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Hilchos Brachos 53 (page 164)
מסעיף יא עד סעיף טז

Drawing Out the Words of Tefilla
Serving as Chazan in a Shul with a Different Havarah (Pronunciation)
Can One who is Vision or Hearing Impaired Serve as Ba'al Korei?

Drawing out the words of tefilla
It is disgraceful for a chazan to draw out the words of davening with tunes to display his voice or musical skill. If he sings the davening out of joy that he is privileged to serve Hashem through his voice and davens respectfully, he is praiseworthy. He must be careful not to drag out the tefillos in a way that they become a burden on the tzibur. He should not prolong the tefillos even if the congregation appreciates his singing. The tunes should not alter the pronunciation of the words, alter their meanings [through improper grouping, spacing, repetition, etc.], or cause people to respond A men at the wrong time.
( סעיף יא וס"ק לו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 44)
Serving as chazan in a shul with a different ha'avarah (pronunciation)
According to some poskim, a chazan whose native ha'avarah is different than that of the shul in which he is davening may use whichever pronunciation he likes (with the agreement   of the congregation). Other poskim require that he daven with the shul's ha'avarah , but if there is concern that doing so will cause mistakes, it is better that he daven with his regular pronunciation. A third opinion requires the chazan to recite chazaras hashatz in the shul's ha'avarah, and a fourth opinion does not allow the chazan to deviate from the shul's pronunciation at all. The final opinion recommends not serving as a chazan in a shul whose ha'avarah is different than one's own so that one can daven in his accustomed ha'avarah .
( ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 45)
Can one who is vision or hearing impaired serve as a ba'al korei?
A blind man can serve as chazan. Some poskim prefer that he should not be appointed as the chazan for the Yamim Noraim unless he previously held the position [when he could see]. A blind man cannot serve as ba'al korei because the words must be read from the sefer Torah. He may receive an aliyah, but preferably not for parshas Zachor or parshas Parah. Someone who is completely deaf cannot serve as either chazan or ba'al korei, but the tzibur fulfills its obligation if he fills either of those capacities. Someone hard of hearing may serve as chazan or ba'al korei.
( סעיף יד, ס"ק מא ו־מב, ושעה"צ ס"ק לח; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 49 ו־51)

  • It is unbefitting to appoint a youth between the ages of 13-17 who has not sprouted a beard to be the regular chazan. According to some poskim, such a youth should not serve as chazan even on a one-time basis if there are older, qualified people available. It is permissible to be lenient and allow a youth who is an avel to daven ma'ariv from the amud.
  • A minor is not obligated in mitzvos and cannot exempt others from their obligation to perform mitzvos until he reaches adulthood. Adulthood is determined by two factors: age and hairs grown in designated spots of his body after maturity.
  • With regards to mitzvos d'rabonon, there is a chazakah that assumes that once a child reaches the age of thirteen, he has attained adulthood even if it is not established that he has produced the proper hairs. This chazakah cannot be relied on for mitzvos d'oraisa.

  • Appointing oneself as chazan

  • Can an individual block the appointment of a Rov or chazan?

  • Why a ger may recite the words 'Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers'
