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      The Campaign Wrap - By George   



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This is a special election edition of By George - a look back along the campaign trail and a collection of must-see posts before voting on Monday.

In this marathon campaign, what have we learned of our Leaders? of our country? Canadians might expect to be discussing the niqab, insider pipeline lobbyists and the role of the Senate for months after the vote. We will continue to debate how best to manage our economy and what diplomatic role we must play with the rising global tensions.

The campaign itself, however, provides Canadians with a peek into the soul of our country. So that we don't lose sight of what has occurred through the last 11 weeks, By George presents these "Election 2015 Distinctions", awarded to our parading candidates and their politics that have exposed all that is both good and bad about Canadians' attitudes and beliefs.

The Aesop Hare: Thomas Mulcair
The Aesop Turtle: Justin Trudeau
The Good: #s of Canucks who are engaged in political discussions
The Bad: divisive politicking and the rudeness towards others' opinions
The Ugly: The lies & fabricated stories on the Syrian refugee crisis
The Surprise: The attractiveness of Justin Trudeau's naivety
The Disappointment: Media's horse-race election coverage
The Beautiful: Those dog days of summer when politics took a pause for cottage docks & bbqs
The Common Sense: The questioning of costs of promises (& the checking one's expectations that those promises can be kept)
The left field nonsense: Naomi Klein's "End-fossil-fuel-use-yesterday" campaign
The Funny: Wyatt Scott video (and other social media diversions)
The Ironic: Those progressive, right-of-centre Canucks being swept off their feet by a man named Trudeau
The Kiss of Fate: The Justin and Kathleen kiss (or is it Ontario's backroom Liberals tonguing Canadian taxpayers?)
The Gaping Wound: Canadians' attitudes about how to respond to Islamic fundamentalism on Canadian soil
The "Be Very Afraid": CBC's infatuated coverage of the Conservatives' campaign tactics
The #1 Bozo: NDP candidate (and school board trustee!) Alex Johnstone and her ignorance of Auschwitz
The #2 Bozo: Thomas Mulcair's advisor, Shawn "Pope Benedict go f--- yourself" Dearn
Honourary Bozos:  Liberal Ala "coat-hanger expert" Buzreba, Conservative Jerry "#peegate" Bance, and conspiracy theorist Liberal Maria Manna (911 disbeliever)

We encourage you to visit By George Journal and share the election articles with your friends. Read as much as you can on the social and economic issues facing Canadians today. And, on Monday, be sure to vote.

Before Monday's vote, consider this...          

Three simple truths for Monday.
  1. National polls do not reflect voting results. An election is not a horse race. Vote for the person, not with an eye to the latest polls but with a mind to the type of country you want to live in.
  2. The nature of politics is dirty and it is a greasy pole that politicians climb. Good people get into politics and begin the climb. Know that under the grease they are still good people.
  3. We live in a great country. It is great because we all care and take actions to make it so. Voting is part of that caring. Go vote.
And, before you make that trek to your poll, By George suggests you may find these half dozen recent posts of interest:
To view all the By George Journal archived articles on the election, click here: 2015 election. You may also wish to look at the following tags:
Harper, Trudeau, Mulcair.

On Tuesday morning, By George followers will receive our special election edition: The Day After The Night Before. This edition will offer commentary on the stories you might have missed with the election coverage - great fodder for your meetings and social events in the weeks to come. If you know of friends who'd like to receive the election editions, forward this e-newsletter - and have them join our mailing list.

#Vote #Quotes      

-- "Every election is determined by the people who show up." - Larry J. Sabato

-- "We don't vote for people because they are the exact embodiment of our values, but because they are likely to be the most responsive to them." - Charles M. Blow
-- "That we have the vote means nothing. That we use it in the right way means everything." - Lou Henry Hoover
-- "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." - John Quincy Adams
-- "Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing." - Bernard Baruch
-- "...they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results you expected." - E.A. Bucchianeri
-- "Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
-- "Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote." - George Jean Nathan
-- "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill
-- "We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders." - Walter Cronkite
-- "Voter apathy is a civic abdication." - Charles M. Blow

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Contact us to discuss what can be accomplished when MPs return to Ottawa for a new Parliament - and, possibly, under the direction of a new Government.
Chris George 
& By George Journal