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What to work on this week...
We know that this week has been a busy one for all of you (with the kids out of school, Canada Day falling mid-week and the fourth of July this Saturday) but that is all the reason to continue working on your internet marketing efforts. Your customers and potential customers have more time to sit by the beach, read your tweets and plan their next golf outing!

Time Saving Tips for Twitter...

1. Use timers. We know, we know, we have said that timers should be used sparingly and that tweets are meant to be done in real time. But you have a lot going on at your facility right now that deserves promotion and setting up promotional tweets on a timer is OK. Just make sure to add some value and some live tweets in-between.

2. Stockpile good photos. When you are out on the course or walking around the facility snap a bunch of great pics. This way you have a stash of photos that you can use on twitter and other platforms when you sit down to set up your timed tweets. You do not need to run outside to snap a pic each time you want to say something. Photos also make great content when you are too tired to come up with something witty to say.

3. Target your streams. In a recent blog post we discussed using Hootsuite to set up streams to follow. Now is the time to really target these down to your most active customers and potential customers. We suggest focusing on your location and the word golf and paying less attention to other streams until you have more time.

If you are not already using Hootsuite for Twitter you should give it a try. The scheduling feature and publisher tab make timed tweets a breeze to set up and review. And the multiple stream view allows you to follow your most important feeds easily. Hootsuite is free for basic users. If you have more than one user at your facility there is a Hootsuite Pro version starting at $9.99 a month that you can try for free for 30 days. This is the version that we currently use. You can add up to 10 team members (for a fee) on this plan.

If you have questions about twitter and/or using Hootsuite for your business send us a tweet @CKGolfSolutions or give us a call at 604-506-2226 anytime.

Customer Service at the Next Level
As regular Marriott customers we are really loving them right now! Their use of technology to enhance the guest experience appeals to us and we always like to watch and support brands that are consistently trying new things.

Marriott has been upping their customer service game all year. In October they added futuristic phone and tablet charging stations in their lobbies. In May Marriott added a Text the Front Desk program to their mobile app and this month announced a partnership with Netflix. While these services are all currently US based it is their innovation in the area of customer services that is worth watching.
Social Media in the World
Today - June 30th, 2015 - is Social Media Day. The day was launched by Mashable in 2010, for people around the world to reflect on the ways social media and digital innovation have changed our world.

When you post today include #SMDAY and follow the stream to see what people around the world are saying.


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CK Golf
1208 - 1529 W Pender, Vancouver, BC