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Seaside Yoga Sanctuary Newsletter
October 2015
In This Issue
Class Schedule Updates
Yoga for Athletes
Introduction to Ayurveda
Yoga & Meditation to Balance Chakras
Stress Workshop & Gong Meditation
8 Day Group Ayurvedic Cleanse
Restorative Yoga by Twilight
Community Drumming
Your Shoulders & You and Your Hips & You
Yoga Related Articles
Welcome Jenn Suvajac!
Hatha Yoga Flow for local charity
Birth Workshops with Monterey Doula
Donation Based Class Offerings with Kerensia
Dancing for Birth Classes!
Lucy PRO Night - you're invited!!
Yoga Teacher Training
Join Our List

On the first day of fall, my 6 yr old asked me, "So mommy, now that it is fall are all the leaves on the trees going to fall off?"  This question began our discussion of what fall is compared to the other seasons of the year.  We live by the coast, which means our fall is more mild compared to somewhere in the mountains or in another part of the country.  So we talked about how we know it is fall here, for it is noticeable.  The wind changes, the mornings are darker, there is a certain smell in the air, and yes, the leaves do begin to fall.  And it reminded me of a question he asked when he was far younger; does it hurt the trees when their leaves fall?

Nature operates in a far different way than us humans.  In nature there is a continual flow of change, it has its own rhythm, its own cycle.  Nature doesn't protest, it doesn't complain, it simply surrenders - just the like the tree surrendering its leaves.
It simply lets go.
It surrenders into darker days, life slowing - resting. 
And if you notice, each season carries its own energy, its own time of being. 

As humans we have our intellect, our thoughts that drive us into our daily being.  Our intellect can be a wonderful use for discernment and challenging ourselves, but sometimes we pay too much attention to the intellect and not enough to our own body and rhythm. 
Because it is fall, this does not mean we need to prepare to hibernate like a bear.  But fall does inherently give us quieter moments of the day that we can utilize for reflection.  Allowing ourselves to pause in those moments and turn inward.  To take that moment to breathe, and let our internal flow become more in sync with the external flow; to let go.  For too much resistance brings agitation and stress and we are less productive in those states anyhow.

As I enter into my 3rd trimester, it is ever more noticeable that these last few months are the transition into the next phase of motherhood; the active preparation for the birth of our child.  But there is also space to reflect on my path of motherhood so far and to be fully present in noticing where I need to ground myself to stay in sync.

Let us not be hurried all the time.  Let yourself slow down in these darker, quieter moments of the day.  Let this space ease you not just transitioning into fall, but to continually ease you into all of the transitions in your life.

With love and light,
Laura McKinnon

Class Schedule Updates
Just a couple small changes to our schedule this month:
  • We welcome Jenn Suvajac who joins our teaching team!  She will be teaching in the Seaside studio Hatha Flow Yoga classes for all levels.  Mondays, 9:30-10:45am and Thursdays, 12:00-12:50pm
  • Terri Holley returns to her class this month!  Yoga Flow Mondays and Wednesdays in PG, 8:00-9:00am and Thursdays in Salinas, 9:00-10:00am


  • 4 Week Beginners Flow Series with Kerensia.  Mondays, 7:00-8:00pm  Dec 7th-28th
**We had a GREAT time at our annual beach party - SYS celebrating 8 years!!  Thank you to all who came, both in person and spirit.  We are blessed to have such a wonderful community.  Please enjoy some highlights in this video below!**
Yoga for Athletes
Saturday, Oct 3rd  1:00-3:30pm 
with Gabriel 
Seaside Studio

An ideal program for Cyclists, runners, competitors, weight lifters, and manual laborers~
This program will help us learn to keep our competitive nature out of yoga practice and enjoy some time to stretch, breathe, and relax. 
We will also tone the limbs and core gently but the emphasis will be on releasing the muscles and softening the mind. Whether you're an athletic personality or some one who just wants to stretch and chill, this program will leave you feeling educated and extremely calm. 
Yoga is one of the greatest tools for restoration and recovery~ I look forward to seeing you there so we can build toward our greatest potential. 
$40 early registration/$45 day of
Click Here to Register

Gabriel has been teaching Yoga since 2001 and has been an endurance athlete since 1996~ his practices are know for being to perfect balance of ease and challenge and he is equally skilled at movement and alignment. 
Introduction to Ayurveda
Sunday, Oct 4th  2-4pm 
with Connie Mardon 
Seaside Studio

Ayurveda, the science of life, is based on principles of nature. Discover your body type and how to live a healthier life based on co-existing with your environment.
If you have heard the word Ayurveda, but don't really know what it is, this workshop is for you!  Also if you have some knowledge, but want to gain more insight into your true nature, this will only enhance it!

This workshop will break down the mystery of this easy, but in-depth healing system.  The five element theory and the three basic mind/body types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha (also known as the doshas.)
Discover your prakruti or dosha mind/body type
Panchakarma: What is this mysterious cleansing ritual?
How you can renew your body and keep it healthy by adding a few simple ayurvedic techniques, known as Dinacharya. 
$20 early reg/$30 day of 
Yoga & Meditation to Balance Your Chakras
Friday, Oct 9th  7-9pm
with Helen Lynch (MediYoga)
Pacific Grove Studio 
Our Chakras interact with our central nervous system and each Chakra is associated with an endocrine gland. By balancing your Chakras you will indirectly balance your hormonal system.  "Feel your body becoming a Golden Temple for your soul"
We will conclude the 2 hour workshop with an . amazing and energizing Gong Bath
The Workshop is held on our luxurious imported Kundalini Wool Mats by Helen Lynch IAYT800, RYT500,  Educational Director MediYoga USA  Certified Gong Yoga teacher.
Cost: $30
Click Here to Register

Stress Workshop with Gong Meditation
Saturday, Oct 10th  12-2pm
with Helen Lynch (MediYoga)
Seaside Studio 
Stress always starts in the brain, even though you feel it in your body. The body is designed to handle stress for short periods of time but when stress becomes chronic that's when it harmful. For many people stress has become a way of life. Using Medical Yoga with its therapeutic approach where postures are done in a slow and controlled manner has been proven to have a great impact on stress.

The Yoga postures will prepare your body for meditation. People who meditate experience lower levels of anxiety, anger, depression, and tension, and meditation can also be a supportive practice for those who have experienced trauma.  

Gong Baths are considered one of the most deeply healing and restorative meditations possible, particularly because of the deep state of relaxation that is attained in response to the sound vibrations. Gong is a healing tool for body; mind and soul at all levels. It can repair your whole system's neurons and restore their function. It can reduce stress-related problems, depression, fatigue, anger, hostility, fear and loneliness; stimulating the hormone system to a higher function; strengthens the immune system, reduces tension and stimulates blood circulation.
Cost: $30 
8 Day Group Ayurvedic Cleanse
Saturday, Oct 17th-25th  1-3pm
with Connie Mardon
Seaside Studio 
Have you ever wanted to go on a cleanse but feel you will have to drop all your activities including work?   Or maybe you feel scared that it will be too hard and you will be starving, and you might give up right in the middle.   These are some of the reasons people shy away from taking the time to rid their bodies of excess ama.  Ama in Sanskrit means toxicity.   According to Ayurveda, ama can also permeate the mind and the body.  In this day and age where pollutants are abound and stress is prevalent, we need to rejuvenate and reset our bodies and minds and start from scratch.  How about setting a new baseline for starting new and enjoying a strong digestion once again?

This will be based on the principles of Panchakarma, an ancient healing cleansing ritual from India.   It is affordable, yet a very powerful way to re-balance your body and most importantly, calm your mind.  And the great news is you can do your regular activities on it too!
Cleanse Includes:
  • Two group meetings: Oct 17th, 1-3pm & Oct 25th, 1-3pm     (both meetings held in Seaside studio that includes a yoga class)
  • 3 Yoga Classes for Detoxification & Relaxation
  • Daily Email Reminders
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • On-line Group Forum
  • Some dietary staples provided

Cost: $129 before Oct 10th/$139 after

Register Here 

Restorative Yoga by Twilight
Saturday, Oct 17th  7:30-9:30pm
with Jeannie Walker
Seaside Studio

Cozy Up and Snuggle with yourself! 
Release tensions, stress and anxiety from your body and mind.  Restore your body and mind from the inside out with supported and therapeutic yoga postures while lying down plus guided breathing.  Reconnect with your happy, relaxed, and authentic self! 
*** Early Registration Special ***  $30 per person, $25 student/military/senior, $50 for two or $35 at the door
Register Here for Early Single
(Please call the studio for discounted registration.  899-9642)
Community Drumming for Wellness
Saturday, Oct 24th  7-9pm
with Amelia and Cathy
Seaside Studio 
Join Music Therapists Amelia Chapman and Cathy Rivera in 2 hours of group drumming. Group members will explore facilitated drum experiences, mantra work, meditation and sound work, rhythm games, and improvisation around themes intended to creat e connections, reduce stress, and support wellness in our community.
No prior experience necessary- all drummers, dancers and listeners are welcome. We request that children attend with a responsible adult.
Some instruments will be available, however please do bring any personal instruments you would like to use.

$10-20 Suggested Offering
For questions or more information, please contact Amelia: amelia.voiceyourheart@gmail.com
Your Shoulders & You and Your Hips & You
Sat & Sun, Nov 7th & 8th  1:00-3:30pm
with Sean Haleen
Seaside Studio 
Your Shoulders and You (Saturday) 
Find clarity about your shoulders! Learn how to strengthen them, release them, and use them to enliven your yoga practice. This workshop will be informative and fun. We will examine how the shoulder girdle works in a variety of poses including a foray into some inversions and backbends. All levels welcome from beginner to teacher!

Your Hips and You (Sunday) 
Tight hips is something a lot of us can relate to. However, we're increasingly seeing hips can be overstretched in people who practice yoga a lot. How do you keep your hips strong and healthy but release tightness as well? This workshop will help answer that for you and will include a fun, full spectrum class that is appropriate and helpful for both beginners and teachers alike.
Cost: $30 each workshop (or $50 for both) -
Register Saturday Only
Register Sunday Only

Sean Haleen (500-ERYT) is a celebrated Hatha yoga teacher and practitioner. Sean has practiced and studied yoga asana and philosophy since he was just a child. He began teaching in 2007 and since then has taught over 10,000 hours of trainings, workshops, and classes. Sean, now residing in San Francisco, is associate teacher training director of Yoga Tree's teacher training program and has taught in their 200 and 500HR trainings since 2012.
Sean's classes are noted for their humor, depth, and precision. Focusing on alignment, students wishing to learn about their bodies and the different concepts of yoga philosophy in detail will enjoy his public classes, workshops, and trainings.
Sean has taught yoga to a variety of people including high schoolers, homeless groups, recovering drug addicts, and queer youth. He deeply enjoys using his teaching for good causes and has taught at numerous benefits and fundraisers.


"The leaves let go, the seeds let go, and I must let go sometimes, too, and cast my lot with another of nature's imperfect but tenacious survivors." ~ Robert Fulghum