Time to Lime and Savor Brussels Sprouts!
Crop Talk: March 3, 2014
The Newsletter of Great Country Farms
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U-Pick, U-Play, U-Grow

Liming Time to Lime! 


Lime, pH, Calcium? Farmer or a Chemistry Teacher? Every other year we need to add lime to our fields to increase the pH levels of the soil and most importantly, increase the calcium. This neutralizes soil acidity, increases root development for produce to take up more nutrition, and increases activity of good bacteria. Last time we noticed a huge improvement as the calcium reduced Black Rot on our produce. There are different types of lime depending on  produce needs. We used to use a Magnesium Lime, but now we use a High Calcium Lime. We are ready for this snow to melt as the best time to lime fields is either in the early spring or late fall as it takes up to 3 months for activation. Learn more about pH levels via Clemson's website... 

Brussels Sprouts Gratin with Caramelized Shallots
Recipe from Williams-Sonoma BS Gratin

Put a sophisticated new spin on a vegetable often reserved for Thanksgiving.  Transform brussels sprouts into a creamy gratin. This dish offers an enticing contrast of flavors and textures.  Caramelized shallots offset the slight bitterness of the brussels sprouts, while cream and two kinds of cheese add richness. A bread crumb topping lends irresistible buttery crunch.. Click Here for the Recipe.
 Produce Highlight: Brussels Sprouts
Vitamin C & K Brussels Sprouts

Did you know brussels sprouts grow on a 3' stalk?


Nutrition Facts: Brussels sprouts can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits and although more studies need to be made, they can provide fantastic health benefits without putting the thyroid gland at risk whfoods.com


Growing News: Brussels sprouts are available year round, but their peak growing period is from autumn until early spring. It takes 3-10 days for seed germination and then another 5-6 weeks before they will be strong enough to plant in our fields. After that it will take 3 months before they are ready to be harvested. We will pick the sprouts when they are about 2-2.5cm in diameter or as soon as the lower leaves on the plant start to yellow. We hope to have them in our October CSA boxes.


Selection & Storage: Good quality Brussels sprouts are firm, compact, and vivid green. If Brussels sprouts are sold individually, choose those of equal size to ensure that they will cook evenly. Keep unwashed and untrimmed Brussels sprouts in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Stored in a plastic bag, they can be kept for 10 days. If you want to freeze Brussels sprouts, blanch them first for between three to five minutes depending on the sizes. They will keep in the freezer for up to one year.

Reserve Baby Chick's for Easter!
Here a peep there a peep, take some home to share a peep!

Learn first-hand the fun of raising spring chicks as a Spring Break and Easter project! Raising baby peeps is a really awesome experience for both little people and big people. If you're not allowed to keep them, NO WORRIES! We can take your peeps back and give them a good home after they are all grown up.  for more details and to order your chicks today. 

Supplies are limited!

Sign up for Summer Camp with the Wellness Center!
Camp Inspire your children with Health & Wellness

Where are you sending your kids to camp this summer? We have partnered with The Wellness Connection who has put together an amazing program which involves a day at the farm! Their camp helps make wellness fun by motivating children to participate in a safe, non-threatening environment. All activities will encourage and support 6 key areas to help promote healthy living: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Creativity, Social Skills, Self Esteem, and Stress Management.
Farm News
Upcoming Events
Order Baby Chicks as an Easter Activity

April 5th & 6th
Opening Day: Egg Hunt & Marshmallow Harvest

April 6th
951 Hill Run at Bluemont Vineyard

Learn How Your Business can Earn Points for Loudoun's Healthy Business Challenge!
The Healthy Business Challenge was created to recognize and honor businesses that have implemented innovative programs and policies to promote the wellness and productivity of their employees. Click Here to learn more about the challenge.

You can earn 3 points by having your business host a CSA group site! Contact us today to learn more about it.
Contact Us
Great Country Farms
18780 Foggy Bottom Rd.,
Bluemont, VA 20135
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Be sure to like our facebook and follow us on  Twitter  @TheFarmerSay and @ElmerThePig for the lastest news of the farm.  We appreciate it when you share our link on your page showing your friends how you support local. It helps keep our CSA running strong.

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