February, 2016 - In This Issue:
NEW CIO.com Blog The Legal Side of Tech

I'm pleased to announce the launch of a new blog on CIO.com called The Legal Side of Tech. Starting February 1, 2016, the Blog will investigate trends and issues in technology and legal developments affecting a business. 

I welcome the submission of any person or company who may benefit from an interview that could be turned into an article/blog post.

Check out what's new online at our Blog, adlerlaw.wordpress.com.

To learn more about Legal Developments affecting your industry, click here.


RSAConference USA 2016
San Francisco, CA February 29 - March 6, 2016

From health apps to mobile devices to utilities, as more services gather and share location data, FTC, lawmakers and privacy advocates have identified location as particularly sensitive because of the types of data collected and risks to people, systems and privacy. This presentation covers the latest issues in security, privacy and regulations, with an eye toward developers and IT managers.

Illinois Health Information Management Association  -  63rd Annual Meeting
Tinley Park, IL April 28-30, 2016

In most industries, services have gone digital. In healthcare, the rush and success of digital healthcare services like Telehealth and mHealth are raising concerns about HIPAA and related privacy and security issues. This presentation will discuss the changing nature of the legal and regulatory landscape with a focus on working with physicians. It will address issues in marketing, like the changing use of technology in content, social media, email, online scheduling, and customer-oriented services, as well as compliance risks for providers, patients, and third-party service providers delivering  services .


Focus | Vision | Perspective | Passion
Executives face a confusing and dynamic set of challenges ensuring their business remains legally compliant. Yet few can afford the highly-qualified and versatile legal staff needed to deal with today's complex legal & regulatory environment.
Adler Law Group was created to provide clients with a competitive advantage by enabling them to leverage their intangible assets, ideas, creative content and proprietary business information, in a way that drives innovation and increases the overall value of the business.

(866) 734-2568 | [email protected]