 in Providence, RI
Winston-Salem, NC

Do you have questions, comments or complaints?

Want to know when the 2015 World Outdoor Rankings will be final, what we plan or the future or just want to help us make this site a fantastic resource for Masters Athletes? We want to answer your questions, hear your comments and fix the things that irk you. We are planning to come see Masters Athletes more so you can discuss what is important to you face to face.

A huge thank you to USATF NE and JDL Fast Track for your hospitality, support and all you do for Masters Athletes.   

USATF East Regional Indoor
January 31st
Career and Technical Academy, Providence RI

Compete at a first class facility in historic Providence, Rhode Island. Events contested include 60, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 1 Mile Run, 3000, 5000, 60 hurdles, 3000 Race Walk, High Jump, Pole Vault, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Weight Throw and Super Weight Throw.

USATF SE Regional Indoor
February 21st
JDL Fast Track, Winston Salem,  NC

This is two weeks prior to the national championship meet in Albuquerque, or just the perfect amount of time for your last tune-up meet and then plenty of rest before the trip to New Mexico. This fantastic facility has hosted several major events in the past few years.
We are looking forward to meeting you.  Please contact us in advance if you would like to meet separately, prior to or after either of these meets so we can make arrangements with you. 

John Seto
(845) 635-9487p
(845) 489-7818c, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity fostering international competition which motivates people to be active and healthier.  Donations are welcome, appreciated and tax deductible in the US.