Teaching the Whole Child
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Highly Successful Students Are Engaged Listeners
This week I conclude my "Drive for 5" blog series by describing the fifth of what I consider to be the five most important traits needed for success in school. Let's get right to today's fifth trait.

E - Engage in Energetic Listening
Successful students are attentive listeners. Many kids listen closely when their teachers present lessons or give important directions, yet they tend to tune out when their classmates are sharing information and asking and answering questions. Successful students listen closely to everyone; they don't miss a thing. You can see it in the posture they take during instructional lessons and in the eye contact they consistently make with the speaker. They want to absorb as much information as much as possible during lessons and discussions, and they participate frequently. Furthermore, they involve themselves in the conversation, enthusiastically and confidently.

The trait of energetic listening is tightly connected to many of the other traits featured in this blog series.