The Sisterhood News

Hands On!
Sisterhood Membership Dinner: Oct. 14 @6:45PM
Sisterhood members and new TBC members are treated to a catered supper with favors. Take some time to hang out with your temple friends and have a girls' night out.  Irresistible raffle items will be available!  RSVP by Oct 10 th to:  [email protected] 
Sisterhood Book Group Schedule 2015-16 TBC at 7:30 PM
NOV. 4, 2015 - " A Bride for One Night Talmud Tales" by Ruth Calderon
A Bride for One Night  offers a surprising and provocative read, both for anyone already intimate with the Talmud and for anyone interested in one of the most influential works of Jewish literature.  Calderon offers a fascinating window into some of the liveliest and most colorful stories in the Talmud. She rewrites talmudic tales as richly imagined fictions, drawing us into the lives of such characters as the woman who risks her life for a sister suspected of adultery; a humble schoolteacher who rescues his village from drought; and a wife who dresses as a prostitute to seduce her pious husband in their garden.
Jan. 13, 2016 -  "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah  (snow date 1/20)
May 4, 2016 - "Henna House" by Nomi Eve
Ogden House Senior Luncheon:  October 21: A MITZVAH

This is Sisterhood's oldest Social Action project . We feed about 40 seniors several times a year. You can help. Here is what  is needed: 
8 people
to prepare home-baked finger desserts/cookies (5 DOZ each)    
(Desserts may be delivered to Gladys O'Neil or Sharon Sobel the  night before or directly to Ogden House the morning of the luncheon ) 
8 people to serve and clean-up during the luncheon (11:00am - 1:00pm)   

Gladys O'Neil at [email protected]   to offer assistance.