"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
February 2015 
Now Serving the Community



Michael Namai joined the HUM staff in 2001 and served in many ways including as one of our primary drivers. As a trained Medical Officer, an approximate equivalent to a Physician's Assistant in the U.S., he faithfully managed the health needs of our sponsored children. Two years ago we were able to open our own clinic at which he could provide more treatment personally rather than depending on limited local clinics. Now, Michael's dream has come true to serve the impoverished of his home community in a quality medical clinic.

Michael came to know the Lord when he was in high school. However, he says that he drifted away as he got older and in 2003 he rededicated his life to Christ. He enjoys reading Christian books and the Bible very much and also enjoys singing the old hymns. He faithfully teaches a group of children at our AWANA club every Saturday.

Pictured is a patient being treated for typhoid by injections from Scovia, one of our nurses and Michael examining a baby that has come in with the mother for treatment, most likely malaria. Malaria is the number one illness that kills in Africa, particularly in children under five. It is usually easy to treat as long as it is treated early enough. Many times people will delay to go for  testing and treatment, and then it becomes too late. Typhoid is another problem in this area. It is usually bacteria from bad water, or bad food, etc. It is contagious by toilet seats, shaking of hands, sharing a drink, etc. It is also easy to treat as long as one comes early enough.                            
Genesis Primary School

This term we have over 150 children at the Genesis Primary School and we are excited about the new Headmaster, Benard Mugondo. He comes to us highly recommended and experienced. Together with our current staff, he has managed to bring much to the school in the way of organization, standards, etc. The second building is going up well and it is exciting to see every day.

Hines Ugandan Ministries |
homeoffice@hineskids.org | http://www.hineskids.org
P.O. Box 620727
Littleton, CO 80162
Proud Mom


 The very first child I took into my home and in the ministry in September 1995 was David. His graduation ceremony was on January 23, 2015 from Makerere University where he received his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. He was working for the last six months as a teller for an international bank and is now looking at a new position in a telecom-munications company. It is possible that he may get a job in government working in the IT department as well. Please pray for him as he searches for the right job that gives him the experience he wants. In the meantime he has been working and is also designing websites on the side for different organizations, not sitting idle!


Katherine getting pricked by the lab technician, Kepher, to betested for malaria.  


Write Your Sponsored Kids
Many of you received Christmas letters from your sponsored children and want to write them back.  We rarely send mail to the field so please send your letters directly to the field address: P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa.  Or you can email them (no pictures to download please) to Katherine and she will pass them on: Katherine@hineskids.org