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January 15, 2016:  Year 6; Edition 2
Registration in Seventeen Days! 
8PM Eastern, Monday, February 1st

Due to this year's registration date landing on a work day, we moved registration opening to 8PM on February 1st, to maximize attendees' opportunties at snagging SuperNOVA bags and other hot ticket items.  

Many events sold out in the first day or two last year - make sure to snag what you want before it does! Early sellouts are expected for seminars by Justin McCoy, Roman and Raffa, and Jessica Rich; X-Wing Championship and Hunger Games; Malifaux National Championship; and more!

Draft Primers for all events are now in! These Primers hold the information you need for your events at the NOVA Open Tabletop Wargaming Convention on September 1st.  Remember these Primers can change up until and after registration, and leads are highly responsive to commentary and input. E-Mail [email protected] with your thoughts. We'll track changes in the newsletter and within each draft primer document found at

In This Issue:
NOVA Open Schedule & Seminar Details! 
The 2016 Draft Schedule is being finalized as we speak, as are the final schedules and class descriptions for our amazing suite of hobby seminars this year. Look for a news splash in the next week or so to give you time to review these and plan your perfect NOVA Open weekend for the opening of registration on February 1st!

2016 Hotel Block Open: Book Early - No Risk!
The rates for NOVA Open 2016 are at just $93 per night, a rate we worked hard to secure with the Hyatt, and that they're proud to offer our attendees.
Reserve room at Hyatt now ~ last year nearly sold out, and we went with a similar sized block for 2016. Remember reservations can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the NOVA Open.  

The NOVA Open is your "End of Summer" convention, and with its proximity to Washington, D.C. (with its free museums, memorials and monuments), and one of the lowest hotel costs available in the D.C. area, think about taking advantage of the room rate to turn your trip into a family vacation!
Room rates are available from the Friday before NOVA Open through the Tuesday following the convention. If you'd like to extend those dates, please contact us:  [email protected]

Draft Event Primers!
Now Including Capital Palette, Drop Fleet Commander, Drop Zone Commander

Remember these Primers can change up until and after registration, and leads are highly responsive to commentary and input. E-Mail [email protected] with your thoughts. We'll track changes in the newsletter and within each draft primer doc, so you're always aware of any tweaks and updates moving forward.

Click on any picture to get to your Primer

40K Narrative
40K GT
Imperial KNight
30K_ Knight SH
Horus Heresy
30K_ Big Blam
40K Trios
DF Commander
DZ Commander
Capital Palette
star wars
Imperial Assault
Hobbit SBG
Horus Heresy
SW_ Armada
Horus Heresy2
30K_ Campaign
Blood Bowl
NEW KR Multicase Golden Ticket! 
New this year? - Don't be late to register early! 

In addition to Convention Access Passes being $10 cheaper if you register before  June 15,  KR MultiCase is providing incentive to register sooner this year! Although we can only offer 100 SuperNOVA bags, our first 400 other registrants are guaranteed a Swag bag full of epic loot from the NOVA Open and its Partners. 

Also, this year, for the first time, a random selection of Swag Bags from among those first 400 registrants will also draw a lucky Golden Ticket, redeemable at the NOVA Open KR Multicase booth for some awesome cases and foam! Based upon 1,200 attendees last year, you'll want to be quick to sign up when online registration opens on  February 1st to ensure your shot at a sweet bonus on top of all the cool stuff and fun times you'll get for attending NOVA Open 2016.

What is this SuperNOVA Program Anyway?
Think fast and act quicker ~ the SuperNOVA Access Pass sells out on Feb. 1:
In the beginning, the NOVA Open offered VIP Bags . . . and they were good! In fact, they were better than good because they actually were   KRMulticase Backpacks filled with a VIP T-shirt and amazing swag from NOVA and its sponsors.

The NOVA Open "VIP bags" grew into a full-blown SuperNOVA program with the addition of:
  • The SuperNOVA Registration Line
  • Bag Check for SuperNOVA's personal belongings
  • KR's offering of bag choices
  • KR's specialty (BOGO) coupons for KR card cases
  • The inclusion of army-specific swag by NOVA Open's amazing sponsors
What is "army-specific swag?" SuperNOVAs tell us what their favorite armies are, and our incredibly awesome NOVA Open sponsors and vendors include swag tailored just for that army! Some items are personalized with their names!

What is a "BOGO"?  
Buy One Get One Free! Only one BOGO for every SuperNOVA Pass purchased. The BOGO coupon is available for pick up by the SuperNOVA at the  NEXT  NOVA Open they attend (on any pass).

Read more about the Full SuperNOVA Program  HERE .

SuperNOVA slots go FAST. Last year, all 100 sold out in 1 hour, and we are only offering 100 this year!
Trenchworx Returning to NOVA Open!!
NOVA 2015 was a blast and proved very beneficial for Trenchworx!  It allowed us to not only show off our product but also to connect with a lot of great people! 

Trenchworx will be returning again this year with some more great tanks with an even larger range of products to sell...including the new range of tanks from our second Kickstarter " Tanks in Manchuria".

With the help of Grex, we would be delighted to supply tanks for another Speed Airbrush Competition...and this time, the tank we are thinking of going with is a 20mm version of the PzIV!!
This picture shows a size comparison from the FT-17 we had provided for the Speed Airbrush Competition last year.
We are extremely excited to come back to NOVA and reconnect with everyone!
See you there!

Paul Figgins

Returning Vendors to NOVA Open!!
Toledo Game Room
We have many returning vendors confirmed for NOVA Open 2016! Of course, these aren't the only vendors that will come back this year, but we are excited to announce those whom are ready right now to sign back up and support the gamers! They include:

Cool Mini or not

greenman designs

If your store is also interested in being represented at NOVA Open to over 1,200 
players and also here on  our  newsletter,  email
Tectonic Craft
 us  at  [email protected]
NOVA Open Terrain Build Dates! 

Feb 20
Mar 19
Apr 16 
May 21
June 18
July 16

Our annual Terrain Days are now scheduled! Make sure to save the date for this awesome event where you can meet the NOVA Open Team and help create some terrain for your favorite game systems! Also we serve free food and drinks! 

Also remember that all of the volunteers are highly talented and charismatic people who are often connected to even more social activities, such as hobby hangouts, game nights, and impromptu singalong jam nights! So this is also a great opportunity to meet all the staff at NOVA Open and to tap into a vibrant, diverse community of social opportunities and talents in the D.C. area.
If you're interested in being a part of not just bringing a great convention experience to the DC Area, but also expanding your social circles and opportunities!
E-mail us at [email protected] to join the family! 

We appreciate all volunteers giving whatever time their schedule permits (both for the tasks of making NOVA happen and the opportunities to join us for good times).

X-Wing Primer Online!!

X-Wing™ Miniature Gaming is returning to the NOVA Open in 2016. We have an exciting list of events and some great prizes! This primer is meant to help prepare you for the all the X-Wing™ events being offered at the NOVA Open.

This year's X-wing events include: 
  • Star Wars Narrative Campaign (X-wing)
  • X-wing Hunger Games
  • NOVA Open X-wing Championship Tournament.
All of the X-Wing™ events will be  based on  the X-Wing™ Rulebook, FAQ, and Official Tournament Rules documents that can be found on the Fantasy Flight Games website. The most current version of these documents will take precedence at the NOVA Open. 

X-Wing™ "Hunger Games"
You have been chosen to represent your district in the X-Wing™ "Hunger Games".
  • THE GOAL is to be the last ship standing. There are no points for 2nd place.
  • YOUR OPPONENTS will be everyone else on the table.
  • OBSTACLES will be put forth by the game maker during the battle.
  • ALLIANCES are encouraged. Talk to your friends before the game starts and work together to defeat your enemies. Just remember that at some point, your ally WILL turn on you. How well do you really trust him/her?
  • FRIENDLY SHIPS - Since you can create alliances, you can also choose who is a friendly ship. This means you can use abilities that will help other players if you so choose
Star Wars Narrative Campaign (X-wing)
We at the NOVA Open are very excited to introduce the second season of the X-Wing™ Narrative Campaign this year. This will be the first X-Wing™ campaign of this magnitude. While the Galaxy Far Far Away (GFFA), which is where Star Wars is set, is a place where many stories have already been and are still being told, we at the NOVA Open thought we'd take a more original route. For the X-Wing™ Narrative, we use the game of X-Wing™ to an alternate GFFA. Our timeline skews at the Battle of Endor and this is where our NEW story will begin.

NOVA Open X-wing Championship Tournament.
Players must bring a tournament-legal 100-point squad. Players will also be required to enter their squad into a squad builder and print it out at registration. Updated tournament rules, and the latest FAQ can be found on the  X-Wing™  support page


Warmachine and Hordes at the NOVA Open promises to provide a diverse range of activities for Warmachine Hordes Gamers of all types to every type of gamer we can imagine. This year has more events, broader tournament types, and a schedule that allows everyone to play the game the way they enjoy. From Masters, Iron Gauntlet and even the unknown Champions format to Speedmachine, Tier Tournaments and even an enormous 64 man Team Tournament, the schedule is sure to have something for everyone.

Iron Arena
This year, much like last year, there will be Iron Arena tables and prizes available throughout the weekend. Each morning, more prizes will be added to the table to fill out for what has been purchased the day prior, so don't worry too much if your desired prize is missing after Day 1, there will be a chance for it to be back on subsequent days!

Team Tournament
Players take part in a three-member team battle all comers in a series of 3 1v1 matches in each round. Team captains will register for their team.

Masters Tournament
This is a multiple round event where players compete for the Masters final to be held on Sunday. After three rounds of play, the top 8 players will qualify for the Masters Championship tournament. This tournament will use Season 4 of ADR

Open Play: This Event will not have rounds, per say. We will be pairing up people to play games, with a bevy of cool rewards and prizes to help charge you up for the day!

Champions Tournament
We will be learning more about this new format after Lock and Load, and we will be filling in the details from there! Stay tuned. Players will be able to continue playing, regardless of record.

Theme List Tournament
Lists in this tournament are restricted to published theme lists. Theme lists must be at least Tier one, and One list must be Tier 2 or greater.

Spelldraft Tournament Format
Players will create a legal 35 point army as normal prior to the event. At the event, every caster will lose all of the spells on their card, and all warbeasts will lose their animus. Instead, players will be broken into 8 person groups and will draft spellcard packs.

Exceedingly accelerated Times! 3 minute timed turns. I hope you have the stones!

Who's the Boss
Random Warcaster/Warlock: Do not include a Warcaster or Warlock in your list. The Warlock/Warcaster leading your army will be randomly determined at the beginning of each round
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit SBG

As many of you may know, the primer of any event can change up to February 1st. This gives leads a chance to fix anything that the community recommends and the Lord of the Ring's leads have taken the opportunity to do just that. Here are the changes in thier primer from the original release as of 1/9/2015

Change Notes (1/9/2015)
  • Added The Fellowship, Wanderers in the Wild, The Champions of Erebor, and Thorin's Company to the Ally Exception List. Any List can now take these characters. 
  • Change of Third Scenario in Middle Earth's Deadliest Heroes
  • Change in Secondary objectives for final scenario in the GT
  • Multiple grammatical changes for clarity
  • Explanation of Monster FAQ
  • Chaos in Arda no longer allows cashing in multiple objectives
  • Added 4 model minumum to the GT
Lord of the Ring's Grand Tournament
Likely to be the largest Lord of the Rings event in the United States, our leads at NOVA Open are bringing you a four round Grand Tournament ! Also our leads promise double the terrain from last year and also some unique scenarios for a new fresh take on the game!  Also, don't miss out on the awesome prizes for this event! 

Lord of the Ring's Doubles Tournament
Play with a friend in this fun but yet competitive event! This is the second year that NOVA has hosted the doubles and we don't intend on stopping as this was one of the more popular events of the weekend. So find your partner and conquer or defend the lands of Middle Earth together! 

Middle Earth's Deadliest Heroes
Ever want to play an all Hero army vs an all Hero army? Well here is your chance!! This is 1000 point tournament where all Warrior models are banned! Play as Aragorn, Sauron, The White Council, and even Smaug in this epic clash of Heroes! 

DCHL Battle companies
This game is a special version of original Battle Companies which generally comprises of only a few models fighting in a single unit. This version of the game is meant to be played in one day as a tournament event! Because of this, your models are a bit more powerful and can tear through the opposing force at a faster rate. Also, your warriors can gain special abilities overtime and can also buy equipment to increase their effectiveness, much like a Role Playing Game

The Return of Curunir Narrative Campaign
A new event to NOVA is the Narrative Campaign that is exploring a new story Tolkien never covered. The Spirit of Saruman is said to have been "blown to the East" and "with a sigh dissolved into nothing." And although it's expected that Tolkien intended for him to be destroyed, we find it fun to imagine a new scenario where he could be risen again. After all, he is a Maia immortal spirit - it's certainly possible! Come join us to see what happens in this new twist on a Middle Earth story. 

Narrative Excerpt:
"Cast down and rejected from the Hall of Mandos by Eru, the spirit of the immortal Maia once known as Saruman the White travelled East. There he waited; a spirit of malice lurking in Rhun during the reign of King Elessar in the Fourth Age of Men. While too weak to take physical form, his power and influence continued to spread throughout the Easterling army as they fought against King Elessar. But as the decades passed, a new opportunity revealed itself. After the death of Elessar, two ancient powers, not seen for thousands of years, discovered the spirit of Saruman and aided their former master back to a new strength. Now with the two Blue Wizards at his side, Saruman would take back the East from Eldarion, the new King of Gondor. And this time, Gandalf would not be there to stop him."

Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl at The NoVA Open
We have two complete events for all the bloody face smashing you can handle. If you live, breathe and bleed Blood Bowl then we've got enough for anyone. If you decided to spend your day fighting for (or against) the Emperor then we're still here for you with a healthy heaping of blitzing madness in the evenings.

This is a full day of head-knocking, bone-breaking BloodBowl goodness. Can you take the title of Champion and claim your rigtful reward? Honor, bragging rights and prizes await you.

Darkness Fouls...
When the sun goes down and bribes flow freely. This killing field and begins at night for anyone who couldn't make it to the Slaughterday! festivities. These games are split between two nights so that each coach can claim some small measure of beauty rest between bouts of dice rolling and convention frolicking. Are you tough enough to tackle both tournaments in Thirty-six hours?

Magic the Gathering

In 2016 Magic says goodbye to the world of Zendikar, with their neverending supply of world-eating monsters, and return to the dark shores of Innistrad. We will pick up where we last left off, with the great angel, Avacyn, freed from imprisonment and the planeswalker, Garruk, seeking her help in lifting a curse the necromancer, Lilliana, placed on him. Garruk may be the greatest hunter in the multiverse, but will he finally get revenge on Lilliana?

This year NOVA wants to bring you more than just the standard Magic tournament. Of course we have games, and lots of them. We will have vendors on-hand. We will host workshops (ever wanted to learn how to alter artwork on cards?). The main event will be a competition between stores for the best Magic players in the DC region, will you be the one to bring a trophy back to your store? Better start practicing.

Stay Connected and up to date on Facebook! 

Having trouble keeping up with current events in the community and gaming? Just let us keep you informed. We do all the digging so that you dont have to. 

Just like us on Faceboo k and you will know all the latest information on NOVA News