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Our Seminar, The Year-End Yoga Gathering , is just two weeks away. This will be a dynamic session focused both on individual renewal and collective sharing. To learn move about this seminar, please scroll through the collage of images below to get a sense of what it will be like. Please also note the seminar will start at 8a, not 8:30a as initially listed. 

For those in shopping mode, some of the new tops have been quite popular and I have placed some images of them below as well. 

Look forward to practicing with you through the holidays - though I will be away Dec 26 - 28, so be sure to check our class calendar / schedule - link above.


Note: As some classes will not be meeting over the holidays, monthly passes will be adjusted accordingly. Thanks for your understanding. 

"The Year-End Yoga Gathering"
Thurs, Dec 31, 2015
8a - 10a
at Galesville Hall


We will begin with a contemplative approach to
 open both heart and mind and start afresh...

Next we will embark on some easy, ge
to bring the body in balance and alignment...

Seated Twist

Also we may reach for a more active pose or two -
or not, 
depending on your choice....

And we will look to restore deep within,
finding that sweet inner tranquility...

Along the way at select intervals we will tune in to
our growing orchestra of singing bowls...


After numerous stages of practice of recreating body
and mind
to attain a more refined aspect of our self -
there will be collective sharing...

Note: More info about this will be sent to all registrants
prior to the seminar...

Then we will all be ready to embark
on that joyous new dawn of the Happy New Year...

Our New Tops

$35 for the Zip T on the left
$40 for the full zip on the right

Both come in various colours & with our embroidered logo.

Talk to us to get yours....

PO Box 22
Tracys Landing, MD 20779