"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
April 2015 

I always give praise to the Lord every morning for a new day to serve Him! I am thankful to be in Uganda working and helping the children to grow into wonderful adults. I am thankful to have you be a part of the work we are doing, God bless you!

My beginnings were very humble and difficult here in Uganda. I can remember things such as carrying water after pumping, sometimes standing in line for a long time. Most times, however, I was able to send someone to get the water for me, but not always. I walked everywhere or I rode on the back of a boda boda (bicycle - no motorbikes in those days). I think, however, the most difficult part was going to Kampala once a month to make a phone call to have money sent. It was difficult with no phones or internet! The road was not paved more than half way and it took the whole day of traveling in the hot dust with lots of people, chickens and goats! I have fond memories of those trips and some not so fond. I give thanks to God for keeping me safe and bringing me through all of it. This village was not like it is today, it was all mud huts and jungle! Now it is thriving into a town!      Katherine

God Reaches Us through His People

 In January of this year we hired a new Head Master for Genesis Primary School. Benard Eriradi Buddi comes well recommended with very good credentials for Ugandan standards. He has his diploma in Education from Kyambogo University.

Talking with Benard he says he has a goal of having the best school in the country. He wants to see that we have very many children finishing primary school in the Division I group for the national exams. This means the best of the best!!!   He says that it is very important for the future of the children to be well educated. Here is Benard's story in His own words.





For three years, I was left at home looking after goats because my family did not have the funds to send me to school past the 7th grade, when costs increase. I worked with an old man named Yokosofati. One day when we were looking after the goats, Yokosofati began sharing his life experiences while we endured a great rainstorm. The next morning, Yokosofati came to see me and prayed for me concerning going back to school. He said that if God wills for you to go to school you will. Then another friend of Yokosofati's came and asked me if I could, would I go back to school. When I said yes he went away and came back with a turkey and said to "sell this turkey to help you go and get started". I sold it at 15,000/= (Ugd. Shillings) - around $6 at that time. I went to a cheap school and the Headmistress agreed to allow me to start. She said that she was admitting me on the condition that "if I see your performance is not promising, you will have to go back to the 7th grade".   On my way home that evening I found Yokosofati and told him all that had happened and he gave me a pen to use at school!


All of this was a beginning and I began to learn more about Jesus and the fact that He cares for us. I was learning how he provides in strange ways and later that year I came to accept Him as my Lord and Savior. I began to put my trust in the Lord and at this point I realized I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He was faithful in helping me to get where I am today, in charge of a Primary School for Hines Ugandan Ministries. I know that He has plans for me and they are good.


It is an honor to serve the Lord and to be able to teach the children from an early age about the love of Jesus Christ. It is good to teach God's word, the Bible, and to begin from such young ages. It will make a difference in their lives, together with a good education.   Benard


Genesis - Making a Difference

One Child's Story  Andrew is one of the new students at Genesis Primary School. He was not always able to attend school before he received a sponsor. He lives with his widowed Grandmother (and his sister) who cannot afford to send him to school. Thanks to the help of a sponsor, Andrew is now able to attend school and is learning English very well. He had to be taken back two grades because of his lack of English skills. His health has been an issue as there has been little food at home. For many of our students, the healthy breakfast and lunch they receive at Genesis each day is as important as the academics. Andrew is now improving and is a happy boy. His sister has also been sponsored and now goes to school as well.


God bless you all and thank you for your continued support and prayers.




Hines Ugandan Ministries |
homeoffice@hineskids.org  | Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org
P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
Genesis Needs


As our school is growing and our second 4-classroom building is completed we will need to furnish the rooms and will have some other needs that we would like you to know about.  Our school kitchen also has some needs as we increase our number of students.


60 Student Desks               $52 ea.

Desks for 2 Teacher's             

 Headmaster,Social                              Worker & Secretary          $121 ea.

Science equipment &

supplies                                     $500

Teaching supplies-chalk, whiteboard markers, pens, colored pencils, toner, books...                                      $500

Pots and cooking utensils   $150

Student Plates & Cups          $200

Training for 3 teachers     $1,300

Sports Equipment                  $200

Annual Scholarship for a

community child                    $200

Electricity to 2 buildings  $3,000

We appreciate your special gift to help meet these needs. 

        Melanie teaching daily Bible class

Melanie teaches all the grades a half hour with each class each day on Bible lessons.  She teaches a Bible study with the teachers on Wednesday afternoons when school is finished. 


Changing Lives

Andrew is one of the new students at Genesis Primary School.  He was not always able to attend school before he received a sponsor.  He lives with his widowed Grandmother (and his sister) who cannot afford to send him to school.  Thanks to the help of a sponsor, Andrew is now able to attend school and is learning English very well.  He had to be taken back two grades because of his lack of English skills.  His health has been an issue as there has been little food at home.  For many of our students, the healthy breakfast and lunch they receive at Genesis each day is as important as the academics.  Andrew is now improving and is a happy boy.  His sister has also been sponsored and now goes to school as well. 
