Dates to Remember:

May 28th -6:30 pm Analog - Formation Mtg

June 6th - Safeguarding God's People

Sunday Services
8:30 am
Rite I
In the Chapel
(no music)

10:30 am
Rite II
(with music)
In the Nave

Church Office
Monday - Thursday
Hours: 9:00 am to 
2:00 pm
The Midweek Connection
May 28, 2015

Inside this Midweek Connection:
  • Legend of the Pelican
  • Giving blood
  • News from the Atrium
  • Candidates for new Presiding Bishop submitted
The Christian Legend of the Pelican

One of the oldest of Christian symbols, the pelican has been seen as Christ wounding himself for a sinful world. 

We now have a pelican here at Resurrection. Wait and see where it turns up next.





Everyone who donated blood at our March drive is eligible to give again through May 30. But if you donate after the 30th, you will not be available for our July drive. The exception would be if the blood center calls you with a bona fide emergency, but this does not happen often. So if you want to make God smile, give blood at the Blood Center during this special time in thanksgiving for all your blessings.


Visit the Central Texas Blood and Tissue Center, 4300 North Lamar, or one of the Blood Centers at Round Rock and South Austin. Call 512-206-1266 for information on hours and addresses.


Your Brother in Christ,


Dudley Baker


News from the Atrium

Hi, folks,

I do plan to have the atrium open for children this summer.  Regular time 9:15-10:15.  Let's take a break from Level I at 8:30 for right now.

If the Doodle poll works, hopefully we can identify 2-3 Sundays this summer, where parent assistants (old and new) can get their own formation with me in that lovely space, and feel more equipped to help the children out.

Carry on below...

I would like to invite you to the Doodle poll "Atrium Assistant - How To Sessions."

Click here for link

Please follow the link in order to participate in the poll:



Candidates Submitted for Next Presiding Bishop
The nominating committee has submitted the names of four candidates for the office of the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. The new Presiding Bishop will be chosen at the General Convention on June 26th. You can see a photo of each candidate and read a brief biography of each by clicking on this link: 

Wednesday Bible Study Continues

Wednesday morning Bible Study continues at 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Genuine Joe's Coffee House at 2001 W. Anderson Lane. Our intrepid Bible scholars are now completing their study of the Books of Kings, and will soon begin the Wisdom Literature.
Lost & Found
This lost earring was found after church on Sunday.

If you have the mate to it, please call the church office (see the phone number above) and we'll make arrangements for you to pick it up. 
Music for May31st:
Lay Ministry for May 31st: 

If you are unable to fulfill your lay ministry, arrange for a substitute and let Marty in the office know of the change by noon on Thursday before. 

First Reading:  Isaiah 6:1-8
Canticle 13
Second Reading: Romans 8:12-17
Gospel:  John 3:1-17

8:30 am Service -
Lector: Pat Mills
Psalmist: Reba Ott
Intercessor: Steffan Pilotek
Chalicist:  Helen Paulsen
Usher: Jim Ryan

10:30 am Service-
First Lesson: Helen Paulsen
Psalm: Choir
Second Lesson:  Marisol Peters
Intercessor: Tina Prikryl
Chalicists: (GC) Jon Ellis (C) Helen Paulsen
Acolytes: Holly & Charles Davis & Douglas Foxworth
Ushers: David Bryant, Richard Fromme, Joe Page
Altar Guild: Ginger Kirchhof, Reba Ott, Liz Haltom, Jeri Wines
Flower Guild: Reba Ott
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Jim Ryan/Dudley Baker
Bishop's Committee Host: Ann Harrington OO