November 2015

Is your printer printing printer
blank tickets?
Does your seating plan have anplan à at the end of each row?   
We know this is caused by Windows and it merely a display issue. However, it can be annoying and confusing, so here is how to fix the display. 
Please update your Wintix on a regular basis!wintixupdate
It is crucial that you update Wintix on all workstations at least once a month.
  • Make updating a recurring event on your calendar.
  • To update Wintix, go to Help | About Wintix and click the "Download update" button.
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Center Stage Software

1191 Luxton St.

Seaside, California 93955






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Center Stage Software
New Wintix user tutorial on the Help Desknewuser
finger-keyboard.jpg Got someone new in the box office who needs to learn how to make a sale in Wintix? Want to brush up on how to add shows, season tickets or create important reports?
Our Help Desk has a New Wintix User Tutorial that covers all the bases.

Class starts here! 
Please make a habit of checking your credit card logs cclogevery day!
Have you ever had an angry patron complain they bought tickets online, but you have no record of their purchase? Maybe their shopping cart timed out and they didn't realize it. Or maybe their internet disconnected briefly. Now you've got an upset person for whom you need to scramble to find seats.

You want to make people happy, and there is one simple thing you can do every day to prevent this situation.

Check your credit card log. Every day.

If you get a receipt in, but you get no receipt from Webtix, that is a red flag for you to check the credit card log both in's website and in Wintix. You can catch these incidents immediately and respond proactively.

Learn how to use your credit card log to reconcile transactions.  
Achoo! It could be a virusvirus
Recently, one of our customers was having trouble emailing from Wintix. After a bit of investigation, we discovered their computer had a virus that was wreaking havoc over the whole system. They needed to have it cleaned out professionally or get a new computer.

Unfortunately, viruses are part of our lives.

There are a number of ways to eliminate the threat (install NoScript, use a different computer for banking, don't go to "those" kind of sites, do not open email that is unexpected, do not click on clickbait, and so on). The problem is that we do not like those kinds of restrictions. We like the freedom.

Viruses are the price we pay.