Angelina's Miracle Story at the Temple of Isis
Dear Friends 
I am finally traveling in Egypt after dreaming about this journey all my life ....and I will share with all my friends the miracle that happened to me in the Temple of Isis. In this way, I can once again honor the Great Mother Isis! 
We woke up at 3 am that morning to go to a private ceremony at the Temple on the Island of Philea. It was still dark along the Nile and we took a small boat to cross the river. The whole night, I could hardly sleep, just imagining how magical it would be to finally go to the beloved temple of my dreams, to see Isis painted on the walls, and to remember my past life, as I was sure I had been there before.....I was happy and excited, making many plans for what I was going to do on the island of Philae.

As soon as we docked at the island in the light of early dawn, and I saw the temple, I felt tears in my heart, it was so beautiful, so majestic, so immense ...I was living my dreams once again within Isis' Temple!
I was with the group from Adventurous Spirit Travel, and we all went to a room where I was told that here is the sacred altar where Isis is worshiped. We held a simple ceremony around the altar and then I just touched the stone, this stone that looked as old as time itself and I could not move away any more from the altar of Isis, the Beloved Goddess. From far away I heard people moving in and out, and then only silence ...time stopped. There was only one Isis voice, the sacred stone, and me. Then I heard Isis talking to me, her voice was gentle and loving and went directly into my heart ...all my fantasies of memories from past lives, plans to discover places I would recognize in the gardens of this temple, all the photos that I planned to take, everything disappeared, there was nothing left but Isis' gentle voice.
She told me that the Great Mother can never be destroyed, She is Life and Life is Eternal ..she showed me civilizations and temples being destroyed, complete chaos ...and her gentle voice, like a love song, continued to talk to me, saying Love will never be destroyed, trust my daughter, trust in Life, trust in the Great Mother ....She showed me many things and told me stories that still are alive inside my soul as I am writing this. It was simple and all went deep inside me. Silence was everywhere around Isis' voice ...I felt that I was changed forever. I was not crying or moving, I could not even feel my breath; there was only Isis' presence in the Infinite. More than an hour went by, before my guide came to call me when everybody was ready for a sunrise meditation. I heard a far away voice: " Sister " ..this word pulled me back and I let myself be lead to the outside garden was difficult to open my eyes. All I really wanted was to go back to the altar. The sun was rising and the group was creating a meditation to celebrate the sunrise ....I joined them in silence and then later, I heard the guide saying: take your last photos (I did not manage to take even 1 photo in this temple) and say good bye to this temple, we are leaving in 5 minutes. This was all I needed to run back to the altar room to say good bye to Isis and to thank Her for the blessings that I just had received from Her. 
Again, I was alone inside the temple, between the huge pillars, looking in the distance to Isis' sacred altar and feeling so much in love and grateful to Isis, who before this morning I had never met in this lifetime. Then the miracle happened .....I saw in front of my eyes, between me and Isis' altar, an egg fall from the large emptiness of the altar room, and a small bird flew out of the egg. To my amazement the egg fell at my feet, broken in 3 parts; I could not believe what was happening ...I picked up the small egg and I touched inside and it was still all wet from the birth of the little bird ....I looked up to see if there was a nest, but there was only emptiness. The egg did not fall from a nest, it just felt from the empty space .....I looked again to Isis' altar and then I heard the Goddess speaking to me,  again ...simple and profound words that came straight into my soul ...."This is my promise of Eternal Life, this birth has happened so that you will always honor Life" ....then silence. I heard again my guide calling from far away "Sister "and I walked out of he temple with the egg in my hands, holding it as you hold your most precious treasure, feeling in a state of bliss and peace that I would never have imagined possible.
After many hours I felt normal again and looked at all the photos that people had taken of me praying at the altar and with the egg in my hands ...some of which are featured here. The next day, I received an email from a Swiss friend with an article about Isis and her connection with the egg symbol. I could hardly believe it; never before had I heard about Isis and her connection with eggs.
So my friends,, I hope you enjoyed this story that happened to me a few days ago at the Temple of Isis during my amazing journey to Egypt with Adventurous Spirit Travel and Crotalo Sesamo of Damanhur. But most important, I hope that you can hear Isis' message in your heart and honor Life, knowing that the Great Mother loves us and is always there, full of compassion for each one of us.
Maria Angelina Ataide, Founder of Piracanga, an amazing eco-village in Brazil: