A Hand Up...
Not a Hand Out

March 2015

Lazarus Caucus Mix and Mingle
Thursday, March 19th
Dimitri's International Grille

The ultimate "friend-raising party," Mix and Mingle, will be held on Thursday, March 19 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at Dimitri's International Grille, 2205 Frederick Road, Catonsville, with free admission and free parking.   


You won't want to miss this fun and exciting way to see some old friends and meet new ones who all care deeply about the homeless in our community and the guests of the Westside Shelter.   Co-sponsored by Dimitri's, Mix and Mingle, is an evening of fun for everyone - raffles, prizes and 20% of your dining check on March 19th goes to support Lazarus Caucus when you mention Lazarus.  The evening will feature guest bartenders, Councilman Tom Quirk, politician and attorney, Rick Martel and Pastor Dave Asendorf of Salem Lutheran Church who will partner-up for some friendly tip-raising competition.  

Please pass the word and come on down to Dimitri's! 






Save the Dates
March 19, 6-8 pm -
Mix and Mingle

Dimitri's International Grille

We welcome Councilman Tom Quirk, Rick Martel and Pastor Dave Asendorf -

Celebrity Guest and Bartenders!!!!

2205 Frederick Road, Catonsville. 

Prizes * Raffles 

All proceeds go to support Lazarus Caucus. 

Please pass the word!

April 8, Monday -

Lazarus Caucus Meeting
Call for details - 410-707-3433


April 9, 6-8 pm,Thursday - Birthday Bash at the West Side Shelter

Thank you St. Charles of Brazil for hosting!

Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate! 

(Ages 18 and up only please.)


April 16, 7-9 pm Thursday 

Catonsville Women's Giving Circle 

Mount de Sales Academy 

Annual Grants Showcase, meet the 2014 grant recipients 

and learn more about the valuable work they are doing in the community.


September 26, 2015, Saturday - Annual Silent Auction and Fund Raiser

Please Note the New Date!!!! 



A special thanks to the churches and organizations in our community who help support Lazarus Caucus and the needs of the homeless and underserved.

Let us know about your special event so that we may share it with Lazarus supporters. 


Thank You!

Thank you Catonsville Women's Giving Circle for inviting Lazarus Caucus to participate in the Annual Grant Showcase.

Thank You Dimitri's!

Lazarus Caucus would like to say "Thank you!" to Dimitri's for hosting our Mix and Mingle.  We truly appreciate your support!


The worship-time presentation and meeting with the Mission Committee of Immanuel United Church of Christ needed to be rescheduled as a result of inclement weather.  We look forward to rescheduling in the upcoming weeks.

Food Gleaning Ministry
Many thanks to Trinity United Methodist Church who provides the space and manpower to store and distribute hundreds of pounds of short-dated and ready to use food and vegetables gleaned from area stores. These food items are sorted and then taken to the Westside Shelter.  

Easter Egg Hunt 

Salem Lutheran Church is reaching out to the guests of the Westside Shelter during the Easter Season by providing Easter Eggs filled with treats. 

Birthday Bash


The Trifecta of  Celebrations


A Birthday Bash

            A St. Patrick's Day Celebration

                        A Jam Session with Band & Dancing


All of this and so much more was experienced at Westside on March 12th!


Bless the Gentle Men of Westside for tolerating the presence of 8 volunteers from St. Mark Social Justice Committee. Some guests, still eating their dinner, watched as St. Patrick's Day and Birthday decorations were hung; tablecloths placed; balloons affixed to chairs;  and, candy, cakes, ice cream and refreshments readied to for THE GRAND CELEBRATION!


And then it was time...we offered a moment of silence...to give thanks, but also to extend our sympathy to Mr. Jon Brown for the passing his sister.  Bless her, BLESS HIM and the staff  (Ms. Parker) who help 'orchestrate' the party.!


Complete with Birthday candles and the birthday song....we celebrated March birthdays but more so the uniqueness and special gifts of every man at Westside.  We distributed cards and small gifts...for some, their first presents marking their presence, their bravery!   


Party food and refreshments were provided and enjoyed by all while Ms. Vicki and "Dave and the Crew",  provided a sundry of fantastic, "be happy" music resulting in dancing, singing, and just feeling good!



To the on-looker it appeared rather chaotic! Some men - coming in from work were eating  dinner , while others were having a second piece of cake; some were sitting and chatting with St. Mark visitors while others be-bopped to the music.  It was a party,  Spirit filled,  a Celebration of Life!



Eileen (Birthday Bash Hostess)

Bus Tokens and Underwear???


What do bus tokens and underwear have in common? Plenty. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings each week Lazarus Caucus volunteers settle into their Resource Room routine.  Shelter guests have already signed up to meet with Lazarus and get the supplemental help they need to put their life together in 90 days or less as deemed necessary by the mandate of the Rapid Rehousing Initiative. 


The requests that come through the Resource Room range from clothing (yes, new underwear) to help with getting ID's but the number one need is for bus tokens.  Why tokens? Imagine that the entire contents of your life is able to fit in a backpack. The good news is that you are at the shelter. Food, a bed, shower and bathroom.  Now the bad news.  Imagine that you need to put your life together in 90 days or less! This includes finding a job, a place to live, getting medical care, visiting agencies and on and on. Without transportation or the ability to get around, you are limited. 


Bus tokens are  the item most requested from the Resource Room.  We get clothing donations to stock the clothing closet and volunteers to run the center, but we need the public to support the new clothing items and transportation needs of the men.  People are not one size fits all and clothing donations don't always match up size-wise with the guests - underwear is always new and shoes need to be purchased as donated shoes usually don't have much life left in them. Sometimes we need to purchase items for a particular demand. Lazarus Caucus focuses on A Hand Up, not Hand Out and makes every attempt to match needs with requests.

Help us meet these needs.


Lazarus Caucus Recognized with 
Official Citation from The Maryland General Assembly

Delegate Jay Jalisi presented  Lazarus Caucus with a Citation of Recognition from the Maryland General Assembly.  The presentation was made at the First Annual Community Assistance Network Volunteer Appreciation Dinner held February 19th.




Discover Ways You Can Help!

Join the network of dedicated volunteers whose goal and purpose is to make a difference in the lives of the homeless and underserved. Your support counts!


Andrea Ratajczak, 
Executive Director


A Hand Up - Not A Hand Out