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Number 5March 26, 2012
Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Howard County

Just Say KNOW:



KNOW the W's:

Who they're with

Where they are

What they're doing

When they'll be home




KNOW what is being said in Howard County: 


Your brain knows how to balance a natural high.  You will never hear "That movie was so funny last night, I'm hungover."


Matt Bellace PhD, Motivational Speaker & Comedian



Even good kids make bad decisions. The more kids understand possible
consequences, the higher the chance they might think about those consequences as they make decisions. Awareness is key.






I recently had the opportunity to attend an HC DrugFree event, and it was one of the more powerful drug prevention programs that I have ever attended. I strongly encourage parents and their children to participate in these educational and prevention programs. We are very fortunate to have a program such as this in our community; it has made a difference in the lives of many of our youth and families.


James LeMon, Principal

Wilde Lake High School



Howard County Teens are Saying:


"If kids are drunk, they're more willing to try other drugs and bad stuff."


"I think kids drink so much because of stress about grades." 




KNOW what High School Seniors get for FREE in OC. 


click here
Upcoming Events

March 2012


"Senior Week"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 7:00pm

Wilde Lake High School

James Rouse Theater

more info


"Senior Week"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012, 7:00pm

Mt. Hebron High School


more info


April 2012


Branded DUI

Thursday, April 12, 2012

7:00 PM

Glenelg High School

Media Center

more info  


HC DrugFree Teen Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting

Monday, April 16, 2012

more info


National Take-Back Initiative

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Several Locations around Howard County

more info


May 2012


HC DrugFree Teen Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting

Monday, May 7, 2012

more info


June 2012


Howard County Men's Health Fair

Saturday, June 9, 2012,

10:00am - 2:00pm

Howard High School
KNOW Where to Volunteer

The Howard County Cancer and Tobacco Coalition is looking for teens and adults to join their coalition.

Next Meeting: April 5, 2012 at 6:00 PM

Location: Howard County Health Department, 7180 Columbia Gateway Dr., Columbia 21046

For more information or to RSVP, please contact:

Lisette K. Osborne, Director of Nursing and Bureau of Family Health, Howard County Health Dept. at 410-313-6167 or

Join Our Mailing List


Like us on Facebook

Become a
of HC DrugFree 
 for as little as $25 for an individual, $50 for a family or a non-profit, $100 for a business.


Become a


of HC DrugFree

for as little as $500.


KNOW What to Expect


"Senior Week: Staying Safe in

Ocean City"


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Wilde Lake High School

James Rouse Theatre




Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Mt. Hebron High School



Many Howard County high school seniors participate in the Maryland tradition of going to the shore for "Senior Week". Having so many unsupervised teens in one place can lead to dangerous situations, risky behavior, and trouble with the law.

Before deciding whether or not to permit your child to go to Ocean City for Senior Week, find out the facts. Listen to an Ocean City police officer offer advice and expertise to keep your child safe. Parents are encouraged to bring their high school senior to this informative program.


Guest Speaker: 

Howard Caplan, Ocean City Police Officer. 


Co-sponsored by the Wilde Lake HS PTSA, Mt. Hebron HS PTSA and HC DrugFree


KNOW What is Coming Up
Branded D.U.I:
Teen Drinking and the Law
Guest Speaker: Judge William Tucker
Howard County Circuit Court Judge, 5th Judicial Circuit.

Thursday, April 12, 2012, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Glenelg High School Media Center

A must-see film for parents and students, "Branded D.U.I" profiles 11 Maryland young adults who were convicted of DUI-related charges, and who discuss how those charges affected their lives.  The film includes the stories of two young drivers who caused fatalities, and also explores other consequences of alcohol-related accidents.  After the film, Judge William Tucker will lead a discussion on underage drinking in Howard County and answer questions.

Admission is free.  Additional details are available at

Sponsored by Glenelg High School PTSA and HC DrugFree.

KNOW the Dangers
Spring Break Horror: Binge Drinking Death
Experts Eye Energy Drink in Girl's Death
KNOW the Cost 



KNOW the Winners!

HC DrugFree has partnered with the HoCo Film Festival.  Teens were invited to create public service announcements focusing on combating underage drinking and drug abuse, youth binge drinking and accidents involving youth and alcohol. Winners were announced on Friday, March 23rd.  Each of the two winners for the HC DrugFree category won a $50 VISA gift card.


The winners are:

Juliana Natoli and Kendall Hawkins from Howard High School.  Congratulations!

KNOW the Ways to Help

kids yellingHC DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council provides the youth perspective on teen use of alcohol and other drugs to the staff and Board of Directors of HC DrugFree.  This teen input is used to increase the effectiveness of HC DrugFree's programs, resources, website, and other services.  The Teen Advisory Council is composed of Howard County high school students (public, private and home schooled) who meet monthly throughout the school year.


HC DrugFree is a Howard County nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the Howard County community to raise alcohol and drug-free youth


Meetings are held one Monday a month - the next meeting is April 16th.

5:30 - 7:00 at The Barn (Oakland Mills Village Center)

5853 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD 21044


Free pizza and refreshments are provided.

Check the HC DrugFree website for details.


 KNOW the Risks



 Contact us at for a free copy of one of these brochures.

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443-325-0040 (puede dejar mensage en espa�ol).