From the Desk of Bob Simmons,  Executive Director 
 It is back-to-school time for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

"For many children, particularly those entering CMS for the first time in kindergarten, it is a time of anticipation and excitement. The future is full of hope.
"But for too many other children in CMS, particularly those returning to schools with high concentrations of poverty, it is a time of difficulty and risk. The future is full of doubt.....

This month Bob reflects on our community's opportunity to correct student assignment inequity resulting from the end of the desegregation of public schools in 2002  

"In the 13 years since our community began to implement Judge Potter's decision, an entire generation of students has had time to start kindergarten and finish 12th grade in racially-identifiable, high-poverty schools. We are about to impose on our children just entering kindergarten this year the same difficulty and risk.
"But there are signs that perhaps our community will try again to do what is right for all of our children in our public schools. Our current Board of Education has recognized the difficulty and risk faced by our children who are assigned to racially identifiable, high-poverty schools, and they have begun again to talk about the possibility of a new student assignment plan that reduces those concentrations and improves opportunity. The Opportunity Task Force is talking about these same subjects more broadly in our neighborhoods. There is an election this fall that could move those discussions forward towards action."
Read the full article

Upcoming Events
September 17, 2015
Mint Museum Uptown
You don't have to be a Mensa member - but we will test your brain power!    Are You Smarter than A Middle Schooler? is a lively event that pits teams of eight adults against each other in a fast-paced test of knowledge.   Hosted by the Young Ambassadors Group, it all helps to raise awareness and much need funds for Council programs. 

We're signing up teams for the September 17th event.  Why not gather a group of employees - or friends - and sign up to be a Table Host.  Information and registration here.  Questions? Contact Sarah Melton. 
Fall Training Sessions Begin
First Wednesdays
This series of training workshops offers parents, family members, and professionals practical information on advocating for children in the areas of special education & school discipline.  
Wednesday, September 2
Special Education Eligibility Process
12:00 noon 
Children & Family Services Center
Reservations Requested

Information at our web site
CFCR In the News
Guess who made the cover of Mecklenburg County Bar News? Executive Director Bob Simmons is featured this month. The cover story, I Love It When A Plan Comes Together, focuses on what is has been like for Bob to transition from the for-profit to the non-profit world. You can read the full profile here. 
Recent Events
Meet & Mingle
A little rain wasn't enough to deter nearly 50 folks from getting together for a mixer hosted by the Young Ambassadors Group (YAG) on August 6.  Our thanks to the good folks at Common Market for their support and for making us feel so welcome!  Our photo gallery and more about YAG can be found at our Facebook page
Client Profile: "Keith's Story" 
Holding On To Hard Won Hope 
When CFCR attorney Colleen Mullan met "Keith" he was 13 years old and had already been in and out of trouble. 

He is, according to Colleen, "a terrible criminal" - meaning he is just no good at it.  And so, he gets caught - a lot.

Over time, misdemeanors charges like petty drug stuff and shoplifting escalated into felonies. The increasing seriousness of those charges brought with them increasingly serious challenges for Keith and his family.  

We share his journey of struggle, challenge and hope here. 
Get Out the Vote - Primary Deadlines
Election season is upon us and a couple of deadlines are closing in if you wish to vote in the primary election on September 15. Primary registration deadline is Friday, August 21. The primary election is for City of Charlotte only and does not have any Libertarian or nonpartisan contests. For more resources on the upcoming NC elections, click here. You'll find links to campaign schedules, sample ballots and more. 
Lauren Lewis - Volunteer Spotlight
Mecklenburg Bar's Young Lawyer of the Year 
Meet  Lauren Lewis, an attorney with with Essex Richards, P.A. For the past eight years, she has also served as a volunteer attorney in our Custody Advocacy Program.   Recently, Lauren received the Young Lawyer of the Year Award from the Mecklenburg County Bar.

John Parker, an attorney with our Custody Advocacy Team who has worked with Lauren during her years as a volunteer, had this to say: "Lauren's work for CFCR involves advocating for the best interests of children in the most difficult of custody cases.   She handles her cases with the skill, energy, judgment, and compassion that is characteristic of her. She's a really good lawyer who cares deeply about the children she represents."

We asked Lauren about to share a little bit about herself and what motivates her to do so much for her community. You'll enjoy learning more about her here. 
CFCR Staff  Take The Stage at NACC
Each year, the National Association of Counsel for Children invites top leaders in child welfare, juvenile justice, and family law to gather together for their National Child Welfare, Juvenile, and Family Law Conference. The conference is designed to help expand understanding of child law and to provide attorneys and others practical tools to help protect the rights of children and families. CFCR s taff have been invited to present at two breakout sessions. Ken Harris, attorney, and Sara Ward, social worker, both with the Children's Defense Team will be presenting on the subject of Cyber Delinquency: Sexting, Cyberbullying and Juvenile Justice.  Attorney John Parker will present (along with Charlottean De Kirkpatrick) on The Alienated Child: How Children Contribute to Divorce Conflict.  It is great to see our staff's talents and expertise recognized and visible on a national stage. 
United Way Campaign Underway
United Way Campaign presentations are underway and as a UW beneficiary, we are asked from to time to time to join them in visiting with local companies and civic groups to share the impact that UW funding has on the work we do.  Council is always pleased to have the opportunity to support their efforts and to share our story and the challenges our children face.  For the Council, as for many others, United Way funding is critical (currently about 15% of our annual operating budget - or roughly translated, direct services for about 400 children each year ). 
United Way supports us in many ways: it provides stability and flexibility in funding; it encourages collaboration throughout the non-profit sector; it is an important resource for agencies large and small.  Your investment in the United Way is truly an investment in securing a stronger, fairer, and more vibrant community for us all. We are grateful for all they do - and when they come to you for support, we hope you will give generously.  

They'd love your feedback as well.  Click here to answer the question: "What are your aspirations for our community?" 
You must work - we must all work to make the world worthy of its children. 

Council for Children's Rights
601 E. Fifth St., Suite 510, Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: 704-372-7961