A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 26/Volume 2                www.VisualWorkplace.com                 July 1, 2015
 The Independence Day Special ends in 3 days!

Our Work That Makes Sense Online Learning System
has been discounted by 30%-- $1650 OFF!
Quick Links


Visual Thinking Inc.

Upcoming Events

Friday, July 10
12:00 - 1:30pm Pacific Time
with Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth

$75 per Group
On Sale in July
Work That Makes Sense Module 3:
Your Implementation Tool Box 
  Only $100 for a full year of access!

Learn about the five tools specifically designed to help you and your company succeed visually:
1. Your Vision Place,
2. Your Action Hit List,
3. Your Supply Cart,
4. Your Visual Workplace Blitz; and
5. Your local-area Laminated Map.
Each tool is described in detail--with plenty of hands-on exercises so you can put these tools into practice right away and keep a tight focus as your work area improves visually.
Normally $500 for a year, your Visual Thinker Newsletter Deal is
$100 through July 31
 Make the deal even better! Get the July special, then send us an email telling us how you are using the tools, and we'll give you a
25% discount off the full WTMS eLearning System!

[email protected]
Did You Know...

Night vision goggles are green because the human eye can differentiate more shades of green than any other color.

Thought for the Week
The purpose of "5S+1" is to prepare the physical environment to hold visual information and then to install visual location information--the visual where--for everything that casts a shadow: border, home address, and ID label. This simple formula creates an exceptional outcome called automatic recoil: the ability of every workplace item to find its way back to its designated home.
[For more info on this topic, register for the Live Webinar "5S on Steroids" on July 10--See "Upcoming Events" above!]
From the Editor: 
Let's celebrate this Independence Day by thinking about Freedom-- freedom from the enemy, Motion.

Motion is moving without working--all the things you must do in order to do your work, but it's not the work.

Make a pledge today to create and use a visual device to eliminate one of these forms of motion:
Checking (and re-checking)

Get your visual device in place and then CELEBRATE YOUR INDEPENDENCE!   
Cindy Lyndin
Visual Radio:
 A Primer: The Kaizen Blitz & How to Use It to Get Visual

Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on
This Week's Episode
A Primer: The Kaizen Blitz & How to Use It to Get Visual

Where did the Kaizen Blitz originate? If you say Mother Toyota, you are only partly right. Tune in to Visual Workplace Radio this week as Gwendolyn Galsworth travels into history and tells you the real story behind when and how the so-called "blitz" (not its real name) arrived on our shores and what happened when it did. Dr. Galsworth fills you in on the real meaning of the term kaizen blitz--and why you may find Japanese-speaking practitioners snicker when they hear us use it. The stage is then set for her to map out how to use the blitz format to build associate-led visuality within and across departments--whether your workplace is an office or a factory floor. Learn how to set up a visual blitz, how to conduct it, and how to enlist supervisors in playing an active part. You may be surprised how much you can accomplish in a day (or even three hours)--and why longer blitzes that focus on visuality may not be advisable. Tune in/learn more.

Listen Live 


Office Visual Blitz (Sears Home Services, Sacramento, CA)
Shop Floor Visual Blitz (Wilson Transformer, Australia)
Shop Floor Visual Blitz (Denison Hydraulics, Marysville, OH)
Feature Article
5S on Steroids/Beyond Japanese 5S/Beyond Compliance  
by Gwendolyn Galsworth   

Our Lean Alone Is Not Enough series began two months ago, when I began to un-nest the impact of Womack's and Jones's book, Lean Thinking, on the operational improvement model. You heard me say there are problems in the success formula the two authors advanced, but I am focused in addressing only the one that targets 5S as the indisputable start point. The truth is: I do not dispute that getting rid of the clutter, cleaning what remains, and putting all that in order is the right first step. No argument.    


The problem lies with how, in adopting 5S, the form both kept and lost its purpose-and therefore its usefulness-the more and more popular it became. Simply stated, 5S has become like lean, bloated-the be all and end all of workplace organization and, as symptomatically, of employee empowerment. In other words, it has been Americanized.


Japanese 5S has no such ambitions. There are reasons for that. First,  

And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
For your Independence Day Picnic
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!
Visual Poem/Puzzle
Visual Tricks and Treats
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected] 
Check out Dr. Galsworth's
Sears Case Study video,
just posted on our website.
and full of good info and fun ideas!