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Vol. 4 No. 11, January 28, 2016

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Our Sponsors 

Founding and Presenting Host
Lockheed Martin



Scientific American




K& L Gates Logo 


Science Buddies

Teen Life
US Air Force



APS Logo 

Events DC

Francis Goelet

Innovation & Tech


NSF Logo






FEI Company




Scope Logo 

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Latest Festival News!

Pre-Register For The Festival To Win A Prize!   The Festival is just 3 months away! Be sure to  pre-register   for the Festival for a chance to win a meet and greet with They Might Be Giants, an Apple Watch, video games, t-shirts and more!   
Don't Miss The Ultimate STEM Field Trip!  The X-STEM Symposium, an all day event for students in middle and high school featuring the nation's most inspiring innovators, returns on Thursday, April 14! The event will sell out quickly so  click here  to learn more and register today! And be sure to visit our X-STEM video library to view presentations from the 2014 & 2015 X-STEM Symposium! 

Sneak Peek Friday registration is now open!  Schools, homeschoolers and military families can now sign up to attend this very special and exclusive "sneak peek" of the Expo on Friday, April 15, 2016. Click here to register today. 

Find a local science festival near you! The Festival team has  created a comprehensive   Affiliate Directory and Map  with science festivals all over the world! Are you a science festival organizer? Visit this link   to become an official USA Science & Engineering Festival Affiliate Event! 

Lockheed Martin Martians: Exploring the Red Planet Right Here on Earth 
While The Martian is a work of science fiction, the principles behind survival on the Red Planet are very real-and, in fact, are already being applied by engineers at Lockheed Martin every day. Read more 

Meet Innovators Who Are Making an Impact; Register Now for X-STEM! 
Imagine, the chance to explore the world of the great white shark, learn how kids are connecting to science through hip hop or meet the renowned eye surgeon who revolutionized cataract surgery! These are just some of the speaker topics by exciting innovators students can interact with at the Festival's unforgettable X-STEM Symposium on April 14, 2016. Read more
Mathemagician Art Benjamin Returns to the Festival Stage 
Fans of math and magic get ready for a treat! A 2014 Festival favorite, Dr. Arthur Benjamin, aka the "Mathemagician" will return once again to wow attendees at the 4th Expo Finale! Read more 

FREE Digital Magazines from Media Partner DiversityComm! 
The USA Science and Engineering Festival and DiversityComm would like you to enjoy FREE digital magazine issues! The recent diversity in STEAM edition, features the article "Enhancing STEM Diversity by Connecting on an Emotional Level with Students" highlighting the Festival! Don't miss out! Read more to get your user and password. 

Announcing the "Generation Nano: Small Science, Superheroes" Competition 
Students are now invited to compete in "Generation Nano: Small Science, Superheroes," a competition that asks individual high school students to submit an original idea for a superhero, using modern nanotechnology research to inspire unique "gear" for their hero. Read more 

Volunteer Outreach Team Meeting this Sunday!
Join our Volunteer Outreach Team! Our first meeting of 2016 takes place this Sunday. The Festival is just a couple of months away and we are seeking dedicated volunteers to help us once again put on another successful celebration of STEM! Students and groups are welcome! Click here to learn more.  
Free, Hands-on Science Fun for the Entire Family!
Explore interactive science exhibits, learn about cool science jobs, and have your questions answered by scientists!

Family Science Days is FREE at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel on 
February 13-14, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. as part of the AAAS Annual Meeting.

This free community science showcase features hands-on demos, shows, and other activities appropriate for K-12 children and their families. The event features a broad range of educators and scientists engaging the public in current science topics. For more information and to pre-register for free, visit this link

Contact with questions.
Thank you to our Newest Sponsors! 
Our Sponsors are essential in reaching our mission to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers! We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to our very special Sponsors who have signed up to support the 4th Festival to date. 

By participating as a sponsor in the upcoming Festival, your organization will be aligned with the nation's leading science and engineering institutions that recognize the importance of STEM education and its impact on our country.

Read more

Thank You to our Palladium Sponsors! 

American Mathematical Society

American Society for Microbiology 



Bose Corporation


Dassault Systèmes 


ISS Casis 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

Oracle Academy

Pennsylvania College of Technology

Private Internet Access 

Space Camp & Aviation Challenge


Toy Industry Association

University of Massachusetts Lowell 

Thank You to our Titanium Sponsors! 
Aerospace Corporation
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)  
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Big Kid Science
Bricks 4 Kidz 
Bucknell University  College of Engineering
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 
College of Science at George Mason University
DJI Innovations
Epilog Laser
James Madison University
New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering 
The Optical Society
Penn State University
STEM Premier 
Stemtree Education Center
Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University 
Tau Beta Pi
U.S. Food and Drug Association
United States Naval Academy
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
University of Florida
University of Rochester
VCU School of Engineering 

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Science Spark is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization responsible for creating the USA Science & Engineering Festival and several regional Festivals including the San Diego Science & Engineering Festival, Bay Area Science & Engineering Festival, Boston Science & Engineering Festival, Los Angeles Science & Engineering Festival, Chicago Science & Engineering Festival, Houston Science & Engineering Festival, Miami Science & Engineering Festival and the Philadelphia Science & Engineering Festival.