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I don't recall a workplace violence event that has received as much attention and which has generated as much anxiety as the recent shooting of the television reporter and cameraman in Virginia - not even Sandy Hook. There are probably several reasons for that, but for whatever the reason, our phone has been ringing off the hook, with requests for interviews from various media outlets (maybe partially because it involved members of the media).
I always try to carefully avoid making assumptions, and most importantly, implying blame, based on the limited data that we receive from a recent news story.  That being said, this has given me a chance to beat the drum that I usually beat, and to address a subject that I do not believe is discussed enough. This is the primary theme of the book that I am currently writing: that our entire thinking about workplace violence needs to be recalibrated. We are so busy trying to discover a single cause or solution, such that we often miss the forest for the trees.
We are using this issue of the newsletter to reprint an opinion piece that I wrote for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, in hopes that it furthers the conversation that I believe that we need to have in this country. For access to the article, click here. Otherwise, we have also reprinted the article below. 

Marc McElhaney, Ph.D.
CEO, Critical Response Associates

Re-Think Workplace Violence
We have witnessed yet again another tragic workplace violence event with the recent deaths of the television reporters this past week. There will be many pundits over the next couple of weeks who will attempt to answer the who, what, and why questions - and try to assign blame or attribute this to a specific cause, that will allow us all to get back to work.
The bottom line is that human behavior is complex and difficult to predict with much precision. And I am stating this as someone who has handled thousands of these kind of issues, as a threat assessment professional and workplace violence specialist.  Read More  

Pre-Accident Investigations (Podcast Series)

Also, to hear Dr. McElhaney's recent interview on the Pre-Accident Investigations podcast series, go to:

In the News
OSHA has updated its Guidelines For Preventing Workplace Violence manual for the healthcare and social service industry.
Marc and Brian on Previous Habitat Build

Thanks from Marc and Brian

 On another note, thank you all who contributed to our Habitat for Humanity campaign. Because of your generosity, we were able to raise the required funds to help purchase materials and to support the infrastructure to build homes in earthquake-ravaged Nepal for the annual Jimmy Carter Project - and my son and I are off in November to help with that effort.

It's still not to late to contribute.

New Employee Awareness Training Video

.... coming soon!


We are just now in the process of wrapping up production of CRA's new and improved Employee Training Video, that should be completed and available in a couple of weeks. Like the previous version, which is currently being used by several companies, this can be customized to be organization-specific. The message is the same, but the quality has been updated, and with changes that make it more interesting to the average employee. Once we have the final version, we will set up a website for your review. Stay tuned...



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