To advertise here, contact
Jo Healey. Members $250 per issue; Non-members $500 per issue.
Letter from the President

Nicholas Unkovic BABC President & Partner
Dear Friend of the BABC,
Firstly, a very Happy Thanksgiving and very best to you all for a safe and joyous holiday season!
As we head into the winter, I'd like to do a recap of BABC activities and look ahead to the New Year.
As usual, the BABC remained very busy this past month, particularly planning to host the now sold out
52nd Annual BABC Christmas Lunch, presented by CyraCom International at the
Fairmont Hotel on December 11th. We look forward to greeting nearly 1000 guests to our much-loved holiday extravaganza. I hear from Jo, our Executive Director, that our
Live Auction and
Grand Raffle Prize Drawing is once again packed with some exciting trips, excursions and other magnificent prizes. I'd like to thank our Diamond Sponsor,
CyraCom International and all of our VIP Sponsors and Donors for your significant contributions. Thanks also to all our guests for joining us to celebrate the season- thank you!!
Besides the Christmas Luncheon, we are also busy planning and looking forward to two other BABC Flagship events - the
26th Annual Economic Luncheon on January 28th and
Funding, Exits & IPO's on February 24th. Register today to avoid disappointment as these events regularly sell out early!
Huge thanks also to all of you who supported the BABC and its Member sponsors by attending our most recent events. The BABC Young Professionals hosted the very successful
Great British-American Pub Quiz which was completely sold out! We also partnered with numerous other members on promoting their events including
The Art of Start Pitch Night with Guy Kawasaki,
Girls in Tech Lady Pitch Night, and the International Trade Expo.
Finally, thank you to all the new members who have joined the BABC over the last month and to all of our members showing their continued support of our growing organization by renewing and upgrading your memberships. Please take a moment to visit their websites and learn more! They may be able to help you!
Best, Nick Unkovic President, BABC Northern California
To advertise here, contact
Jo Healey $100 Members; $200 Non-Members
Upgrading to Corporate Level Membership
New Business Level Members
New Individual & Young Professional Members
Patrick Alexander
Michael Besly
Ian Casey
Roy Hanif
Aislin O'Connor
Our Thanks to These Renewing Members
December 1st - #GivingTuesday
December 1st is #GivingTuesday. We hope you will consider making a year-end gift to the charities that we support.
To help families experiencing or at-risk of homelessness build brighter futures. Please share with your friends and loved ones. No amount is too small: www.raphaelhouse.org/donate.
We hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday with friends and family, and as you celebrate this season please consider making a donation to Play Rugby USA for #GivingTuesday, Dec 1st to help us finish the year strong and set us up for further success in the coming year. Learn more at: support.playrugbyusa.com/2016give
The British Benevolent Society, (BBS), is a 501(c) (3) charity whose aim is to raise and spend money for the aid, relief, maintenance and assistance of sick, elderly, disabled or financially distressed British citizens, who are resident or transient in California or who are resident or transient in any of the states covered by the British Consulate-General office located in California.
Click here to donate!
Community partners make holidays special for
Raphael House families
Raphael House: Inspiring Families and Illuminating Hope
ince 1971, Raphael House has been a residential shelter and services program for San Francisco families who are are experiencing or are at-risk of homelessness as a result of economic hardship and has helped many hundreds of Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Sons back into housing and economic stability.
Since 2005, the BABC has supported Raphael House in their mission to inspire families and illuminate hope. The economic challenges for families living in San Francisco are growing as the availability of affordable housing pushes out far beyond the city limits, the cost of living increases and wages for hourly associates do not keep pace.
Becoming a homeless family can be unexpected, happen suddenly and is always very painful. Raphael House is there to support such families, get them back into stable housing, work and illuminating hope for the future.
Along with Aramark, BABC Member companies Cyracom, Loop Up, 20/20 Productions, Fairmont San Francisco, Turner and Townsend and many more clubbed together to call out Raphael House as being the Non Profit focus for 2015 and created the BABC 2015 Task Force. Since the beginning of the year, our member companies have helped make an enormous impact with some very positive outcomes. [Learn more...] |
BABC Sporting Ambassador Takes Podium Finish
at Ironman 70.3 Mandurah, W. Australia

Business Development Officer
British Clientele San Francisco
The Business Development Officer is responsible for developing and building banking relationships with international entrepreneurs and families, high net-worth individuals and multi-national businesses for the international clientele department of Bank of the West.
Candidate must be WELL Connected in the SF Bay Area British Community AND fluent in English with a 2nd fluent language preferred. [Learn more...]
Member Offers: Sign In & Save!
here to view all Member Offers.
BABC Network News & Publications
(The Guide to Investing in the USA)
(The Guide to Investing in the UK)
British American Business Council | (415) 296 8645 | babcsf.org
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