes a $3,500 fellowship, free on-campus housing (or a housing alliance for students off-campus). 

This is open to UCSD students with junior or senior standing, at least a 2.75 GPA, and US citizenship or permanent residency. 

Apply at

Life Skills Series: Roadside Survival Workshop
Jan. 27th, 2016 | 12-1pm
Sungod Lawn

This workshop hosted by a local mechanic will cover the basics of roadside survival and give participants a close-up look of car maintenance.

Family Matters
Jan. 27th, 2016 | 5-6pm
Black Resource Center Conference Room

Does your family know very little or too much about your life at UCSD?

Come out to the BRC for a facilitated conversation on how to navigate family relations in a different way due to a new identity as a college student.

Network and Chill

Jan. 28th, 2016 | 6-8pm
Black Resource Center

"So, what are you going to do after college?"

That's the big question, and the Black Resource Center and Black Alumni Council are partnering together to help you answer it. 

This is the networking event to be at - there will be Black Alumni from a variety of careers there to have dinner with you. Don't miss out!

RSVP here by Wednesday, January 27th!

Black Grad Series: Money Management
Jan 28th, 2016 | 3:00-4:40pm
Black Resource Center Conference Room

Join the BRC in the continuation of the Senior Series, where we're discussing strategies for managing your money! We will be joined by UCSD alumna, Mary Taylor. She is currently the owner of Taylor Educational Counseling, a company that provides college admissions guidance to high school students.

Student Satisfaction Survey
Jan. 11th - Mar. 11th

Fill out the student satisfaction survey! Let's let the school know what all different students are looking for, and would like to improve about the school. Let your voice be heard! 

Fill it out at

All participants will be given a 20% off UCSD Bookstore Coupon and entered into a raffle for an iPad Mini 4 or a $30 UCSD Bookstore Coupon. The undergraduate college with the most participants will be given a pizza party! 

Check out the promotional video

Check out the Chippr App

Chippr: A LGBT social network designed for people to engage, confess, connect and discover the LGBT community around them.

Made by your fellow UCSD student!

Sign up for San Diego exclusive beta access today.

Check out Chippr at

Life with Ethnic Studies

Feb. 3rd, 2016 | 5-6pm
Career Services Center

This is a career panel discussion with Ethnic Studies alumni. 

Afro-Centricities: Dreams of Blended Black Cultures
Reception: Feb. 5th, 2016 | 5:30pm-7:30pm
Cross-Cultural Center ArtSpace

This is a magnificent opportunity to see this art exhibit by Anya Hall-Flores. Light refreshments will be provided, and of course there will be plenty of art.

Art Exhibit on display January 8th until February 8th, 2016 and can be viewed during normal CCC hours. 

3rd Annual BlaqOUT Conference
April 8-9, 2016
University of California, Riverside

We cordially invite all folks who self identify as Black/AfricanAmerican or of African Descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somewhere on the LGBTQ Spectrum, to apply to attend.
If you are an ally to our communities, we encourage you to attend the QPOC Conference on April 29 - May 1 at the University of California, Berkeley. The QPOC Conference is open to all individuals.
Through this conference, we hope to create safe and courageous spaces that foster the discussion of issues relevant to those who self identify as Black/African American or of African Communities on the LGBTQ Spectrum. Various Workshops, keynotes, and activities will be designed to unite our community and equip us with the resources necessary to face issues that affect us as marginalized individuals.

Check out the website here, or Email or email LGBT Resource Center Program Coordinator Toi  Thibodeaux at for questions. 

Applications will be online in January - apply by March 21st.

Career Services Position Info Session
Feb 4th. 2016 | 12pm
Career Services Center

The UCSD Career Service Center is currently hiring for Career Peer Educators for the 2016-2017 school year. The internship is an incredible opportunity for any student - it allows you to learn more about professional development and the resources available, plus work with other students.
Inter-Generational Walking Club
Saturdays, 10am
Meets at UCSD Emeriti Association Building, University Center - Building 400

The 2016 Public Health Inter-Generational Walking Club provides an opportunity to walk and
 talk with children, students, TA's, professors, faculty,
 staff, and retirees. Come enjoy the beautiful UCSD walking paths as you get to know fellow students, faculty and staff members, as well as build alliances with our San Diego community youth and retired members. The walk is wheelchair accessible.

Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: Feb. 16th, 2016

The Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship is a $10,000 award paid in spring quarter 2016 for undergrads majoring in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, public policy, communications and other programs touching on networked systems and who are active in supporting the LGBT community. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Apply here. For questions, contact the UCSD Scholarship Office at or (858) 534-1067.

Black History Month's Night with Athletics
Feb. 26th, 2016
5:30pm (Triton Women) | 7:30pm (Triton Men)

Green Room (RIMAC Arena)

Come to the Green Room for food and fun, and then cheer on our Tritons as they take on San Francisco State at RIMAC Arena!

Complimentary tickets are available for faculty and staff who email to RSVP by 2/23/2016. Please email for special accommodations.

14th Annual Black History Month Scholarship Brunch
Feb. 27th, 2016

Price Center Ballroom

The 2016 Black History Month national theme is "Hallowed Ground: Sites of African American Memory." The scholarship brunch serves to recognize, celebrate and show appreciation for the achievements of students who are instilling a memorable mark in history for the UC San Diego campus and communities. Join us in honoring this year's scholarship recipients.

Please email or call (858) 822-5248 for more information.

BSU Speak Up reporting project

Have you ever experienced microaggressions, discrimination, or even blatant racism within the UCSD community? Black Student Union wants to make sure your experiences never go unnoticed. Here is a Google Form for students to submit incidents that happen to them at UCSD. This is so that BSU can keep track of them and take these into account when advocating for students. This is not a replacement for OPHD (Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination), but a supplement. 

Submit at or click here

Office hours at the Center:

Career Meet-Ups
Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00pm 
LGBT Resource Center
Sonia Honne-Gonzalez, the Career Services Center Liaison to the Campus Community Centers, will be at the LGBT Resource center on Wednesdays to offer career advice. Come in and connect with Sonia regarding career readiness, job search strategies, professional development, professional planning, and/or resume review!

For more information email:

If you would like to submit relevant news or events to be featured in the newsletter, please email or submit it through the portal on our website, The portal can be found here
Community Classifieds
Éxito! Latino Cancer Training

Éxito! will select 25 master's-level students and professionals-like Jimenez and Berrios-from across the nation to attend a five-day summer institute June 6-10, 2016, in San Antonio, offering research information, tools, tips, role models and motivation to encourage participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a career studying how cancer affects Latinos differently. 

Apply here
Summer Job Opportunities with TRIO
Deadline: March 4th, 2016

UC San Diego's TRIO Outreach Programs has a variety of job opportunities to work with our Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math Science programs.  We are looking for motivated tutors, residential assistants and teachers who can help build the dreams of young people. 

UCSD students apply on Port Triton

For questions, contact Carri Fierro at
AVID Tutors Wanted

Full-time college students recruited to work tutoring middle and high school students in English, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies/History. This would happen Monday through Friday during school hours, in the Sweetwater Union High School District and the pay would be $12.63/hr. To apply, call Laura Ravelero at (619) 691-5534 for a processing appointment. There will be an application, drug testing, and evidence of enrollment as a student. For more info, call Jeanette Gonzales at (619) 600-3344.  
Victory Empowerment Fellowship
Deadline: Jan. 25th, 2016

The Victory Institute invites transgender people and LGBT leaders of color to apply to the Victory Empowerment Fellowship for Summer 2016.  

The program includes a stipend, housing in D.C., placement in a congressional internship and travel to/from Washington, D.C., as well as travel and registration to the 2016 LGBT Leaders Conference.

Apply here

HIV Discussion Group
Thursdays, 6-8pm
Mercy Gardens
540 Lewis Street
San Diego, CA 92103

An ongoing education and social support group for HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Learn to be positive about being HIV-positive. Be empowered, share, and grow with other men who can relate to your journey.

Topics include living with HIV,
healthy relationships, sexual health, self esteem, normalizing conversations about sex, and self-disclosure (telling family, friends, and partners). 

Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program @UW
Deadline: Jan. 29th, 2016

This a two-year conservation immersion program at the University of Washington is meant to broaden participation within conservation by selecting interested freshmen and sophomores. It's not necessary to come from a background in environmental studies. 

Application available here is requires two letters of recommendation. Contact
Healing Yoga for Trans Folks and Friends
Saturdays | 10:45am
3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103 

This class is free and open to Trans folks and allies. Class begins at 10:45 and is taught by Christine Taylor, who has generously donated her time. Healing Yoga teachings are derived from the self-empowering practices of yoga, utilizing a wide range of tools to help enhance well-being and health. For more information contact Connor Maddocks at
Lesbian Body Image Survey 

The Department of Psychology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville is doing a study on lesbian attitudes & feelings about your own body,gender identity and gender expression. Lesbians over 18 are eligible and $50 Amazon gift cards will be raffled for participants. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

The survey is available  here.

Weekly Serenity Yoga
Wednesdays, 4:30-5:45pm
Joyce Beers Community Center
3009 Vermont Ave. #A211

Free weekly yoga for those living with HIV or living in Sobriety. 
Please contact for more information

Trans* Studies:  an international transdisciplinary conference on gender, embodiment, and sexuality
Sept. 7-10th, 2016

This is an academic conference for any work relating to transgender issues, showcasing work in various fields. there will be panels and opportunities to meet in small groups. Submissions and proposals are welcome; please first submit 250 abstracts of proposed papers as well as a one-paragraph author's biography.

By Feb 15th, send materials to

Nominate 2016 LGBT History Month Icons

Nominated LGBT Icons may be living or dead, national or international, and are selected based on one or more of the following criteria: a) They have distinguished themselves in their field of endeavor, b) the nominee is a national hero, and c) they have made a significant contribution to LGBT civil rights

Submit your nominee here.
Young Women's Discussion Group
Dec. 15th | 7pm-8:15pm

3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103 

This group is aimed at young women ages 18-30. We will discuss issues relevant such as politics, academics, careers, relationships, social media, pop culture, activism and ways to be involved in the LGBT community. We hope to provide a safe and comfortable place to meet and share experiences as members of the LGBT community.
It meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month in The LGBT Center's library.
New Free App to Find LGBT Roommates: TUTUroomii

A San Diego team recently launched a new iOS app called TUTUroomii. This app is designed to help LGBTQ+ young people and allies find ideal roommates in their own community. This app is available in the App Store. 

For questions, check out or email us at

Survey of LGBTQ Military Personnel

A doctoral student at the University of Oklahoma is writing a dissertation on the identity process of LGBTQ people who have served in the U.S. military. They're interested in reaching LGBTQ U.S. military personnel, and heterosexual/cisgender
personnel who had a personal or professional relationship with an LGBTQ military service person (someone to whom an LGBTQ  service member disclosed their sexual or gender identity). 

Contact Bobbi Van Gilder at or at (562) 714-5405.