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Hilchos Brachos 52 (page 160)
מאמצע סעיף א ומכל מקום עד סימן נג סעיף ג

Reciting Birchos Hashachar at Night Prior to Going to Sleep
Reciting E-lokai, Neshama After Sleeping During the Day
Responding to Kadish or Kedusha in the Middle of Yishtabach

Reciting Birchos Hashachar at night prior to going to sleep
Ideally, all of Birchos Hashachar should be recited prior to davening Shacharis. Otherwise, they should be recited before the end of zman tefilla, although b'dieved they can be recited until chatzos (noon). (See below regarding the beracha of E-lokai, Neshama.) There is an opinion that they can be said after chatozs until nightfall, and -- according to some - even until going to sleep at night. One should not object to those who rely on the latter opinion. According to all opinions, someone who is so tired that he is falling asleep may no longer recite the beracha of hama'avir sheina. This can be compared to someone who ate and did not bentch until his meal was digested; such a person can no longer recite Birchas Hamazon.
( סימן נב, סעיף א, ס"ק י, וביה"ל ד"ה כל; וראה ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 9)
Reciting E-lokai, Neshama after sleeping during the day
If E-lokai, Neshama was not recited before Shacharis, according to some poskim the obligation is fulfilled with the beracha of Mechaye Hameisim in Shemoneh Esrei. It is proper for a person in that situation to specifically intend not to be yotzei E-lokai, Neshama with Mechaye Hameisim so that he will be able to recite the beracha after Shemoneh Esrei. B'dieved, if he did not have the correct intention he may still recite the beracha. To eliminate any doubt, he should sleep a little before saying the beracha. This takes into account the opinion of those Rishonim who hold that the beracha is recited after sleeping during the day, an opinion that is generally not reflected in psak halacha.
( סימן נב, ס"ק ט וביה"ל ד"ה ומכל )
Responding to kaddish or kedusha in the middle of Yishtabach
There are fifteen praises of Hashem in the beracha of Yishtabach, starting with shir ushevacha until berachos v'hodaos. Some opinions leave the words berachos and hodaos off the list and count only thirteen praises. These praises should be read as one list (but not necessarily in one breath), and interrupting them in the middle is considered grounds for Divine punishment. One who must respond to kaddish or kedusha in the middle of the praises should repeat them from the beginning after responding.
( סימן נג, ס"ק א; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 5-6)

  • Somebody who comes to shul after the minyan has started may omit some parts of the tefillos in order to say Shemoneh Esrei together with the tzibur. When very little time is available, he should try to say at least the berachos listed below and Baruch Sheamar, Ashrei and Yishtabach before beginning Birchos Kriyas Shema. If there is even less time, he may recite just the berachos of Al Netilas Yadaim, E-lokai, Neshama and Birchos HaTorah before beginning Birchos Kriyas Shema. He may omit Baruch Sheamar, Ashrei and Yistabach, although some say that it would be preferable to daven alone rather than omit those. If time does not allow for even the proper recital of Shema, it is preferable that he daven alone without catching up to the tzibur.
  • The exemption from reciting the full pesukei d'zimra applies only if there is no possibility of davening with a later minyan or if a person risks missing the zemanim for Shema or Shemoneh Esrei.

  • If the minyan has not arrived by the time the tzibur completed pesukei d'zimra

  • Donning tallis and tefillin in the middle of pesukei d'zimra

  • Appointing a disabled chazan

