Your weekly spiritual uplift message!
" Life has set the stamp of individuality on you.  You are different from any other person who ever lived.  You are an individualized center in the Consciousness of God.  You are an individualized activity in the Action of God."   Ernest Holmes

This quote from our founder, Ernest Holmes, reminds us first that every one of us is an essential part of the Universe.  "You are different from any other person who ever lived."  And that which makes you "different" or unique is precious and necessary!

Second, each of us is an individualized activity in the Action of God -- of the Action of God.  When we choose from that knowing, what we do IS the action of God.  

Choose today to love yourself as the Life of God.  Choose today to uncover your eyes and see the Action of God all around you -- in every person, in every cloud, in every animal, in every breeze or blade of grass, in the mirror.

Choose today to remember that Love -- the very Love of God -- is always the right answer for you.  "Life has set the stamp of individuality on you."  The individualized way you live from Love is something the world, the whole universe, needs right now.

With great love,

Rev. CC
This Sunday

This Sunday join us for "Find Your Voice." The Higher Mind Band provides musical inspiration. 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.  See you there!

If you can't make it to service, make a contribution to support the Center via paypal.  Go to and click on the "Support Us" link.  Thank you!
Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton  4100 Benfield Dr.  Kettering, OH 45429   (937) 298-1376